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#192815686Monday, July 04, 2016 10:45 PM GMT

Currently the public opinion of why the clan world has shrunk, gone sour and has over all ended with the failure of no level of "fun" is because everyone is working towards nothing but a win. There's a mentality within our brains that is a reward factor and though it could easily be filled by, killing a player and moving up or capturing the terminal for X time these things aren't filling the needs of your reward factor. With the mentality to win should actually what it is, in the past we still wanted to win but we had role play and more immersive game play as the community was younger and capable of imagining things as a battlefield. I personally never had this feeling but I enjoyed raiding back then as much as I do now if my reward factor is filled. MMOs use the same idea, they give you new loot every so often from a new enemy, they are a bit different but over all the same. The same idea can be thought of from the bases we create, bomb moving, terminal set, roll back etc. The ability to do this is overall easier but if it's not the reward factor is not filled for either the Raiders or the Defenders.

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