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#192993565Thursday, July 07, 2016 12:34 AM GMT

(This is the first Mission of Justice League: 2101. Join here: http://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=192779505) (How this is gonna work is it'll be a basic turn-based, similar to DND. I will tell each of you the circumstances you're each in, you will tell me your desired action. Try to read others's actions in case they're talking to you. If you're able to respond without using an action, respond to their talking.) -Eye Of Horus- You wake up on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed, in a clear white room filled with 5 other bunk beds. Above you is somebody dressed like a cowboy. -English Bill- You are in the same place. Below you is a man dressed like a Hawkman fanboy. -Enigma- You are in a similar but separate room.
#193001403Thursday, July 07, 2016 2:26 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner frowned, still bleary from his recent sleep and trying to remember where he crashed last night. Ah, that's right. He had been recruited by the Gotham-based hero squad. He swung his legs over the edge of his bunk and realized he'd managed to fall asleep still dressed like an Egyptian prince of the Old Kingdom. With a tap to his amulet, the shendyt was replaced with the too-big jeans Tanner had salvaged and a jersey from some team he had never heard of. Star City Rockets. Not very creative, in Tanner's opinion, but beggars can't be picky about who's jersey they dug out of a dumpster. Closer to being fully awake, Tanner managed to get off the mattress, groaning as his knees cracked. It was only the did he realize he wasn't alone in the barracks. A bearded man lay at about eye level, resting on the bunk above the one Tanner had previously occupied. Tanner stumbled back, unreasonably shocked at finding another living soul, and gracelessly crashed into one of the other bunks. Ignoring the annoyed voice of Horus, Tanner stilled the rocking bead and hoped he hadn't woken the stranger.
#193005321Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:18 AM GMT

(Not Gotham-Based. Also, you were most likely recruited by getting found and beaten up by robots, unless your character would actually normally agree to be part of the team.) -Eye of Horus- "You're up. Glad the tranqs still work on an Egyptian god, that's good to know. Just in case. I'm glad you went along with this willingly. Some of the others were less... accepting of the offer." The voice is gravelly and middle-ranged, and coming from inside your left ear.
#193005482Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:20 AM GMT

(Also, a COMPLETELY NECESSARY continuity change, Enigma is on the top bunk.)
#193005730Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:24 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artemis found herself on the razor sharp edge of unconsciousness, and wakefulness. She did not even bother to force her eyes open at first, instead slowly uncurling herself from the small ball she always slept in. There really was no point to immediately jump to her feet. Artie could assume that she was in no immediate danger-- in her years of experience a comfy bed rarely ended in misery. She would give herself the time to collect herself. Minutes passed, and finally the girl cracked her eyes open, rubbing any remaining weariness from her eyes. A quick look around revealed to her that she was in a rather plain white room, and she was laying on a top bunk. Her eyebrows scrunched down in a touch of confusion, but she was never one to panic-- ever if she did not remember falling asleep in this location. Her memory was never the best in the first place! No, Artie calmly took in a deep breath, eyeing any potential occupants of the room. Not... A... Soul... She leaned over the mattress to look beneath, and still... there was no one around! Strange, but she let out a shrug, and allowed herself to phase through the mattress, and drop harmlessly to the bed below. "Hello?" she questioned. Talking to a room was very logical, especially when alone.
#193006401Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:35 AM GMT

-Enigma- "You broke my favorite ones. Do you know how hard it was to find Guardian technology on Earth? It took me five years to reprogram them alone." The voice is coming from your left ear. "Well, Miss Wisp," said in a condescending tone, "Welcome to the Justice League. Don't try to phase through those walls, by the way. Nth Metal."
#193006679Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:40 AM GMT

(Ey, okay. The original summery had something about Gotham in it, though. Assume the needed adjustments exist in my previous post.) [Eye of Horus] Originally assuming the voice belonged to Horus, Tanner didn't react until it began to refer to the god in the third person. "Who are you?" He demanded, addressing the ceiling for lack of a better target. "How'd you get-- get 'n... meh head?" Tanner felt his tongue go numb and his vision blurred over. Suddenly, the ground tipped and he threw an arm out against the bunk for support. Adrenaline and drugs. Peachy. A few moments later, the room stopped spinning and Tanner was able to clear his throat. He thought he remembered agreeing to the hero squad. Justice League, did they call it? "If I agreed, why did you feel the need to traq me?"
#193007171Thursday, July 07, 2016 3:46 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- "Precaution. Had to make sure you wouldn't find where we were taking you, or try to run away. One of your team-mates was not as friendly to the offer. It's a pleasure to meet you." A door opens up in front of you in the wall,
#193008372Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:04 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner snorted and attempted to roll his eyes, only to stop prematurely when the action caused the world to tip. Precaution? They could shove it up Horus's feathered-- Angry input from the god shut down that train of thought. Rubbing the bridge of his nose to ward off an impending headache, Tanner looked up to notice the brand new hole in the wall. If he were to meet another team member, he decided, he might as well do it in uniform. In no time, his shirt was gone, though Tanner now felt safer with his sword available. Not to mention the pressure in the back of his mind from the tranquilizer seemed to disappear once he went full Chickenman. Or falcon. Whatever. He took a hesitant step towards the door. "Is this alright with you? Or are you just going to shoot me again?" He shouted upward. The question was apparently rhetorical, as Tanner began walking again without waiting for an answer.
#193008678Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:09 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- "I won't. He might." As you walk into the room, you spot a red-haired young man in an Arrow uniform. He stares you straight in the eyes and pulls out his bow. "This young man is Connor Hawke. He's here to try to kill you." He puts an arrow to his bow and aims it straight for your face. The kid begins to talk with a snarky, high-pitched voice. "Pleasure to meet you." He lets loose the arrow.
#193009428Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:21 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] If it hadn't been for Horus, Tanner would've become a sheesh kebab. The god's inhuman reflexes kicked in, guiding Tanner's hand to unsheathe the khopesh and slice the arrow out of the air, a bit too close for comfort. Tanner staggered backward, trying to get a grip on the circumstances. "Is this some kind of joke?" He asked, resheathing the blade against Horus's complaints. "I don't fight children."
#193009632Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

"You see, that's no good. That's what Jokerz are. Teenagers. And they won't be shooting with arrows." Connor continued. He pulled out another arrow and shot again.
#193009644Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:24 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artie had made an effort to talk to the room, but she had certainly not expected a reply back; at the sound of a strange voice in her left ear she let out a squeal. She would have jumped in the air a good few feet had she not been sitting on the bottom bunk-- even phasing did not help when you were surprised, so instead of flying up, her head simply hit the supports of the above mattress. This resulted in another squeal, and a few choice words directed at said supports. Artemis chose to listen as the voice prattled on, her brow raising in confusion at the mentioning of breaking some favorites. Her memory regarding whatever she had 'broken' was a tad more than fuzzy, but the information she could piece together painted a damning picture: the probable kidnapped deserved the irritation, and trouble she had caused. Not that she would ever say that out loud! Artie let out a sigh as the voice came to a stop, her hand moving to her ear in an effort to find whatever the voice was coming from. If it was a communicator, and she had reason to suspect that due to the past use of technology, she would try to destroy it. Perhaps she would throw it in the air, and phase herself through it-- that could disrupt the electrical signals. Or maybe she would just stomp on it. Either would work... That was, if she were right. "Rude," she muttered to herself.
#193009806Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:27 AM GMT

-Enigma- You can almost hear a sigh of displeasure coming out of the walls. a door appears next to the bed you're lying on.
#193010449Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:37 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] A pang of guilt hit Tanner in the stomach. He had been about three weeks into his role as a superhero when he made his first confirmed kill, and it wasn't lost on him how young the kid had been. A warning shout from the bird god brought Tanner out of his repertoire early enough to blast the second arrow with magic. He mentally shook himself, trying to get his head in the game before he embarrassed himself. Or got killed. "How old are you, anyway?" Tanner fired off another beam of light, aimed slightly towards the left of the kid's chest. If the second voice in his head wanted him to dance, then fine, he'd dance. He sent a third shot off, this time towards the right. But he wasn't going to kill a teenager because some disembodied voice said so.
#193010816Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:41 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- "Yawn. When is this going to get fun?" He runs at you at incredible speeds, eventually locking his bow with your kopesh. "I'm seventeen years old, by the way." He parries your sword away with his bow and goes in for a flurry of punches.
#193010846Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:42 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artemis was once again pleased with her actions, and she aimed a small smile at the room-- not quite sure if the owner of the voice could see it, and certainly not caring. Really, she felt a bit obnoxious... Artie did not hesitate to leap to her feet at the sight of an open door. She may not have cared to listen to whatever else the voice wished to say, but that did not mean she wanted to stay in this dreadful room. Whoever it was had managed to kidnap her, and she was not going to take the risk of phasing through the walls when he had warned her not too. She was not stupid! Impulsive, but not stupid, as she practically through the door.
#193010973Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:44 AM GMT

-Enigma- You see the fight. -Eye of Horus- A young, blue-haired woman walks into the room, wearing black.
#193011312Thursday, July 07, 2016 4:50 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner was beginning to get tired of this. He managed to block a few punches aimed towards his stomach, but was unprepared when one flew wild and caught his chin. His head snapped back, and Tanner got a lovely view of the ceiling. He didn't leave much of an opening, however, recovering quickly, and bringing his khopesh in close so he could keep using it. Tanner drove the hilt of his weapon towards his opponent's stomach, hoping he could wind the kid long enough to grab his arms and end the relentless punches.
#193012186Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:03 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artemis nearly let out a squeal of surprise as she stumbled upon a fight, but she managed to restrain herself. No! That would just not do; it would be far to... embarrassing. She managed to keep herself quiet, and instead stared at the fight in awe. It was not every day you get to observe an Egyptian fan-boy battle teenager with a love for all things leather. It dawned on Artie that perhaps she should not have destroyed the communicator... She might have received an explanation. Without any real information to react to Artie decided that her best option was to simply walk back to the first room. "Back to the prison room," she muttered to herself.
#193012435Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:07 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- You manage to grab his arms, and he is unable to move. -Enigma- A wall opens up to reveal a small speaker. "Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary. I'd appreciate it if you don't break this speaker as well... Actually nevermind. Give me a reason to beat you up again."
#193013151Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:20 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner spun, wrapping one of the kid's arms around the kid's own throat and keeping the other at bay with his elbow. Pinning the arm in place with his body, Tanner leveled the khopesh above his hold, resting it against Connor's throat in a silent bid for surrender. Despite their difference in age, Tanner was impressed to see he and the boy were the same height. A bit belatedly, Tanner finally recognized another person in the room: a woman, younger than he was, older than the kid, and with hair a refreshing blue color. He faltered for a moment, his grip relaxing when he realized how bizarre this must look. Unless, of course, she was his next opponent.
#193013371Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:24 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artemis raised her eyebrow as if to seriously question the voice's maturity levels, which could have been taking seriously had she not proceeded to stick her tongue out. It seemed like a fair reaction to her. Her reaction to the perceived threat was to stare at the wall as if she were issued a challenge. The two boys could pick a fight with each other, Artie was content to pick a fight with the voice. She stalked forward, and made an attempt to disrupt the electrical signals of yet another speaker.
#193013565Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:28 AM GMT

(Last post for the night.) -The Eye Of Horus- "Fine, you got me, I surrender. Just let me go." The voice in your ear starts talking again. "Impressive. You might actually survive your first mission. Consider yourself an official member of the Justice League." -Enigma- "Don't you even dare."
#193013927Thursday, July 07, 2016 5:34 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ The voice told her to not try, so obviously her reaction was to make an attempt. She took those words as a challenge. Artie was by the speaker now, so leaned forward to phase her hands through the material, making sure to not touch the actual walls.

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