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#193438243Tuesday, July 12, 2016 5:38 AM GMT

Battle of Endor: The Battle of Endor was another major battle that took place during the Galactic Civil War. Three separate events occurred during this battle; The battle on Endor, the destruction of the second Death Star, and the fall of the Galactic Empire. During the battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance allied with the tribe of Ewoks to destroy the Death Star's shield for the Rebel fleet to engage on the Death Star. While that was in the process, Luke Skywalker finally came face to face with the Emperor, Darth Sidious, tempting him to join the Dark side. Finally, the rebel fleet would engage on the Death Star, not noticing that the shields were still up, causing them into a trap as Star Destroyers surround them, making them have no other choice, but to fight back. On the Death Star, Darth Sidious would continue tempting Luke to join the Dark side, but Luke refuses, attempting to attack the Emperor, having Darth Vader block the attack, causing them to begin a glorious duel. Luke Skywalker wasn't on the offensive side of the duel, instead, Luke attempts to reveal Vader's good side. As the rebel fleet continues battling against the Empire's trap, the Rebels on Endor finally got to the shield's reactor, and bombed it, allowing the fleet to access the Death Star. Meanwhile, as Luke and Vader continue fighting, Luke gets tempted by the Dark side, and uses his anger to finally defeat Darth Vader, leaving him unable to fight back anymore. The Emperor, Darth Sidious tries making Luke kill Vader so he can be his new apprentice, but Luke refuses once again, angering Sidious. Darth Sidious would then fire a strike of Force lightning at him, pushing him to the ground, making him suffer. Vader would get up, looking at Sidious, thinking back to what he's done in the past, finally snapping out from the Darkness, grabbing the Emperor, throwing him off a ledge, finally defeating him. Vader would be weakened from the surge of lighting from the Emperor. Vader would tell Luke to take off his mask, knowing he was going to die anyways. As Luke removes Vader's mask, he see's the true face of his father, Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi. Then, Luke would fly off the Death Star before the fleet could destroy it. Lastly, the Rebel Alliance would head to Endor to celebrate the end of the Galactic Empire, once and for all...
#193439492Tuesday, July 12, 2016 5:58 AM GMT

#193444935Tuesday, July 12, 2016 8:21 AM GMT

it's just a wall... of text...

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