#192592999Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:49 AM GMT

Burning Void? Must be what had everyone upset back in Derues. The Imperium might be willing to pay for a bit of help over in Kavakk. I'll think about going over later, maybe once I've made a bit of a name for myself. "I see. Thanks for the information," I say, walking off to mount my horse and ride to Faris. (Will there be any guild or faction questlines to follow?)
#192593289Saturday, July 02, 2016 8:55 AM GMT

(Aye, you can join but one guild. You can utilize the services of any.) The soldier nods as you depart, letting you once more resume your journey towards Faris. Though the rest of your ride is uneventful, you begin to notice more farm houses and foot traffic beginning to appear in the distance. Just as the sky began to turn orange with dusk, you catch a glimpse of sparkling rooftops as you see a few large towers rising in the distance. As you approach, a wall and massive city spring into view around the structure, signs of torch-lights already vaguely visible on the ramparts. "Hold." a disinterested yet stern voice calls as you approach the gate. "Please dismount and stand by for brief inspection." a full-armored guard orders you.
#192593986Saturday, July 02, 2016 9:11 AM GMT

(Only one guild? :( well, that's okay. I'll survive.) Not surprising that they'd want to inspect me before letting me into the capital, especially with this Burning Void business. Slowly, I dismount from my horse, then pull out the container given to me by the soldier from before. "I have a report from an Imperium soldier here," I say to the guard, holding the container out to him.
#192594203Saturday, July 02, 2016 9:16 AM GMT

Looking at you curiously, the guardsman takes the container and inspects it, slowly opening it and pulling out the parchment. As he begins to read the report, you notice two more guards slowly beginning to poke through your saddlebags. Before he even finishes, the two Imperials back off and nod at him. After a sigh, the guardsman puts the report away and nods at you, then digging around in his pocket and handing you a few gold Crowns. "And I'm supposed to say don't be an ass, I guess." he says with a shrug, waving you through and immediately going to the next people in line. [322 Crowns in pocket]
#192608301Saturday, July 02, 2016 2:41 PM GMT

"I'll try my best," I say, climbing back on to my horse. Once on, I ride into the city, taking in the sights for a moment. That doesn't last long though, as I start to ride through the streets looking for any sort of job postings that might be fitting for me. Bounty boards, wanted posters, anything like that. Maybe even a Guild, though I don't know if I'd be in it for very long.
#192666938Sunday, July 03, 2016 4:20 AM GMT

Riding into the city, you take in views of brick streets and alleys as various buildings and shops stood wall-to-wall. Each sign had a boldly painted images with the appropriate name often listed below, though this wasn't always the case. Turning your attention towards looking for employment opportunities, you begin scanning the storefronts until you see a large postal board sitting in front of 'The Crescent Inn', a moderate looking establishment with outside walls painted a deep blue. Looking more closely at the board, you instantly notice several writings involving Daenul and Kavakk, particularly those looking for military recruits.
#192672744Sunday, July 03, 2016 5:49 AM GMT

Joining the military isn't exactly something I want to do. From this board though, the situation's clearly desperate. I'm sure the soldier in charge at Kavakk will be willing to pay me for a bit of help. I guess, besides that, there isn't much for me to do here. I ride around the city one last time to make sure I didn't miss anything.
#192673144Sunday, July 03, 2016 5:55 AM GMT

After a few minutes of walking your horse down the main street, it becomes clear that a full sweep of the city wouldn't be possible in a day, perhaps not even two. Finding a more detailed map of the city, you see that the sections are split off into several districts. You find yourself to be in what is known as Traveler's Row, a smaller outer street of the city's circular shape. As you look more inward of the map, you see the districts becoming higher of political importance, with the three golden towers in the center making up the Central Crown, presumably where the Emperor and his council is found.
#192676341Sunday, July 03, 2016 6:43 AM GMT

Guess I'll use tomorrow to explore the city. I stop for a moment to eat a few of the crops I bought, feeding a bit to my horse as well. Once that's done, I head back to the inn and go inside, walking towards the innkeep. "How much for a room?"
#192676761Sunday, July 03, 2016 6:51 AM GMT

After eating, you stable your horse in the rather shed-like area made available, then proceed into the Crescent Inn. Immediately, the sound of music fills your ears, though the overall tune seems rather gloomy. "Fifteen Crowns for standard, Twenty-five for a suite." the innkeep, a portly Imperial male, replied to the inquiry.
#192678285Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:23 AM GMT

Don't desperately need luxury right now. Though, it's been a long time since I've had a truly good night's rest. I have a good amount of money on me right now, and I'll only be earning more in the future. I think getting all the way here from Dustarn is deserving of a good rest. "I'll take a suite," I say, handing over the Crowns.
#192679008Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:37 AM GMT

[297 Crows] Nodding, the man takes the payment and hands you a small brass key. "Last door to the left after you go up the stairs." he says, then appearing to glance to the side as he made a subtle nod. "Hope you enjoy your stay." he says politely with a bow.
#192679265Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:42 AM GMT

I take the key and follow the innkeeper's directions to my room. When I reach the door, I unlock it, step in, then re-lock the door. I take a brief moment to look around the suite before I get my armor off and climb into the bed to sleep for the night.
#192679320Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:44 AM GMT

#192679501Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:47 AM GMT

Upon entering your room, you find a bowl of fresh fruit awaiting upon the center table, accompanied by what must certainly be a fairly cheap bottle of wine. On the far side of the room, you notice a desk with a large window looking out onto the streets below. Going straight for the bed, however, you dispose of your gear and climb into the rather large piece of furniture. Frost Thaw 21st, 5A 117
#192679916Sunday, July 03, 2016 7:55 AM GMT

Once I wake up, I spend a few moments lying on the bed. Soon enough, I get up and take one of the fruit, eating it as I peer out the window. This is a large city, so I'll want to be efficient in finding a bit of work here. I can probably ask the innkeep about that while I'm eating breakfast. I get my equipment back on, then head downstairs to sit at the counter in front of the innkeep. "What do you have for breakfast here?" I ask.
#192680346Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:03 AM GMT

"We've only got eggs and boar bacon until the next shipment of meat gets hauled in." the same man from last night responds. "Suite room, right? Three Crowns for you, if you'd like a plate."
#192680478Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:05 AM GMT

Wonder if he's the only one working here. Has he been awake this whole time? "I'll take a plate and some water," I say, handing over three Crowns. I wait for my meal before I speak up again. "Know of any people or guilds offering work?" I ask once I have my food.
#192680893Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:14 AM GMT

[294 Crows] After setting the steaming plate before you, the innkeep scratched at his stubbled chin for a moment as he pondered the question. "You can always go over to the Magistarium if you're one with a talent for magic. You'll see the area marked by a silver tower, though hidden by the Crown at this angle." After a short pause, he also adds "Plenty of sellswords have been heading east to Kavakk, including members from the Sect of Sellswords; They have a guild hall here in the city, if you're looking to join them."
#192681235Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:21 AM GMT

"I see. Thanks," I say, eating my meal as I ponder what to do. Not sure the Sellswords interest me too much. I don't feel like I need to join a guild to do what I've always been doing. The Magisterium, on the other hand, could be a good place for me to head to. I could actually learn something useful from there. I hope what magical capability I do have is enough to get me in. Once I've finished my meal, I step outside and collect my horse, mounting it and starting to head to the Magisterium.
#192681494Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:27 AM GMT

Nodding, the innkeep collects your key and wishes you a safe travel as you departed. Following his direction, you deduct that the Magisterium must be on the eastern portion of the city, if the golden towers were indeed hiding it from you. Within about ten minutes of casual walking down Trader's Row, you begin to notice a smaller silver tower protruding above the city in the distance. Using the new beacon, you begin to follow short side streets and alleyways in order to reach your destination sooner. Before long, you see you silver tower looming before you, a smaller wall circling around the tower, a large gate resting before you.
#192681729Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:32 AM GMT

Seems like a nice place. Hopefully they won't ask me to pay any kind of membership fee. I hitch my horse somewhere nearby, then approach the gate and attempt to pass through it and on to the Magisterium building.
#192682072Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:40 AM GMT

As you approach the gate and attempt to push it, you notice your palm instantly throw back as if hit by a gust of wind. Upon a second attempt, you notice a guard looking and you and shaking his head. "Side building, over there." he says, nodding towards what appeared to be a small house built into the side of the wall. "Talk to the Magistrate to gain entry."
#192682282Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:46 AM GMT

What a bother. Wonder what I'll have to do to get in. Well, I'll find out soon. I nod to the guard and walk to the side building he pointed out and heading inside. "Looking to get through the gate," I tell the Magistrate inside.
#192682387Sunday, July 03, 2016 8:48 AM GMT

As you enter the small room, you find a female Imperial sitting behind a large desk, appearing to be writing on a piece of parchment. Sparing you a short glance, she speaks without looking as she pulls out a new piece of parchment. "Name?"