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#194119125Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:21 PM GMT

Rocrap would not have removed clickbait ads if it didn't make them lose money. But the question is how were they making rocrap lose money? Why aren't clickbait thumbnails removed and the owner banned? Because those games attract the young users that waste their parents' money to win at something They're also likely to have many game passes or dev products. Microtransactions + kid with their parent's credit card = $$$$$ROCRAP$$$$$ Here's why mobile ads were removed: "This is incredibly important for our new user experience, showing new users an ad immediately causes a HUGE dropoff rate for new users, the majority of whom will never return to the product." Translation: Trash "devs" would spam video ads when a user joined and make them never come back to roblox to waste their parents' money. Roblox did not like this at all.
#194119976Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:35 PM GMT

@BothAngles At the end of the day, every company is in it for profit. But I dislike ROBLOX's way of making profit, which involves not doing certain things that the community *REALLY* wants them to do. Some examples would be: 1. Fix the stone-age engine 2. Moderate clickbait everything 3. Fix the censoring system 4. Add a way to get hats for free that doesn't involve sponsors (contests, anyone?) 5. Make the search engine actually useful (filters, search by and genre) 6. Create better events (on the scale and quality of what they used to be) 7. Add option for switching between *ALL* site layouts (why didn't they finish this?) I think if they did those 7 things the game would be way better off, and it wouldn't even cost them that much. But as you said, they're in it for the profit, and doing those things would be a waste of time in their eyes, which is kind of a shame.
#194120922Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:54 PM GMT

Well obviously companies need money There are two types of companies 1. Good guys that don't rip off their customers 2. (((Bad guys))) that do Roblox is #2 Since I can't think of a good company right now, I'll compare video games == Terraria Released in 2011 Has provided free updates for their microtransaction-free game for over 5 years Constantly on sale DRM-free version available on GOG == Cowadoody Advanced Warfare Planned DLC before game was released Season pass Rarely on sale 43 DLC items according to the steam store page Pre-order bonuses Still $60 after almost 2 years
#194121168Wednesday, July 20, 2016 3:58 PM GMT

I doubt that roblox even reads suggestions lmao. And if they do, they just ignore them completely. Why not say "No, we don't want to"? Ignoring is more disrespectful than saying simply "no" They are trying so hard to make money.
#194161442Thursday, July 21, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

Bumping this, while also mentioning that I saw an ad that literally said you'd get a free item for clicking it, and it just ended up going to a petty Tycoon game. I guess a better title would've been "Clickbait ads weren't removed, and clickbait thumbnails stay."
#194206197Thursday, July 21, 2016 5:22 PM GMT

bump (7)
#194238726Friday, July 22, 2016 12:44 AM GMT

bump (8)
#194241282Friday, July 22, 2016 1:17 AM GMT

Finally, a suggestion that's not "FREE ROBUX" or "BRING TIC BACK"! Support. Want some ice in your milkshake? | The black BadBreadMaker of RT
#197595325Friday, September 02, 2016 6:38 PM GMT

bump (9) because it's still relevant if not EVEN MORE RELEVANT, just look at the sheer amount of click-bait that has been going on for the past couple of months now.
#197597300Friday, September 02, 2016 7:05 PM GMT

#197678446Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:51 PM GMT

bump (10)

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