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#193453130Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:49 PM GMT

So I was in a cabin with my gang thug members we were all drinking and shooting eachother but suddenly it was dark I couldent see a thing then the lights turn on its flashing in my eyes then I realise I'm stuck in a chair I'm chained I couldent move then I look up I say to myself OH MY GERD it was Sam Pepper he said you refused to do my school shooting prank then he was holding my gang members heads I was shocked he chucked the heads at me blood comes on me then Sam pepper calls his fans they grab the chair I'm stuck on then they put me near a volcano the bottoms full of lava The always chanted HEIL Sam pepper suddenly Sam pepper grabbed me off his fans then he laughed but my legs werenet tied so I kicked him he tumbled hit his fans then they rolled down the volcano at the bottom of the volcano is shark infested water Sam pepper quickly climbs the volcano while the fans get eaten soon we fight he pushed me off I fell but luckily I landed on a magma rock suddenly he jumped then we fighted Sam pepper punched me but I grabbed his hair quickly and started pulling it he was screaming like a 5 year old then I punched him in the stomach then the ribs I heard a crack in his ribs Sam pepper vomited out blood then I had my chance to push him off but suddendly there was a lava fall I then we fell but I landed on the same magma rock I saw Sam pepper rot and die in the lava but suddenly something bad happened he turned into a giant pen!s monster the tried to pee on me but I do then I went inside it I punched the inside then he died I jumped out and I was safe but when I looked up I saw the FBI helicopters they arrested me for murder I was sentenced to death row I will be hanged anyways it's my last year then next year I will be hung so I'm playing roblox in prison. This is only a joke
#193453198Tuesday, July 12, 2016 12:51 PM GMT

Guys, I present to you the official GTFO of our sub-forum song by me. *To the music of Should I stay or should I go* Darling I gotta let you know This thread just needs to go If you stay here and waste our time Nothing will turn out fine SO I HAD TO LET YOU KNOW Your thread just needs to go I'm asking please please please I'm getting tired of all these No one wants you to come back We'll beat blue and black SO I HAD TO LET YOU KNOW Your thread just needs to go If you stay there will be trouble And replying would mean double I just had to let you know To should I stay or should I go. -Written by Ryker. But really wrong sub-forum. "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft
#193492791Tuesday, July 12, 2016 10:32 PM GMT

Well you know fine I'll delete it not cuz I'm scared of you its be cuz I wasted 2 hours on the computer writing this I dident even do my homework for high school so your right
#193493320Tuesday, July 12, 2016 10:39 PM GMT

But the only way to get rid of this is sto report abuse,on this cursed post
#193494203Tuesday, July 12, 2016 10:50 PM GMT

"My high school homework"
#193494282Tuesday, July 12, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

Sorry, "my homework for high school".

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