#197749703Sunday, September 04, 2016 8:02 AM GMT

Also, spacesuit customization, possibility to make forts on planets, make crews, customize furniture inside the starships, etc.
#197756143Sunday, September 04, 2016 11:52 AM GMT

maby ad that ######### ships with ####### like look inside for rp and maby food and other props
#197756264Sunday, September 04, 2016 11:56 AM GMT

custome space siuts custome insides for ship like houses add food props add add houses for planets
#197781735Sunday, September 04, 2016 6:02 PM GMT

My list of ideas; 1.Modular spacesuit system: You can get diffrent suit modules,here are examples: Visible modules,such as the helmet,torso,arms,legs. -They don`t give special abilities like the modules do,but are fully colourable and can have their materials changed. Invisible modules,such as an undersuit armor layer,or an exoskeleton. -They give special abilities,such as the exoskeleton giving more speed and melee power. 2.Special ship class "Multipurpose" -They each can have 3 modes,with a visual transition,choosable or not,it`s up to You.Say,there is a fighter Multipurpose,it has 3 modes: 1.Speeder-Mostly relaying on speed and damage,using the run and gun tactic. 2.The Tanker-Very buff and slow,with high damage slow shooting weaponry 3.Stealth-Has a 10-30 second invisible time,depending on the level,basically a speeder but with less power and invisibility. 3.Decals logos -This one is simple,there is a place on every ship where you place a decal by entering the decal id in a window,or choose one of the premade ones. If You were to make any of these real,please,call out to me and send me a message about it. I would generally appreciate it of you took any of these ideas,and used them,even if You change them so they are totally diffrent with a tiny bit of what I told You.
#197862057Monday, September 05, 2016 2:25 PM GMT

I know get the updates soon! please your losing players so keep trying to update like every day or as often as you can! Or even advertise it!
#197878890Monday, September 05, 2016 5:45 PM GMT

Can you put this on the list, donate please.
#197947204Tuesday, September 06, 2016 12:47 PM GMT

can u please add to deep space life an a starship from star trek ### (galaxy class)
#198056973Thursday, September 08, 2016 7:36 AM GMT

@CJ_Oyer Here are my 3 ideas that would hopefully be added to Deep Space Life... IDEA 1: Could add docks so your friends can join on your ship instead of your friend jumping on your ship and doing couple of tricks to get in the Hatch. IDEA 2: More seats would be better like a viewing area on the ship in the back or a Ship that can have a second floor :P because say if you have 5 friends on the same server you would need 3 ships (First ship = 2 players and my ship)( Second ship = 4 players which is your ship) (Third ship is another one's ship that he/she controls by herself/himself or one ship has a bed) But still..Would be a good idea to me.. IDEA 3: Making our own ships would be cool like custom ships..Like so say if you found a ship that looks exactly the same as yours...If you design your own ships it wouldn't be confusing... Well that's my ideas...Hope you add them in the game!
#198061271Thursday, September 08, 2016 12:10 PM GMT

CJ, here are the ideas you asked me to post for you to use. *Note: I have talked to players in Deep Space Life servers about each one of these ideas, and many players agreed with me on these ideas and encouraged me to send you this message.* Carriers: Large amounts of health and medium firepower, and slow. Carries 8-10 fighters. You can choose to teleport or spawn at a Carrier. Battleships: Generic battleship, outrageous armament, a lot of health, and very slow. Capital Ships: Essentially a battleship crossed with a carrier. Large amount of health, slowest ship in the game. Medium payload, but can hold 4-6 fighters. You can choose to teleport or spawn at a carrier. Fighters: Small ships with pathetic health, but is the fastest ship in the game. These ships can carry extreme payloads, such as bombs and tracking-rockets. (I will get into bombs, rockets, and bombers later.) The Capital Ships and carriers will be able to launch these. The fighters are controlled by other players. The reason for the fighters having extreme payloads is that there would be no incentive to buy a Carrier or Capital Ship, as they could be simply outclassed by a Battleship. Bombers: Bombers have medium health, and are very fast. These carry 1-5 turrets, and large payloads of bombs/rockets (1-4 rockets, 3-10 bombs, or a mixed payload of 4 rockets and 6 bombs, etc.). (I will get into the bombs, rockets, and their uses later). Bombs: Bombs are exclusively used by bombers and certain types of fighters. Bombs are dropped on planets or ships. Once dropped, you click a ship in a certain space around you. (This is so that you can't destroy a ship halfway across the map). The bomb will only track towards planets once dropped and inevitably hit it's target, but to destroy a ship with a bomb, you will have to get lucky. Rockets: Rockets track their targets in a certain space around you and will inevitably hit their target. If the target leaves the given space, the rocket will go off course and explode. Rockets cannot be used on planets. Alliances: You can create an alliance and have different people join it. There can only be a max of 4 alliances in a server at one time. Once a player creates an alliance, they are given a random planet as their alliance hub/spawn. Server player count will have to be increased to make this work. Planets: Alliances spawn/own planets. If two or more alliances are at war with each other, the objective is to attack and claim the enemy's planet with brute force. Whichever faction claims all the planets, wins. Each planet will have a hub where you can buy ships and weapons, refine ores, and buy credits. You also spawn at these hubs. (More Guns and armor will need to be added for this, as well as an increase in maximum server player count). Dropships: Very fast ships with low health. These ships can carry 6-8 players, excluding the pilot. These ships are solely used for dropping players off at an enemy planet and raiding/attempting to claim the planet. Instead of grinding for each of these ships, you can buy Carriers, Battleships, Bombers, and Capital Ships with robux as gamepasses. I came up with each one of these ideas, and if used, please give me credit in some way. I am not looking for robux or a reward, although if you implement some or all of these ships, I would appreciate it if you gave me at least a Capital Ship or a Battleship :) -FedXed
#198073014Thursday, September 08, 2016 7:15 PM GMT

Add aliens that can steal your ship, and are found on planets. Also make it possible to find blocks in space and you can use them to build a floating battle station like the death star.
#198078445Thursday, September 08, 2016 8:57 PM GMT

you could add # ## ## all ship so they can pick up/mine/drive all by its self.
#198081618Thursday, September 08, 2016 9:50 PM GMT

You can add a thing where you can go super fast like 500% speed on any ship but it only ### for 5 sec and it cost 300 or more cost is up to you And make sure people cant steal ships because my friend stole my ship
#198151039Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:20 AM GMT

This is gonna be one of the worst ideas ever,but maybe a story mode? .3.
#198169688Saturday, September 10, 2016 7:28 AM GMT

Well this is a major problem...I buy a quarters for my destroyer and decided I want a medical bay too. I buy that and my quarters had gone. strange. I looked at the shop and it says I had to buy the quarters again! just what?!
#198173039Saturday, September 10, 2016 10:30 AM GMT

add builds you can build and spacesuits
#198178591Saturday, September 10, 2016 1:55 PM GMT

Add Solar Systems and Warp Travel
#198185074Saturday, September 10, 2016 3:52 PM GMT

Matthew, please add landing craft, because landing on planets is a pain. Oh, and if you can, add planets please.
#198194648Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:28 PM GMT

creator give me back my money i have 24 K i go buy new ship destroyer and i lost money !!!!! thanks for view
#198194757Saturday, September 10, 2016 6:30 PM GMT

i want my money back
#198203735Saturday, September 10, 2016 8:44 PM GMT

/\Keep wanting
#198278118Sunday, September 11, 2016 7:14 PM GMT

After the escape pod update i been finding person stuck in pod some time, but I cant really help them, maybe you could add a tracting rail, to help player in escape pod. Oh and can you add tube on the door, so we can connecte door to another ship so we dont need to land on a planet to go inside another ship.
#198305936Monday, September 12, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

VIP servers, for those moments when there's one server and someone's just killing all the ships as they leave the spawn.
#198315228Monday, September 12, 2016 5:38 AM GMT

I personally think at least Corvettes should still just "pop" when they die, but larger ships like the destroyer should have small explosions and fires, as it teeters to one side before exploding. Perhaps even debris for larger ships?
#198518554Friday, September 16, 2016 4:36 AM GMT

try to add space base building and more planets
#198551179Friday, September 16, 2016 10:56 PM GMT

What about having crews? I know it sounds(reads?) ridiculous, but iy would be very-Omega-ly- amazing. Plus new players could see what older players do.