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#193106441Friday, July 08, 2016 8:59 AM GMT

(Before i get into what is going on i would like to say real fast please use quotation marks to show if a character is currently speaking and please state the name of your character before getting into the dialogue Ex: Character Name: "------" . For your weapon, you may make it up, as long as it is not anything like a gun or something that is more sci-fi then fantcy, magic is most definitely allowed however. For your race you may choose, but it can not be any sort of god and or demi-god, or a creature that is immortal in any way possible. You may be a demon if you wish with that noted, you will find why that is important if you read on. Also note that this is my first roleplay Fourm, so i'm not too sure how things go on around here, so i'm just going off the roleplays i have had in games.) February 1692, you find yourself in a small, almost unknown, town in Massachusetts. The town has been know to welcome witchcraft and other forms of magic. It is pouring, Alone outside a creature sits against a wall wearing a cloak made of crow feathers, covering it's face is the beak of what can only be described as a demon bird. It was seeming to mumble to itself. (If you chose to be inside): You can barely read out what it is saying, as it's face is covered in shadows. The most you can make out is "Did you know the ra-" (If you chose to be outside and move towards it): As you move towards it you begin to make out what it is If you chose to stay away it will be the same as If you chose to be inside)saying. The creature mumbles to itself "Did you know the rain goes pitter patter" The creature then whispers something to itself "Pitter patter" From the creatures voice you can deduct that it is infact male, and from the position of the beak he is looking down and has not noticed you yet. You also notice a deck of cards next to him, On the case of the card it states "This deck of cards is owned by The Magician." The man suddenly looks up at you and would say. "Has thou' noticed my cards?" As he spoke it would instantly pop up in your head, The Magician is a legendary Arch Demon. [Now fate is in your hands, what do you do?] (To continue the story for those who chose to ignore it): As you ignored it a sudden sound was heard, presumably something hit an object in your vicinity, making that noise. You would grab a weapon near by. The creature is hidden in darkness, but it's red eyes can be seen from the darkness. It jumps at you. [Now fate is in your hands, what do you do?] (Lastly sorry if i misspelled anything, i am using my ps4 to write this and it is somewhat tough to make sure i spell everything correctly, I'll be trying to reply asap.)

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