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#193628170Thursday, July 14, 2016 3:45 PM GMT

Hellow my name is Markiplier no i'm not Marki. Im the guy who did this forum - memegeneraTOR Welcome to the my new Roleplaying forum, "Tremors". Tremors is based on Battlefield 3 Mission Operation Swordbreaker. But its no in Iraq... You'll see in story. Basicly i have problems with English (I don't even go to English class). Even if you start saying "omg lol this forum is bad i will do best forum ever" Its will be mean and rude, Really. Please people, have bit mercy and don't spam about killing me. -BACKSTORY- 2083, April 21th, 18:09. Everything is been destroyed by a 5-LEVELED Tremor what after his Destruction called "Snake Tremor", Its destroyed Tokyo, New York, Saint-Peterburg and Hong-Kong. Everything happened in 2079, March 27th, 21:03. Everything is been messed up and no one survived if only some people what are lucky... You, a brave survivor came to defend civilians, kill villians and return lives to a Japan city, Tokyo. 2079, March 27th, 21:03. This time is been called "Death snake" after a serious Tremor. Buildings is faling apart, Civilians panic, lights go off, everyone closses they eyes. After this Tremor in 4 Cities 100 Thousand people die in cities what been destroyed... - End of story- - Applications cookies - Why i called it "Application cookies"? Cause its will give you some chooses in your Application! First. Races Humans Humans its lucky survivors who survived tremors in Japan. Any of them have weapons, medical packs/kits, food, water and radio to connect any friendly survivors. The Tremor destroyed Tokyo and you have freedom to buy or get anything - no police. You can make team with other survivors and adapt to this new world Together. Advanced Robots Tokyo makes first Advanced Robots called "H-Z5-35" or known as "Humn". They are like basic robots but they can talk like human, carry weapons on hands and have companions (Drones). They are survived and escaped Lab named "MaxmiumHell INC". They have weapons on hand and companions. You can team up with them if you are Human! Advanced Mutants Tremors let Mutants escape from Very guarded vault with Mutants, Named "MaxmiumHellADVANCED INC". The Advanced factory of MaxmiumHell. Mutants have claws to attack humans and AR (Advanc. Robots), fast speed and high jump. They cant make team with humans and AR, They only can do teams with other Mutants. Milltary This is who came from Moscow. RUSSIANS. They want to help survivors and AR to escape the Tokyo and come to Russia, but they loose chance - The bridge to Tokyo is cracking, in one day he will break. Milltary is now scaried to move to Russia cause the water is radioactive - Radio-activity is been realised from Mutants Vault. SRTA SRTA translating to Speical Rescue Team Alzol. They are came to help Russians, Survivors and AR to escape the Tokyo, but in one day they ship start to sink, after 3 days its stopped sinking, no POWER in they Carrier cause the Generator room is been flooded. SRTA is having small load of soilders alive in Tokyo. Second, Starting locations. SRTA Carrier. MaxmiumHell (Only for AR) MaxiumHellUPDATED (Only for mutants) Showsek INC. (Only for Milltary) AXHell. (Only if your first character is died, Cause of thrist, food or been killed.) Street Achull. (Living area, repaired by survivors, AR, SRTA and milltary there anyone but not mutants can spawn) Tanker. Cargo ship. - APPLICATION COOKIES ENDED - - APPLICATION - Yes, we got here! Name: Race: Spawn location: Age (Don't type if you are Advanced Robot or Mutant): Bio: Personality: Weakness: Weapon: - END OF APPLICATION - - SOME NOTES - Yes i did a fake city and yes i'm not been in ENGLISH Class. But people, have mercy... So, thank you for visiting this forum, i will see your applications, BUH-BAI!
#193633929Thursday, July 14, 2016 5:17 PM GMT

The capitulation of this RPF leaves much to be wanted, that not being too quixotic, I do hope. I'm generally an apologist when it comes to foreigners in my language and I would prescribe generalizing the language you originate from to form a pidgin. Or you can go capitulate yourself.
#193642096Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:07 PM GMT

I'm not been in history class I'm not been in english class I'm not been in sciense class Leave me alone about questions like Go to school d-- kid! Lol you have 0 iq lol you have no normal speaking lolololol wow 0/10 worst forum ever Please stop. Y'all know, ROBLOX is kids game. Don't troll all, lets make roblox Betta! Don't be rude to all, cause you know, its mean!
#193642702Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:15 PM GMT

I simply request a definitive response as to your linguistic origin. I simply want to communicate more freely and without confusation.
#193644305Thursday, July 14, 2016 7:38 PM GMT

There's a very broad differentiation in understanding here, which is hampering communications.
#193649451Thursday, July 14, 2016 8:53 PM GMT

I think it would help if you used simple English. He's asking, what's your first language? ~ "Long live the purple shirt" ~
#193697333Friday, July 15, 2016 8:57 AM GMT

My first laungauge is Russian I'm not been in english class
#193697512Friday, July 15, 2016 9:06 AM GMT

from a neutral perspective your not gonna get a lot of joiners if you can't type in english well. 𝒇𝓪𝓴𝒆 𝓪 𝓼𝓶𝓲𝓵𝒆
#193707442Friday, July 15, 2016 2:39 PM GMT

Memes Is Everywhere. Well guys, You can just not look at my forums, just don't come here and everything is gonna be good. -Rekted- -TRIGGERED-
#193708828Friday, July 15, 2016 3:05 PM GMT

Name:Connor Race:Human Spawn location:In Tokyo before everything started Age (Don't type if you are Advanced Robot or Mutant):17 (Will be 18 when everything starts) Bio:He is a Student in Tokyo living a normal life. He is one of the people that has survived the destruction of Tokyo. Personality:Friendly,Silent and Nervous Weakness:Advanced Mutants Weapon:10mm Pistol,AR-15 and a Combat knife No machine should have free will
#193709121Friday, July 15, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

Dammit can I restart Name:Connor Race:Human Spawn location:Street Achull Age (Don't type if you are Advanced Robot or Mutant):13 (Will be 17 when it happened) Bio:He is a Student in Tokyo living a normal life. He is one of the people that has survived the destruction of Tokyo. Personality:Friendly,Silent and Nervous Weakness:Advanced Mutants Weapon:10mm Pistol,AR-15 and a Combat knife No machine should have free will
#193711841Friday, July 15, 2016 3:57 PM GMT

Hmm, restarting if i got somewhere 3 posts. And now i will use something better than i wanted.
#193713001Friday, July 15, 2016 4:14 PM GMT

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