#197167114Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:25 PM GMT

[sans] Megalovania begins to play as sans gives his opening attack. A large box would appear around Jacker, and bones begin to fly out of the walls of this box. Jacker's red SOUL allows him to hover out of the way of the attacks if he wishes. "so bud, what's up with you?"
#197167115Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:25 PM GMT

("Jacker" wewlad) -Origins Richtofen- "Tell me something..." Edward paused, making sure the Wunderwaffe tubes were secure. He flipped the switch, and the red lights glowed, brightening the rolm they were in. "...Why do you fight?" He asked- taking the words out of someone from another word's mouth- just before firing a shot at Jacker. *Origins Richtofen attacks via Wunderwaffe!
#197167332Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:28 PM GMT

(i really want to join this but i'm afraid i'll get rejected for bad cs skills could i just be a pokemon or something)
#197167416Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:29 PM GMT

Jacker He was annoyed by both questions and both of them only served to fuel his anger even more. "Why do I fight?! What's up with me?! You.... YOU KILLED EVERYONE! You were planning to kill me too, weren't you? Too bad it's not happening.... I will make you feel what you made everyone else feel.... FEAR." Jacker said as he dodged the bones with ease.
#197167707Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:33 PM GMT

TEAM RWBY Ruby would shoot Jacker with Crescent Rose-- *CICK* ...But it was out of ammo as soon as she pulled the trigger. So she ejected the empty magazine and instead went for another semblance-assisted speed-tackle against him. Meanwhile, Weiss made a time dilation glyph underneath Blake, who then began slashing rapidly at Jacker at a semi-close range. Yang, meanwhile, is as lividly and powerful as ever, proceeding to punching and kicking Jacker.
#197167752Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:33 PM GMT

#197167816Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

(@north, I'm relatively new to RP myself, so I suppose you can join. Just make a CS, preview and post it.)
#197167854Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:34 PM GMT

("Another word's" Damn. Another world's*.) -Origins Richtofen- "Everyone has good reason to fear ME!" He yelled, Original Richtofen-style. He decided to try to throw Jacker a hint to try and see if he could catch it. "After all, I am ZEE DOCTOR!" Richtofen yelled, complete wih a full-on heavy German accent. He took out a WW grenade and threw it straight at Jacker. If he tried to catch it, the 'nade would only stick to his hand and blow up, entangling him in webbing. *Origins Richtofen throws a WW grenade!
#197167891Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:35 PM GMT

Zoey: Latios lifted you up, no problem. He was a strong one, you can at least give him that. He slowly levitates higher and higher off the ground, trying to see whether or not your were okay with the height. Kosaku: Well, the city was noisy, much to your dismay.You might have to settle for a rather loud street cafe. Josuke: "Well, where will we find him?" Southpaw asks, just a bit of aggressiveness seeping into his voice. "We can't have him roaming the streets like this!" DIO and Jotaro: "Is that so?" Lucario tilts his head. "You're really overconfident about these types of things, DIO." He states condescendingly. Johnny: Eric seemed to refuse just from his body####g########ne. He seemed fine with running, so yeah. Danny: "Well, I'm bored, so if you guys ever want to do something entertaining, tell me." Danny semi-orders, sinking into the seat. XCOM Commander: "So would this be useless to us as well?" Dan asks, poking the block with his sword. Apoc Xenon and Henry: "How could I forget?!" Infernape berated himself as he got struck by the second attack, flying backwards into the dirt. He got up much more sluggishly this time, which meant Quake was winning. He then, rather painfully, starts using Swords Dance again. This was your chance!
#197168017Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:36 PM GMT

[sans] "heh, guess these emotional 'roots' go deep, eh?" He shrugs, giving a wink towards the angry pumpkin man.
#197168099Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:37 PM GMT

(Why are we fighting in Undertale style? I prefer it when I can freely attack and block or take my opponent's blows.) Jacker One of the Reaper Shuts that wasn't busy dealing with team RWBY shoot a beam right at the grenade, exploding it before it could get any close to the pumpkin. Jacker then proceeds to summon more Reaper Shuts, all of them aimed at a certain member of the group. "Say you're sorry, human. Say you're sorry and I will let you go alive."
#197168188Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:38 PM GMT

(Wait, forgot the RPG stuff.) TEAM RWBY *Ruby uses Semblance-Flavored Tackle! *Weiss uses Time Dilation on Blake! *Blake performs Hack 'n' Slash! *Yang uses a quick attack! ZOEY I don't feel the wind and the lifting, but I still hear it. I hold on a little tighter anyway.
#197168313Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

(Sans did it to specifically isolate you from attacking everybody at once with your gaster bl- reaper shuts and other attacks. Though if you don't like it, you could press the run away button.)
#197168335Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:40 PM GMT

(Naaaah north you'll be fine for whatever)
#197168457Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

(You could just lock him in a box and fight him, but okay. Also, I know the Reaper Shuts are similar to Gaster Blasters but sans isn't the first one to use big floating heads that fire lazer beams from their mouths as weapons. I think I remenber another character using similar weapons but I forgot who.)
#197168520Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

*Team Gold* Parso pulls up the TV. "There are tons of gadgets that are specifically for entertainment. Which one do you want?" "In ROBLOX You are no longer safe, watch as many accounts get banned." -ROBLOX CEO. https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=190899915 https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2909400
#197168605Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:43 PM GMT

(I swear sans can actually stop time)
#197168687Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:44 PM GMT

-Origins Richtofen- Seeing that throwing his identity to Jacker wouldn't calm him down, Edward tried one last card- appealing towards his conscience. He raised his hands up in surrender. "Vill killing me make you feel better? Bring back your friends? Vhat happened to the scientist and mechanic who vanted to help a group of girls find their friend?" Richtofen inquired, takingg one small step towards Jacker. "I think it is time you woke up, don't you think?" Another quote, this time from a different person. He paused, waiting to see if he would die. *Origins Richtofen is attempting to appeal to Jacker!
#197168858Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:46 PM GMT

(I'm just joking roq, calm down. We'll just say he's trapped in a box.) [sans] Sans gives a shrug, he outstretch his arm and points at Jacker, his left eye flashes. A couple of Gaster Blasters fire their beams at the pumpkin head man. He's not going full throttle like he was before, he just needs to distract him until he comes back to his senses
#197168864Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:47 PM GMT

(And void the post except Zoey's action.) RUBY She then dashed to Jacker's back before slashing him. WEISS I ran at Jacker and proceeding to fence against using my rapier, now set in ice mode. BLAKE The three clones tried to run at the Reaper Shuts and stab them as the real one continued to slash while the time dilation glyph is still active. YANG "HOW ABOUT WE CALL YOU JACK--" Before she can finish, she felt her forehead hurt a bit due to the strain the semblance is putting on her. When she recovered, she screamed, running at Jacker before uppercutting him. "YANG SMASH!"
#197168962Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

Jacker "No.... Killing you won't bring back my friends.... But it's what they would want.... Wait, how do you know about doctor Ritchofen, Ruby and the others....? DON'T TELL ME YOU WANT TO KILL THEM TOO!" Jacker said, but he began to shake once more. This time it wasn't because he was about to 'transform' but rather because he was about to get knocked down. You see, this 'transformation' of his tires him out alot.
#197169000Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

Name: Buizel Age: I don't know how pokemon age so yeah Gender: Do pokemon even have genders? If so, Male. Appearance: IT'S A BUIZEL. Species: Pokemon Personality: It's just a snappy, annoying, talking Buizel. Powers: (Should I just put pokemon moves? I think so.) Aqua Jet, Growl, Water Sport, Agility. Weapons: IT'S A POKEMON. Residential Universe: The Pokemon universe or something. Other: uwotmate
#197169248Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:51 PM GMT

(Darn, latepost.) Jacker The pumpkin was hit by all of those attacks after finishing his speech but he remained still barely flinching at all. But he was still shaking uncontrollable and walking in a rather silly way, if you can call it that.
#197169425Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:53 PM GMT

[sans] "nah, killing us won't do much. and i mean, i'm pretty dead looking already," Sans would joke, trying to bring him back with his hilarious puns. Another Gaster Blaster appears above Sans' head, letting out a beam of energy towards Jacker.
#197169458Saturday, August 27, 2016 10:53 PM GMT

(STAWP ATTACKING PLOX) -Origins Richtofen- He paused for a moment, frowning. If he worded this wrong, he was good as dead. He gestured for the girls and Sans to stand down. "The Doctor... Knows a lot of things. Maybe you are looking at this the wrong way," Edward offered. He took another tiny step forwards, then realized he looked still a bit menacing. He took all five guns- GKZ MK 3, Wunderwaffe, and ShadowClaws- and dropped them onto the floor. Keeping his hands in the air, he kicked the guns towards Jacker. Maybe he would see that they were Richtofen's weapons. "Sometimes, all you need to do is look at it from a different pair of eyes." *Origins Richtofen has disarmed himself and offers the guns to Jacker! *Origins Richtofen continues trying to persuade Jacker!