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#194549485Monday, July 25, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

Which one was the stronger show? I would say LOK.
#194554100Monday, July 25, 2016 11:44 PM GMT

LOK's romantic subplot was no I'd give this one to ATLA in a heartbeat. "Greatman pUNCH"
#194562284Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:26 AM GMT

ATLA was great all the way through whereas LOK was good certain seasons and bad others. ATLA was more consistent with it's greatness. Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#194563740Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:45 AM GMT

Eh, LOK. ATLA was good from the second and third season, but LOK was amazing from all the seasons.
#194564061Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:50 AM GMT

LOK went total les last episode lmao Want to have a girlfriend? https://www.roblox.com/games/245890278/Buy-girlfriend
#194565678Tuesday, July 26, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

LoK second season was hot garbage
#194566345Tuesday, July 26, 2016 2:20 AM GMT

"LoK second season was hot garbage" The whole bit with the first Avatar was pretty cool though @OP, I can't really say, though LoK was worse in a lot of ways but it got a little screwed over by weird production so I kind of forgive it Personally, I'm just glad that it wasn't very similar to the first series or else it'd be the same thing all over again but with a different cast and setting
Forum Moderator
#194578523Tuesday, July 26, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

Probably ATLA, I'd say. Though Korra was pretty good.
#194578899Tuesday, July 26, 2016 5:29 AM GMT

Yeah, LOK had much more mature overtones. Plus, her bending was so beast. Since Aang was always pacifist, you never saw his agressive side until Ozai, but with Korra, she was throwing boulders out of mountains while mercury poisoned. I'd give the consistency to ATLA because LOK season 1 (eh), season 2 (nono, what happened, Nick?), season 3 (amazing amazing amazing, best one of the whole franchise), season 4 (good storyline, but no beast mode bending, more spiritual than physcial (except for that awesome tidal wave she made in the last fight)). As for the music, LOK in a heartbeat. There's no argument here. Bending? Heh, it's a toughy. I think they balance each other out; however, I do think Korra's avatar state is stronger even without her past lives. Grahpics? LOK, especially season 3 final battle; it basically felt 3D. Storylines? Personally I like switching it up every season with new antagonists, etc., but season 2 was awful for LOK. I just feel like LOK was better because they covered so many things you wouldn't expect from a kid's series, e.g. PTSD, anarchism, tyranny/totalitarianism, and a lot more. Sorry if I'm ranting, I just really love the show.
#194579068Tuesday, July 26, 2016 5:33 AM GMT

I hope they make another one. Probably will be in seven years, but I'll be patient. :( I'm guessing since ATLA was preemptively in the 1800s and LOK in the 1900s, I'm assuming the next one will be 2000s?
#194583540Tuesday, July 26, 2016 7:14 AM GMT

avatar for sure korra was bad
#194589215Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:26 AM GMT

Definitely ATLA. "The Legend of Korra" didn't get interesting until season 3, with Zaheer and the Red Lotus, and actually seeing air bending used for evil. The Last Airbender on the other hand, was great and captivated the audience throughout the series (even though I wasn't a fan of season 2, the show's plot had me interested). The again, we really shouldn't be bashing Korra, because it was suppose to be a mini-series only ending with the first season, but then it got popular, and thus it was extended. Though, I do feel the creators of Korra could have done a better job with the show. Season 1 was "meh" Season 2 was utterly boring (except for Avatar Wan's backstory, that was pretty cool). Season 3 was just perfectly executed Season 4 was just disappointing. Korra doesn't even come near to ATLA with all the flaws it has suffered.
#194594290Tuesday, July 26, 2016 1:31 PM GMT

ATLA of course. I liked LOK, but it doesn't even compare to that masterpiece.
#194606277Tuesday, July 26, 2016 5:16 PM GMT

Honestly ATLA is probably the best kids show I've ever watched. I mean, I didn't want a ton of kids shows, even as a kid, because I was always more into live-action shows and the live-action shows that were made for kids sucked. But ATLA was incredible. It took my childish attention span and was able to keep me invested for four seasons, which is something I don't think any other kids show has done for me. I also really enjoyed the themes they showed throughout the show, they were able to take more "mature" (maybe not the best word, but whatever) topics and water them down enough to be understood and enjoyed by children. The plot was fantastic. I love when there is a single antagonist throughout an entire show, if it's done right, and ATLA did it right. It was able to be both humorous and emotional, and in my opinion showed a level of depth that not enough popular children shows are able to access (again, I'm not an expert on kids shows, just speaking off of what I've seen). I feel like show runners for kids shows think all kids want is stupid humor and instant gratification plots and that they don't care/can't be invested in an actual story. That might be somewhat true, but I appreciate that ATLA was able to think outside of that box and create something actually worth watching. I just rewatched it last year at 19 and it's still fantastic. Better than some shows made for teens/young adults, even. Lobstery, God of Infinite Wisdom and Cruelty, King of the Pop Fans
#194609858Tuesday, July 26, 2016 6:04 PM GMT

Armadillo, I actually liked book 4. It was an extremely new vibe to the show.
#194611667Tuesday, July 26, 2016 6:26 PM GMT

but i think LOK definitely is stronger and I feel like i should like it better but for some reason i like atla more
#194613245Tuesday, July 26, 2016 6:45 PM GMT

Probably because ATLA was a classic and very lighthearted and fun.
#194625507Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

"Armadillo, I actually liked book 4. It was an extremely new vibe to the show." I can't firmly grasp the season. It was pretty obvious that Kuvria and her regime resembled Germany of the late 30s and early 40s, it really didn't settle in well with me, especially how book 3 ended. To me, book 4 should have continued on with the Red Lotus being the antagonist. I know Zaheer and his group along with the sentries are NOT the only members in the group. I was hoping for a much darker season where more questions could be answered, instead got Kuriva, lol. Even Tenzin did state that he doesn't know how many more members are in the Red Lotus, but they're a huge thread to world peace. Hopefully, the LoK comic books revisit the Red Lotus. They're an interesting group that we never really got to learn about...
#194626349Tuesday, July 26, 2016 9:35 PM GMT

i didn't like LoK session 2 i love ATLA for sure. how the hell do you run a big school w/ 4 teachers?
#194628354Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:02 PM GMT

Yes, season two was soooo trash. ^ Also, when I said the new vibe, I was talking about how you see the Avatar in their complete worst, something I never saw from Aang. :(
#194632268Tuesday, July 26, 2016 10:55 PM GMT

I prefer ATLA. LoK isn't that great. They should've done more with the plot for LoK.

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