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#192886495Tuesday, July 05, 2016 8:51 PM GMT

In the midst of the ‘Atlanta Crisis’ a group in Hawaii had undergone its rise to power, using the current focus on Atlanta building themselves up as mechanics and handymen. Good people willing to do simple jobs at a fair price. Composed of odd balls and good people, the kind of people you’d find working in hospitals or in a small time mechanic shop. The growth was naturally easy and steady due to the decline of the Sand Sharks and other powerful people that sought to bump out people like CC, however due to the natural rise of smaller gangs Coastal Crew had to adapt to sell and modify things for said gangs. However, CC tends to be very secretive with the way they operate–Or how they do anything for the most part. Some people even like to think that Coastal Crew is a dummy corporation gaining revenue for something else, this is a plausible theory due to the sort of ends they have at their disposal. Being confident in your power to strike a deal with gangs and hostile bandits is a trait only someone with the same power would exhibit, or someone with a deathwish. Coastal Crew’s actual face is a mercenary group of anonymous mercs, used for getting high value parts and by trusted clients. So in short not many know this side of CC, not even their customers. While both sides of Coastal Crew are actual running and operating companies, the mercenary side can only be accessed through it’s highest and most respected members, considering some of the crew don’t even know CC’s mercenary side. Either side of Coastal Crew supports each other via revenue from repair / modification services or through mercenary work. While CC’s mercenary division is small, it has a lot of skilled members. From Ex-DEcorp to Sandshark guerilla fighters, Coastal Crew’s mercenaries are a unit to not mess around with. The year is 2096, Hawaii has since become a more suitable place to live with the decline of Sand Shark activity along with USCPF and CDF activity, most of Hawaii’s populus is comprised of civilians and normal survivors. This lead to natural power being taken, the Sand Sharks were pushed out in place of new gangs such as the ‘Rip Reds’ and the like, likewise another group of civilians took their shot at this new fortune however. Their names being; Haytham Kaine, Evan Eldridge, and Jerry and Dan Foster. The four had ties to the criminal underworld of Hawaii before things became as dull as they were now. Seeing the rise of activity however of new gangs had given a new opportunity with little fruit to grab at without special means. The special means were taken as a dummy corporation, the first spec of Coastal Crews’ mark on Hawaii. The dummy corporation consisted of repairmen and some of the four who could actually repair something, since most groups didn’t consist of handymen, they were found useful for all odds and ends. Have a busted up gun? Hand it to CC, got a broken car? Give it to CC. Things worked out perfect the dummy corporation was raking in cash easily, allowing the real face of CC to conduct ops for parts and to start wars between the gangs. This gave CC a bigger presence when wars started, CC sold them guns and armored cars. Simple. However, Coastal Crew eventually became a bit too popular and the dummy corporation needed to become more plausible, through Evan Eldridge, - whose given the nickname ‘Convoy,’ - they found a crazy bat who calls himself ‘Clockwork’. The man could basically work anything, from rail weapons that are pre-war relics. To advanced engines before the flash. This allowed CC’s facade to become more of a reality, as the mercenary ops were being used as revenue for CC itself, and for parts while being supplied back by CC’s normal, repairman side. All in all they worked well for each other. Eventually they gained enough recognition that they received an odd job to provide modifications to a big tug boat, while CC had boats they didn’t have means to transfer the WHOLE operation over back and forth. With the new opportunity they just stole the boat. This allowed them to transport better goods over to Atlanta and back. There profits grew in Atlanta seeing as how CC was selling and modifying cars for cheaper prices than the rest. The operation eventually split up with higher ranked individuals sailing to both ends to see progress. (This elevated there namesake as the Coastal Crew.) However, fuel was a precious commodity. They abused ‘Clockworks’ genius to convert most engines to diesel powered engines which quickly became a running joke between all members of the crew even the uptight breakneck mercenary division. To this day, Clockwork and Dan Foster both serve as Coastal Crew’s repair service managers while Hathman Kaine and Evan Eldridge leads the mercenary side. Jerry Foster currently sits as the overwatch for both companies, handling the contracts and keeping CC a double-faced company. --- Questions? Contact me.
#192887260Tuesday, July 05, 2016 9:01 PM GMT

Instead of turning water to wine he, (Clockwork) turns dead bodies and scrap metal into diesel powered war machines.

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