#194277687Friday, July 22, 2016 2:59 PM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Discount Dan's Deimos Docking The Lyssa Lyssa bridge "If it weren't for me and Walter, you'd be dead right now. If Walter didn't help me fracture the old god, we would all be absorbed into some horrific hivemind. Me and Walter sent you into that cargo ship with full knowledge of lifeforms aboard. Walter and I have done more good in eight months than any two bit soldier of fortune has in twenty years. Thank you for rescuing me, Walter expresses his gratitude, too." He says, giving you an unpleasantly warm hug. He moves to leave The Lyssa. === You're swiftly buzzed once again into the back room of the laundromat === The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room Wilco looks you and the doctor up and down. "So you downed the satellite, right? I see you have our little idiot savant, but I want to know if you didn't just cheat it on me." Wilco slurs in an interrogative manner. He embraces the doctor and pets the top of his mask.
#194282384Friday, July 22, 2016 4:09 PM GMT

"The satellite's gone," I answer, remaining standing as I look at Wilco. "And so is everyone that was inside, except for him," I add, gesturing my head towards the doctor.
#194283009Friday, July 22, 2016 4:19 PM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room "Good." Wilco says, retrieving his attache case from under the gambling table. He places it on the table and opens it, showering Wilco with a blinding light. "So tell me, Renault, how are you with group operations? Teams and such." He asks, tussling with the contents of the case.
#194283468Friday, July 22, 2016 4:26 PM GMT

It's not often that I'm expected to work in a group. I've only ever done it a few times whenever I'm involved in mercenary work. Still, it's not something that's too difficult for me to do. "I manage."
#194286052Friday, July 22, 2016 5:04 PM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room He nods and continues fiddling "How about long term work? Like if I were to set you and a support team up in a house in Infinity Hill to take down an impending coup and the supporting branch of The Remnants of Greater Mankind. Or have I said too much?" He asks, retrieving a large stack of paper currency from the briefcase. Cryptic Credit, the currency of The Remnants of Greater Mankind, the ruling government in most larger Founding stations and numerous smaller stations. You wonder why you're recalling these things as if you were giving exposition to someone. You begin to think about something less stupid, like mint flavored chewing gums or peach fruit.
#194294981Friday, July 22, 2016 7:10 PM GMT

I check the time languidly and without facial expression. Should I find that noon is nearly here, I perform my morning ablutions and set off for the meeting. If I have time to kill, I can re-familiarize myself with the rest of the ship.
#194303851Friday, July 22, 2016 9:05 PM GMT

The Spider What a strange job he's offering me. How long does it take to stop an impending coup, and why is it so insignificant that he's getting mercenaries to do it? Maybe everyone else is too busy to bother. I can manage staying on a job for awhile, so long as a few requirements are met. "The pay and the house have to be good," I inform Wilco, "and I still need payment for destroying that satellite."
#194336677Saturday, July 23, 2016 4:34 AM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room Wilco smiles. "Only the finest recovered real estate, fresh from some guy with too many first names. "Will you be taking your payment in physical money or should I slap the cash in your account?" Fowler June eighth, 2160 Phobos Docking Bay Chapel Holy Bureaucracy Vessel Oble Ambassador's office The Oble was a stout vessel, featuring enough lounging for bureaucracy and enough space left for about 8 unique mounted weapons for dealing with bitter transactions. Along with the ambassador's office, there was a weapon's deck, a compact bridge, and an engine room.
#194384987Saturday, July 23, 2016 9:37 PM GMT

The Spider "Physical," I answer. I like to alternate how I receive my money. I'm still apprehensive about this real estate and team Wilco has in mind. It's been a very long time since I've lived in a house, and an even longer time since I lived with any other people. "What's the estate's address?" I ask after I receive and count my payment.
#194426199Sunday, July 24, 2016 9:47 AM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room Wilco whistles as a scrawny man with a missing ear walks up with a large bag with 'MUNNI' written on the side. He slides it across the table and shuts his attache case. "Coordinates programmed, as is traditional. Would you like your remnant gift basket or can I put it on my vast pile of the things?"
#194426290Sunday, July 24, 2016 9:50 AM GMT

The Spider "I'll take the basket," I say to Wilco as I pull the 'MUNNI' bag to me. It can't hurt to accept a gift basket from the Remnants. Might be a few snacks for me to eat on my way to whatever real estate Wilco has managed to procure.
#194429349Sunday, July 24, 2016 11:58 AM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Really Good Laundry Back Room Wilco retrieves a gift basket from under the desk, it contains a carton of granola bars, a case of fruit flavored swill, and a bunch of stupid knick knacks and objects. There's also a large badge that says 'WELCOME TO BUREAUCRACY' In molded gold and othersuch pretty things.
#194429485Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:04 PM GMT

The Spider I take the gift basket and briefly look at its contents, before looking back up at Wilco and staring at him for several moments. Soon after, I stand up without a word and head back to my ship to begin flying to the given coordinates.
#194430075Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:29 PM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Discount Dan's Deimos Docking The Lyssa Lyssa bridge The docking man gives you a strange look as you enter the docks and promptly your ship. Your total docking fee is 350 credits plus 10 credits tip for the homeless man that makes sure the large piece of metal don't get stolen, equipped with only a pipe and a forty ounce.
#194430140Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:31 PM GMT

The Spider I pay up my fees, then take a seat at the main controls. I set the skull I retrieve from the satellite down on my dash, then begin to warp off to the coordinates of the real estate.
#194430396Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:40 PM GMT

The Spider June Eight, 2160 Deimos Greater Deimos Discount Dan's Deimos Docking The Lyssa Lyssa bridge What a nice skull. PHASE TWO The Spider June Nine, 2160 Infinity Hill Recovered Real Estate Ship Dock The Lyssa Lyssa bridge You wake up to some song about killing a farmer in a cavern. Looking at the clock indicates it's 10:30. The increasingly attractive skull sits on your nightstand.
#194430489Sunday, July 24, 2016 12:43 PM GMT

The Spider I switch the clock off, then slowly crawl out of bed. I go through my showering routine, then, pull on my clothes, gloves, and jacket. Upon making sure I have my weapons on me, I head out of the ship then into the Recovered Real Estate.
#194431222Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:04 PM GMT

The Spider June Nine, 2160 Infinity Hill Recovered Real Estate First Floor Living Room In the first room you enter, there's a nice television and a couch set up, there's a bunch of boxes around, seemingly yet to be set up things. You hear muffled speaking. "I heard the front door, Carl." "Go greet the burglar with a nice warm hug, he'll be slowed down while stabbing you to death." "How nice of you." "Thank you." "That was sarcasm." "Go get stabbed already." A door on the side of the tv swings open. A lanky fellow with a large club walks out, staring at you. "You a burglar?" He asks.
#194431299Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:07 PM GMT

The Spider "No," I say, reaching for my e-dagger. "I'm helping with the coup," I inform the man with the club, "are you the only ones here?"
#194431320Sunday, July 24, 2016 1:08 PM GMT

#194433541Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:17 PM GMT

The Spider June Nine, 2160 Infinity Hill Recovered Real Estate First Floor Living Room "There's me and my associate, Carl. Other than that we have Sparks upstairs and another who's yet to arrive." The man says. "I'm Paul."
#194433679Sunday, July 24, 2016 2:21 PM GMT

The Spider It'll be best for me to at least see everyone who I'll be stuck in a house with for awhile. I nod to Paul, then walk past him to head upstairs and search around the second floor for Sparks.
#194436833Sunday, July 24, 2016 3:27 PM GMT

The Spider June Nine, 2160 Infinity Hill Recovered Real Estate Second Floor Radio Room You were drawn into the radio room by the blaring electronica. Inside the radio room is a large amount of radio equipment and computers. A man in a headset is sitting in a posh wheely chair. "And I assume you're the other one?" He asks. "I'd stand up to shake your hand, but." He says, pointing to his wheely chair.
#194437022Sunday, July 24, 2016 3:30 PM GMT

The Spider "That's alright. My hands are a little dirty anyway," I tell Sparks as I turn my eyes away from him and look around at the radio room. I suppose he'll be spending most of his time up here, seeing as though he looks so comfortable in that chair of his. I turn my attention back to him, giving him a short nod, then heading back downstairs to find a place to sit while I wait for the house's next.
#194438056Sunday, July 24, 2016 3:49 PM GMT

The Spider June Nine, 2160 Infinity Hill Recovered Real Estate First Floor Living Room You sit in one of the comfortable sofas. A blonde woman enters the piece of recovered real estate, she's wearing military gear. She looks at you. "Are you a burglar?"