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#192585531Saturday, July 02, 2016 6:13 AM GMT

Somewhat recently, I started an open RP that was pretty much a ripoff of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion with large portions of the general theme simply renamed. It was my intention to slowly introduce a world based off of TES, yet different in it's own right, with each subsequent RP growing further and further from any actual game's plot. However, I ran into a slight hiccup when there was very little interest the first time around. Thus, I took no hesitation when asked to turn it into an ISRP, with hopes that I might garner interest in the basic theme through 3rd-party viewers and have better success with future attempts. Well, here I am with one of those future attempts... kind of. Since The Burning Void ISRP will be considered canon for the overall history, I can't exactly start a new plot until that is finished. (Unless I base the event around something that occurred earlier in history, but still...) Really, all I am here for is to ask where the next RP should take place in, because I want to take more time in creating the RP map for this one and make it more detailed. Below are descriptions of each area (without giving away what the plot of each area might include) as well as a link to the poll below; + Gleamvale As the name might suggest, Gleamvale is an almost unnatural region of Travina covered in large, dense thickets of forestry. Within the tallest of these forest, the Nisfur, or 'Wood Elf' make their homes and cities. + Blistrakk Home to the lizard-like Drakkin, Blistrakk is a desolate land filled with primarily charred crags and canyons due to volcanoes within the region. + Plavana Home to the fox-like Vulpin, Plavana is a large, savanna-covered region that is home to many beasts unknown to the rest of Travina. + Dustarn Home to the Sosfur, or 'Sun Elf,' Dustarn is a region similar to Blistrakk in that little to no life is readily available. Dustarn is home to the largest deserts on Travina. + Velinis An island-nation off the coast of mainland Travina, Velinis is home to a breed of human that live and breathe the sea. Many, if not all natives of Velinis often make a life off plundering ships unfortunate enough to venture too far into the Sapphire Sea. + Ice-Maw Mountains (Or more specifically, mostly under them.) One of the last yet oldest races to emerge in Travina were the Donin, or Dwarves, of the Ice-Maw Mountains. While the Donin have always had a slight presence within the mountains, a majority of their society can, in fact, be found beneath the surface. Poll: http://www.straw [There's a space here.] poll.me/10644513
#192647815Sunday, July 03, 2016 12:02 AM GMT

Bump So far it's Blistrakk or the Ice-Maw Mountains. Would like no responses, though.
#192648941Sunday, July 03, 2016 12:17 AM GMT

I like you Benzo.
#192650386Sunday, July 03, 2016 12:35 AM GMT

"Somewhat recently, I started an open RP that was pretty much a ripoff of The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" I love you benzo. [2] To be honest, I never played and probably never will play Elder Scrolls, but I like open world roleplays.
#192651572Sunday, July 03, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

Uhh... Well thank you for voting?
#192658992Sunday, July 03, 2016 2:32 AM GMT

Wait... 'Would like no responses though.' 'No responses'... Wtf, how does 'more' become 'no'?? I hate my bloody phone.
#192673637Sunday, July 03, 2016 6:03 AM GMT

I'll probably just do first to 5, or highest beyond that if a likely tie should happen. As it stands, Velinis and Blistrakk are both in the lead which, interestingly enough, are the two that probably most represent areas I am familiar with. (Blistrakk is somewhat influenced by the drabness of Morrowind, and my idea for Velinis is if Skyrim was more like Skellige from the Witcher series.)
#192823792Tuesday, July 05, 2016 12:22 AM GMT

Eh, last bump. I'll just choose/go based on results after the festivities tonight. Looks like it'll be Blistrakk.

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