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#191604637Monday, June 20, 2016 12:36 PM GMT

Name: Age: Gender: D/O/B: [Reason For Transfer: A. Player Trade B.Cavs won the title C. Lebron James wins title D.other] [Last team you were a fan of: Warriors] [Are you a first time bandwagoner? If not, how long?: Miami 10-13 Spurs '14 Warriors '15 Cavs '16] BANDWAGON History stated above [How long do you plan on staying? a. one season b.length of lebrons contract c.Not sure d. until another team wins the championship] [Back up team in case of emergencies: Warriors, spurs, thunder, raptors, any top 30 teams.. thats doing good] Is your commitment dependable on a Championship? : ... noo. O.o Signature _____________ Date x/xx/xxxx
#191604691Monday, June 20, 2016 12:38 PM GMT

How everyone about to be filling out their forms

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