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#193708298Friday, July 15, 2016 2:55 PM GMT

This isn't necessarily for a roleplay, but do you have suggestions for for it? (it's not the story, it's just a little idea of it) 16 year old Daniel Anderson and his family were camping in a nearby park in Michigan. Everything was good until Daniel's father told him to get wood for the fire. So, Daniel set off. The woods in the campground were like a maze, so Daniel couldn't find his way back. He had to survive. After three days of survival, when he wakes up, he's in the jungle. It's harder to survive. The same thing happened, on his 3rd day, when he woke up he was in the dessert. It was even harder. You probably guessed it. The same thing happens. He's in Antarctica. It's extremely difficult. And on the third day, he's back o the campgrounds. But, it was like time had stopped, since his father was like "So, wheres the wood?" (lol) Feel free to be a critic.
#193709151Friday, July 15, 2016 3:11 PM GMT

What is this for?
#193709397Friday, July 15, 2016 3:16 PM GMT

a story
#193817115Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:19 PM GMT

That's a really cool idea. If expanded, it could be very unique. Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to make the plot bigger and stronger. 1. What is my main POV's (person of view) goal? Does Daniel just want to get back because he's confused as to where he is? Or is there something bigger? Maybe instead of there just being Daniel, he could be with a loved sibling. As the story progresses, the sibling gets sick, pushing Daniel and making him desperate. The goal then becomes to save his sibling, which adds a subplot to your original concept. 2. Why is Daniel being teleported everywhere? Is it because he's walked across magic tunnel or area in the ground? Is he dreaming? Is there an evil/good scientist experimenting with teleportation and Daniel walks across his test zone? Is it a strange force? While his teleportation doesn't necessarily need to be explained, if there's a reason behind it, it could help expand your plot. 3. What is Daniel's motivation? Many people remember stories because of the characters, not the setting, story world, writing style, and etc. If you build an interesting and conflicting motivation for Daniel it will deepen him as a character and create conflict for the book. What does he value most in life? His family, love, revenge, money, pet kangaroo, secret girlfriend, radical commitment to his religion, or the enviroment? It could be anything, as long as he loves it with all his heart and it spurs reasons for doing things it is a value. Find two or three values. The best would be if they are conflicting. Example: He values his little brother and his own life deeply. However, when he is thrust into the jungle with his brother and is expected to survive, he will have to choose at times whether he will support his brother"s well_being or save his own life. This will create drama and conflict. (Sorry, that was a generic example, but whatever). Anyhow, after you find two or three values you go for an ambition, which can be found through the values. If his values are his brother and his life, his ambition could be safety for his life. After ambition you have goal, which what the story is about. You find the goal through whatever will help him achieve his ambition. He's stuck out in random places, fighting for his life, so his goal (as to protect his life) would be to get back to the real world. 4. Storyline and three-act-structure are great ways to guide yourself through writing a story. I reccomend you google them because if I tried to stuff them in a petty paragraph, it would kill my brain (OVERLOAD!). Anyhow, I hope what I said made sense and helps. I really like your idea and hope you succeed in writing it. I'm reading this really cool book on how to write called, "Writing Fiction for Dummies". It's a great book. I'm still reading it and everything I'm learning really helps writing. Bai!
#196247304Monday, August 15, 2016 5:49 PM GMT

Thank you.
#196389048Wednesday, August 17, 2016 4:36 PM GMT

I had planned it to be because he walked into a magical area, but I like the science thing. Could I use? You're super creative.

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