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#193742120Friday, July 15, 2016 10:44 PM GMT

Once you finish this application please send it to any Head Of Staff+. 1) Please say, "sw4u". sw4u ##########################################################################################################3) Do you have any experience with hotel/resort groups on ROBLOX? If so, please list your position and the group name. I have experience at H a m p t o n I n n as a receptionist and Best Western on the General Communications Team. 4) Why should we hire you over everyone else? You should hire me because I am nice, kind, and I have a lot of hotel ex#########ate your activity on ROBLOX, 1-10. I would rate it about a 8. 6) Are you willing to put your time and effort into this posY######m. #########################################################################################################################################################################################################I love giving out rooms to customers! Thank you for filling out a application for Greenleaf Hotels & Resorts! We hope to see you in the near future. Remember to send this application to any Head Of Staff+.

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