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#193752568Saturday, July 16, 2016 12:49 AM GMT

The city of Dryitus was founded about five hundred years ago. There were many woodlands and some mountain chains in the area, very natural and beautiful. However, it was mostly inhabited by Magical creatures who had no interest in moving ahead with technology. Although the land was still clean and there was no construction, many of the races tended to war with each other for land and resources. On the other side of some of the mountains, however, Mainlins and other non-magical creatures were building more. They had towns and cities and they farmed, mined, fished, and began to develop social classes and politics. Eventually, they began sending out explorers and the explorers came across the Magical beings. Some Ravatsune clans sheltered the Mainlins , but wouldn't let them use and industry and politics. Eventually, some Ravatsune guided Mainlins to an open plain and stood guard around it in case. Mainlins built a small settlement, and the Ravatsune left. From there, they just kept going. They built a wall, markets, homes, political classes, and so on. Eventually, they developed a military force that protected them as they expanded their reach and made the city grand. Magical creatures began to take note of their development and some dynasties offered to help them and joined in with the city. Some, like the Ravatsune followed their own path and stayed away, but many were joining Mainlins. They called the city Dryitus. Although many dynasties had come in, there were still MANY opposing the idea and avoided them. It wasn't until the birth of Sasaka Verus, a child of a very rich dynasty. Since a young a.g.e, Sasaka was a good speaker and was rather intelligent, able to come up with schemes that could please upper and lower class, as well as other races. He could debate flawlessly and had a sense of charisma to him. Eventually, he became ruler of the city and tried to come up with ways for everyone to benefit equally. Sasaka soon left the city and began talking with the Magical creatures outside of the walls. He explained he was incoorporating magic into industry for efficiency and to preserve the nature. He left each dynasty a special offering they'd appeal to and made sure to keep in constant contact with them. Not only had Sasaka formed more alliances than ever with outsiders, many were coming into the city. It's been three centuries since he died, and he is still well remembered, and has affected the city even today. Not many years after Sasaka's Death, a major war broke out in Farfell, causing millions of lives to be lost and the town to be split apart. These two armies, of the East and West, fought for over thirty years before the war ended. The feud lasted still longer, and eventually, when the city was less than half it's peaceful population after the war ended, the city split again, making the four main parts of the city to this day. Then the predecessors to the Mainlin Guild stepped in and created the center of the city, and caused the city to join together again. Many rivalries still last, but now the Mainlin guild is appreciated for almost preventing the entire city to die. Many years later, Farfell, having been fed up with all of the violence in Dryitus, removed Dryituis from itself, and the entire country declared war. However, the current ruler, descendant of Sasaka himself, named Halogmana, was able to completely buy out most of he country, effectivly making Dryitus the only true city in Farfell. The rest of the country gave in, and Dryitus became the capital city. In recent decades, more effort has been put into preserving nature by using more magic in industry, and this has proved to be a success. A few major dynasties have moved into the city. In spite of all this good with efficiency and population, the city is riddled with mysteries and issues. More tension has been forming between the social classes, to a point where a few outbreaks have occurred. Some gangs have begun forming and causing problems for citizens, and different ethnicities. Some even go after certain races and promote rac.ism. The black market has been more active than ever and no officials have been able to stop it (the main belief is that the officials ARE part of the black market). Feuds have been occurring between some of the Magical dynasties outside, making trade harder for Mainlins trying to get into the city. In spite of all the achievments the city has had, there are still many problems.

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