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#192818956Monday, July 04, 2016 11:26 PM GMT

This is your Vault's (Vault 73's) G.O.A.T. Test, as the title does quite well point out it is otherwise known as the Generalized Occupational Aptitude Test. You're now old enough and required to take this test! Read the questions below and then fill them out and send it to a Vault-Tec Representative+! ___________________________ 1. You are approached by a fellow resident who just so happens to be a child who soon after pulls out a pocket knife and says, "Give me all ya got!" What do you do? 1. Report the child to the nearest security officer. 2. Slap the child. 3. Disarm the child. 4. Scare the child away. 2. You're friend invites you over to play and as you arrive he hands you a handgun and tells you to shoot him. What do you do? 1. Shoot him. 2. Give the nearest security officer the handgun. 3. Tell him to do it himself. 4. Keep the handgun for yourself. 3. You are heading to your quarters to find a fellow resident holding another resident at gunpoint! What do you do? 1. Help the resident being threatened. 2. Attack the criminal of course! 3. Watch. 4. Get a guard. 4. You have been bitten by a radroach and radiation has entered your body! A mutated leg begins growing out of your head! What do you do? 1. Amputate the leg before it gets any worse! 2. Get to the medical room. 3. Shoot yourself. 4. Hope to god it's a hallucination. 5. You are wandering around the vault and notice the vault door has opened and only you know. What do you do? 1. Notify the overseer. 2. Wander out. 3. Tell everyone. 4. Panic. 6. Congratulations! You received the job you wanted! Surgeon! What would you prefer to study? 1. Neurosurgery 2. Pediatric Surgery. 3. Oral Surgery. 4. Cardio thoracic Surgery. 7. You approach a vault doctor who you soon realize is insane! He then shouts, "I'm going to put my acacia cultriformis in your glossopharyngeal cavity!" What do you do? 1. You say, "I'll bet you will bud." 2. You say, "But that will cause my buccal cavity to have extreme exsanguination!" 3. You allow him to do whatever he just said. 4. You beat the insane man up. 8. A vault surgeon approaches you and says, "May I perform a esophagectomy on you?" What is your response? 1. You say, "Is that not one of the most difficult and riskiest surgeries ever?" 2. You respond, "Sure!" 3. You say, "No thanks pal." 4. You walk away.

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