#21398543Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:33 PM GMT

"Uh guys....." I slide a few pictures of the destroyed jail over to rozie "Uhhh, shouldnt we go tell someone or help them?"
#21398680Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:35 PM GMT

Daniel: *i throw a rock at the window only to hear it shatter* Crud!
#21399363Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:44 PM GMT

"So your little jail owning freind could be dead right now!"
#21401172Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:09 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm bored too.. But, the view is nice! Look at the ocean! I just wish it smelled as nice as it looked..." I said, pinching my nose. "The smell is too... er... pungent," I muttered. -,-'
#21403963Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:47 PM GMT

"No one cares..."
#21404429Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:53 PM GMT

(-pants-. Just finished making a thread. I made you an admin bebithetuffle) {Yuuki Sato} -,- "Alright, so what's this about a jail?" I asked.
#21404605Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:55 PM GMT

(Link plz) "Its a large asylum like jail that one of rozies sociopath freinds own, it was blown up for bio suits that were sealed their."
#21405037Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:01 PM GMT

( {Yuuki Sato} I blinked, taking in Jonathan's words. -5 seconds later-... "WHAT?!" I shouted.
#21405681Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:09 PM GMT

#21405994Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:12 PM GMT

(Wow. You post fast. It takes me a longer to do a character sheet. XD)
#21406502Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:18 PM GMT

(Reply plz. I do type and reply quickley) "Whats wrong"
#21406590Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:19 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} "Who blew it up?" I asked.
#21410022Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:17 PM GMT

Lurkers, a being made by carter, the leader, their the foot soldiers of a legion called the combine, which only a few know know that they caused this.
#21411417Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:38 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} "Er.. who's Carter?" I asked.
#21411744Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:42 PM GMT

"For years he was just a normal person,he made his first lurker, the warden of souls. He made a company called "Combine inc" he started making more and more lurkers, he turned the world to ice in order to spread the lurkers around,he then took over this entire world."
#21412378Saturday, February 20, 2010 11:51 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} "Oh..." I muttered.
#21413531Sunday, February 21, 2010 12:08 AM GMT

"Hide, you guys have been blocked by carter, if they find you alive, im dead!" I put on my combine protection unit mask and look at the guard, I push them into the hidden back room. "Hello, this housing unit is mine, no need to search." I close the door, I take off my mask and let them back in.
#21420607Sunday, February 21, 2010 2:07 AM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} "Dead...?" I breathed.
#21426538Sunday, February 21, 2010 3:43 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#21437949Sunday, February 21, 2010 11:09 AM GMT

"Combine, if they find any of you guys alive, im dead, so follow me." I put them in handcuffs and move them across the city to a lab.
#21451533Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:31 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} I looked down at the handcuffs and attempted to break free from them. "Handcuffs? I don't think that's necessary... I could just put on some disguise or something," I said. "Can I trust this guy?" I thought.
#21451715Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:34 PM GMT

"Remember, we continue this, we keep our heads" I walk them over past a checkpoint, to a large lab "This is my lab." I take off the handcuffs"
#21452019Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:39 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} "Er... ok..." I muttered. "Still don't trust him," I thought.
#21452338Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:45 PM GMT

I opened a case with biosuits "Take one if you want" I start shooting at a dummy of a combine unit(Now with red water inside) to look for a weak point.
#21452959Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:56 PM GMT

{Yuuki Sato} I grabbed a biosuit. "Who knows, I might need it," I thought.