#193165327Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:09 AM GMT

(I did acknowledge that it made a large hole in the roof and basically caused the entire floor to shatter and create a crater. At an altitude of 40,000 feet and without an open parachute, it takes a little over three minutes and the landing speed is about 110 miles per hour. Bill fell from 1000 feet, so the landing speed was 27.5 miles per hour, certainly not an atomic blast.)
#193165430Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:10 AM GMT

(Also, i'm not a fan of rewriting posts. It makes everything look sloppy. If you really thing the building would fall over, and that's fine by me, but take into account my previous post.)
#193165709Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:14 AM GMT

(He was coming in at 53 m/s (at impact), the term. velocity of a person. He fell for approximately three seconds. I assumed he weighed about 200 pounds. 90 kg falling at about 53 m/s, the kinetic energy upon impact is 133356.2 J.)
#193165852Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:17 AM GMT

(I'm his alt) (Again, if you really feel like you want the entire building to fall over, do so. Bill in my mind is around 170-175 pounds, MAYBE 177 with his revolvers and such. I highly doubt that would create the force of an atomic blast)
#193166996Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:34 AM GMT

(GOT THE SOLUTION BC I AM A LITERAL DEITY) ~~Enigma~~ Artie eyed the opening, and the warehouse far, far below. She had some experience with heights from when she grew up in Gotham-- she was so small that her only solution was often to run until the danger was gone, and more than once that had required jumping off a building, or two. Even so, the longer heights were split up by levitation, and simple wall crawling. Nothing quite similar to jumping from a jet. Still, she figured she could survive, and was going to mention just that when the cowboy just... jumped... out? She was quiet, seemingly about to say a few things in response. Nope, not the time, she thought to herself as she promptly followed his suit-- the leaving the plane part, not the jumping. She phased, of course, since a jump would have taken precious time from her, and the cowboy already had enough time. Humans-- she assumed he was human-- fell fast, and in the of chance he could survive, she did not want to watch the damage it could do to the surrounding area. That would be... well, that would be hell. Of course, falling down would require the woman to increase her own gravity momentarily to catch up to Bill-- not an easy task, but doable enough considering her abilities. Once at his level she reached for his hand. Physical contact was required for phasing, and she would need the time from the roof to the floor to stop them both. She had already slowed the two down quite a bit by the time they reached the roof, and by the time they reached the ground level, the two had stopped-- and were even floating an inch-- above the ground. "Bad idea," she muttered.
#193167221Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:37 AM GMT

(Damn. Nice one.) Bill's pistols had unholstered themselves during the fall and plopped onto Bill's head with a clink. He opted to keep them in his hands, as fighting was likely soon. The gunslinger nodded at the blue haired hipster. "Thanks. Would've been flatter than my ex-wife's chest if I fell all the way through there. Suppose birdboy and that bow and arrow buffoon are gonna come down any time soon?"
#193167697Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:44 AM GMT

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING- WHAT DID YOU DO? Alarms are going off all over the warehouse! This was a stealth mission! This changes things. Look, Scarecrow forces will be approaching in just a few minutes." -English Bill- "Okay, listen up. You have to get down there as quick as you can. You and Arrow take the roof and enter from the top floor. Clear a path for Enigma and English Bill to get out. There's a skylight up there, just get in and clear out everybody." Connor looks at you. "Okay, grappelling isn't going to be quick enough. Can I... uh... get a ride?" -Enigma and English Bill- "You two, secure the room. In the center of the room is a vault, it should be right next to you. Sensors are showing nobody in the room but they're approaching from the doors in front of you and behind you, and they're coming quick. Take them out and then I'll walk you through opening the vault." You are both in a room that's ten feet by ten feet, with two wooden double doors in front of you (N) and behind you (S). The room is made of concrete. The doors swing open. -Corvo- "Corvo, Come in. Come in."
#193168049Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

"Say, fellows, I do like a good fight, but i'm afraid I didn't follow any of what he just said. What I heard is kill everyone who comes in." English Bill spun his revolvers and pointed them at the doors, waiting for the enemies to pour in before he shot his lightning. "I haven't done this in a while... there's always a good time to brush up."
#193168373Saturday, July 09, 2016 1:54 AM GMT

His eyes flickered for a moment, and then ignited with a red glow. "Marksman's vision. Good thing I remembered how to use it. I'll drop these poor lubbers before they know what's coming." Bill fired two shots at each door, as he heard a flurry of footsteps approaching the building. "Sounds like a damn army."
#193169494Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:07 AM GMT

(Yeah, but that solution took up the majority of Artie's energy, which means she lost a good portion of her agility, and speed...) ~~Enigma~~ Artemis was glaring at the cowboy, her irritation growing when she felt an onset of sudden weakness. Damn it! She had not been forced to do a stunt like that since she was... Ah, actually, Artie was positive she had never done a thing like that. She frequently phased herself, and occasionally phased others. She jumped off heights no human could survive, but never with another person. She must have wasted a good half of her energy at least just stopping the idiot from destroying everything. It nearly gave her a headache-- oh, no. That was real. Artie was not sure how well she would be able to handle herself beyond simple phasing from now until the mission ended, and that was scary. "I hope you can defend us both, cowboy, because that little..." she trailed off mid sentence. No time for a lecture.
#193169855Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:12 AM GMT

"No need to get worried, I think I have enough in me to take these potato sacks out."
#193170002Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:14 AM GMT

-Enigma and English Bill- There's a set of heavy metal desks to the North in between you and the door. Behind you is a concrete slab about two feet tall with a vault on it. Two men, both armed with shotguns enter the front door and three men with baseball bats come in from the South. The order of turns is as follows: Bill, the men with the baseball bats, Enigma, and the men with Shotguns.
#193170244Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:17 AM GMT

(rest of it didnt post for some reason) As the groups approached, Bill jumped into the air, firing into the door marked S, the cylinders in his guns uselessly and rapidly turning as bolts of red spouted from the barrels. He landed on the ground and turned his attention to both of the doors. He barraged them both with bolts from each gun. "Hey, while i'm doing this, what say this fellow in our ear tell us just what the hell is going on here and why he couldn't have lowered the jet?"
#193170349Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:18 AM GMT

(ah crap. disregard previous posts.) "I got enough in me to take care of these potato sacks. Bill pulled back the hammer on his revolvers and fired 3 red bolts towards the men at the north door.
#193171009Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:26 AM GMT

Enigma and Bill The men with bats come five feet closer, one taking cover behind the vault, the other two trying to flank and get around. You can see from this closer angle that they are wearing cloth masks with giant black holes for eyes. There seems to be a rebreather worked into the mask. They are wearing brown torn hoodies, and leather vests over it. They're wearing steel-toed combat boots. Enigma's turn.
#193171250Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:29 AM GMT

Also, one of the hits grazes a shotgun soilder in the arm. the other whizzes past the other's head, scaring him for one turn. the third one misses.
#193171256Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:29 AM GMT

~~Enigma~~ Artie initially went still as the men ran in; she needed to make sure that she was actively going to phase through any danger. She was not going to risk being caught by a bullet, or even the bats... Once she was sure of that, though, she did not hesitate to run toward one of the men with bats. Once close, and hopefully before one could swing, she let herself go solid for just long enough to grab a hold of the bat, and phase it through his hand. She wanted a weapon.
#193171758Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:35 AM GMT

The left shotgun weilder fires a slug. He hits Bill in the chest, probably lodging in his lung. Due to his curse, he's not down, just in pain. However, he is bleeding heavily and this mission should end soon. Bill's turn.
#193171774Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:35 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] "It's like they always say: If everyone jumps off a cliff, so should you." Tanner joked. He sheathed the khopesh so he won't poke anyone's eye out. He wrapped an arm around Connor, pulling the boy over his shoulder. Grinning, he simply stepped over the lip of the hole. Tanner somersaulted twice, shamelessly showing off, before generating his wings. Translucent, golden light flashed into existence, taking the shape of a falcon's plumage. Though there was no way they would've worked under normal circumstances, Egyptian magic kept the two aloft. Gliding downward was an easy trick; Tanner had been able to do it for years. He landed on the aforementioned skylight carefully, not actually breaking the glass. The window groaned loudly when Tanner set Connor down. The sound of Bill's gunfire could be heard below. "I hope you know what you're doing, kid."
#193172479Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:46 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- "Okay. First thing's first, we'll scope out the room. Q says there's only two men in there. Looks like from here they're both very heavily armed and armed with Kevlar. One to the East, one to the West, both at the Windows. The room is thirty feet by ten feet. Double doors on the North side. My thighs, we sneak up behind them and take them out. Thoughts?"
#193172882Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:52 AM GMT

"Alright, ya upstart bastards." Bill makes a running leap and fires a volley of bolts at the shotgunners' heads.
#193173315Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:58 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner bit his lip. "Stealth has never been my specialty. Horus is more of the barging in, blades blazing type. Besides, how do we keep our entrance quiet?"
#193173398Saturday, July 09, 2016 2:59 AM GMT

-Enigma and English Bill- Because it was a running shot, you only hit the one on the left in the right shoulder. He drops his shotgun. The other is no longer frozen with terror. Your two other shots miss. You now must use a small amount of time reloading your revolver. The man who's baseball bat was stolen is very surprised and doesn't move. The one who was in cover runs towards Enigma. You now have a reasonably large bat that's perfect for you to swing effectively. Question talks through your comm. "Good job with the baseball bat. I'd advise you keep that."
#193173566Saturday, July 09, 2016 3:01 AM GMT

-Eye of Horus- "I can take out the window silently. However, we can smash it in to gain an advantage of surprise on them. Up to you."
#193174037Saturday, July 09, 2016 3:08 AM GMT

[Eye of Horus] Tanner opened his mouth to reply, but never said anything. Moments later, he sighed. "Horus wants me to smash it. If you want to open yours the silent way, go ahead. I'm sure no one will notice you after I show up."