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#194781109Thursday, July 28, 2016 5:01 PM GMT

(summary at bottom) Many other gaming platforms, such as Xbox, have started doing this. My suggestion is that any username of an account that has not been online in over five years should become available again for the public. If an account was not verified to an e-mail address, their username would be immediately changed (account deletion would make this easier, but I do not think that being deleted for not being online for so long is fair) to something like Roblox_Player[insert number here]. If this user was to come back to the site after the name change (which would be highly unlikely), they could use the original username ONCE to log back in, but would be immediately required to choose a new username. Users could appeal to have the original username restored. However, if an account WAS verified, they would receive an e-mail a week prior to the name change, and an e-mail 24 hours before the name change. This e-mail would instruct them that in order to keep their username, they would simply have to log back on. This would probably be a logistical nightmare for ROBLOX (I think software that can go throw millions upon millions of inactive accounts, check if they have been inactive for 5+ years, and send them an e-mail if they have one connected to the account would probably not be easy to obtain/code), but if it was possible, it would greatly benefit the community, especially new coming ROBLOX players. Summary: Change the usernames of people who haven't been online for 5+ years to something basic, like ROBLOX_Player[Numbers Here], and let the original username be available to the public. Give accounts a chance to appeal this action if they ever become active again, and give verified accounts warnings via e-mail.

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