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#193844866Sunday, July 17, 2016 4:04 AM GMT

As of January 9, 2116 (8/17/16), The Brutes formerly known as apart of The Outcasts have formed a new group, The Zodiac Signs. We are declaring our independence from The Outcasts, as to remain neutral with the oncoming war with The Klaria Force. We do not mean to harm anyone in The Outcasts or in The Klaria Force, we will still operate with The Outcasts, but as an outside aide. We will not participate in any battles of the war. We send our best wishes to The Outcasts. The Zodiac Signs demand to operate independently from The Outcasts. We also demand that we are allied to The Outcasts, as to show our neutrality. We will remain in the group The Outcasts for the remainder of the war, but we will not partake in any activities. Once the was is over, and The Outcasts are still operating, we will return to the activities. We will still remain independent. Regards, Detruire, Aries, leader of The Zodiac Signs TheEvilPrinceHarken, Capricorn, Second in Command of The Zodiac Signs Hybritd, Scorpio, Second in Command of The Zodiac Alliance

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