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#192814144Monday, July 04, 2016 10:26 PM GMT

With my recent suspension i'd like to apologize to the league for my wrong doing, it's in the past, and you cannot change the past. I'd like to start the apology to all of the board of directors for having them to take their time dealing with this entire case, and for any of the board of directors I insulted those mainly being LebronieJames, and generalfolley. While i'm sure many are happy about the folley situation he still was an active board of director member who helped with the league a ton his attitude wasn't the greatest which i'm sure many can agree on, and others shouldn't look at him so bad. LebronieJames is one of the most reasonable board of director members whenever it comes to his work he has his weird moments, and i'm sure many may look to him to be as immature, but he's truly one of the most mature bod members who is easy to consult with whenever it comes to league business, and is very helpful in the league helping with things such as cap this season, hiring referees, putting the names in the admin list which some may look past his work. so to wrap everything up I apologize for this incident I created, and of course i'm sure i'll be laughed upon due to this incident, but the past is the past, and I choose to not look back, and regret what could've happened.

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