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#193353236Monday, July 11, 2016 5:54 AM GMT

Salutations, Warband of Kellan marauders. Recently things in the group have taken a slow turn after the surrender of PP. This has been the fault of both myself and the HCOM. We have raided less, defended less, and seen less attendance. However, we are met with a new threat from Sapphire Military and we cannot let the Blood God Kellan be challenged by secular sapphire loving commies and not do anything about it! So we will be taking drastic war measures to put Kellan in it’s overall prime in time for the SM war on the 17th. If you are ready to comply 1.Put Kellan as your Primary 2.Post “BLOOD FOR KELLAN” on the group wall 3.Read the group shout at all times to prepare for new events 4.Attend the war briefing on the 13th (Wednesday) there will be 2, one at 2:30 PM EST and one at 7:30 PM EST 5. Make an outit of you in the Kellan uniform with a black head We need to turn into the war machine that Kellan can truly be if we put our minds to it. BLOOD FOR KELLAN

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