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#192929051Wednesday, July 06, 2016 5:46 AM GMT

I'm writing this before s10 is even over but I wanna get this out there so that everyone's aware and comfortable with whats gonna happen. Make sure you read this all the way through so that you know exactly what I'm saying and you don't overreact. As you probably know, my dad recently had open heart surgery and is currently recovering extremely well (which is why i've been inactive). Once he is released, he'll require my assistant throughout the day and he'll need constant supervision, whether it be me or my brother or whoever. As a result, I will be much more distant once he is cleared and released. That being said, I am not resigning. What's going to happen for the time being is I'm going to have rebootz ranked up to head coach while I'm inactive. I'll still be ranked head coach or owner depending on what happens. Either way, I'll still be involved enough that if rebootz isnt your favorite person, you'll be able to get over it and still be a part of another successful season. I've asked him to respect my wishes, which means that the QB situation will not change and that core starters will remain starters when the new recruits come in. I'll make this work. Hopefully you're all on board for this, because rebootz has an uncanny ability to recruit new players to build onto what we've done here in s10. I know some of you were wanting HC but seeing how rebootz is a former head coach in this league and also is the best person to run this team while I'm gone. Either way, let's focus on in the task at hand. Playoffs are here, its a brand new season, and let's prove that we deserve to be where we are. This is not official until sometime this offseason, at which point it will become relevant. This forum is just so that when it does happen, nobody is surprised.

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