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#194793351Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:27 PM GMT

It's a funny thing, for a show to die down. When the lights flicker and fade, and the spot-light dims to just a murmur recanted on localized televised for the amusement of the nostalgic, old, and cheap. The actors of the dead show move on, the writers fade to different skits, and the production falls to rot in some side-city back-drop. However, the memories live on- and some-where out there, so does the show. I mean, not in living in writing or in episodes, but in real life! What I'm trying to say is that the once popular Week-day night's "Who Else Lives Down There in Baker Street," Continues, and thrives, and the cast is breathing, is living! And so too are the misfortune scenarios that they have found themselves in. Same with the plot-holes, and the type-cast, and everything in-between! So much excitement in here Baker Street, so much excitement indeed. And you're about to live see them for the first time. --Concept-- You play a cast of zanny characters from a dead week-day late-night program. The rules of their universe, however, are more different to our own. Leaving the "Set" isn't really a possibility, and actually, doing so puts you in a dream-like state. You hear the laugh track in your heads as if it is normal-place, and you have a drive to learn family friendly life lessons, and tell corny, but family appropriate jokes. Other then that, you're life is what you make it out to be! However, be warned... Being cancelled or cut from the cast is worse then you think. --Rules-- Standard Roblox Rules Apply As with Stand Roleplay Rules Keep it PG (Or get cut) Write "I am laughing." in Other so I know you are enjoying your time Down Here in Baker Street Character Sheet Name: Age-range (Child, teen, adult, elder.): Gender: Description: Zanny Catch Phrase: Personality Traits (Three words that let's the audience know who you are!): Backstory: (One sentence.) Other:
#194793599Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:30 PM GMT

So this is pretty much "We Happy Few" but set in a manipulative show stage?
#194793690Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:31 PM GMT

True, true. Roughly inspired by that, and the short "Too Many Cooks," on Adult Swim.
#194793747Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:31 PM GMT

can i be arnold hot 17 teen abs mosels money rich lives in happy family sophomore smart moist 17
#194794044Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:35 PM GMT

So, you want your character to be this?: Arnold is a attractive teen from Baker High-school. A senior, he is also one of the wealthier students. Still however, he carries it deep within himself, as he has a loving, honest family. Along with this, Arnold tries his best to stay "moist," and hydrated when he is working out to get his pecks to perfection, or when he is trying to excel and be the top student of his class. Still, Arnold has a secret- he is in love with Patty, a sophomore! So much younger then him, he fears his father will want him with older women! This is satisfactory, the makers be pleased.
#194794099Thursday, July 28, 2016 7:36 PM GMT

Oh, Adult Swim is a magical place. Gotta love Robot Chicken, y'know what I mean? Anyways, I'll consider joining.
#194802847Thursday, July 28, 2016 9:12 PM GMT

I'm in Character Sheet Name: Darell Jones Age-range (Child, teen, adult, elder.): Young Adult Gender: Female Description:A short, caucasian woman with chestnut hair tied into a ponytail. She has a face riddled with freckles and has light blue eyes. Zanny Catch Phrase: El. Psy. Congroo. Personality Traits (Three words that let's the audience know who you are!): Still niave and rash, and makes most decisions based on how she feels. Backstory: (One sentence.) Darell has just finished College, and is just trying to land a temporary job. However, she probably won't get one any time soon. She enjoys reading, writing, and is trying to become an author. Other:I am laughing. (got lazy, really short)
#194806833Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:02 PM GMT

Okay, I'll have a go at this. Character Sheet Name: Jamie Peterson Age-range (Child, teen, adult, elder.): Child Gender: Male Description: A young, freckled boy with short, cinnamon hair, tan skin and large, brown eyes. He wears a white shirt with green, horizontal stripes, blue jean pants and brown sandals. Zanny Catch Phrase: Uhh... Example, please? Personality Traits (Three words that let's the audience know who you are!): Eccentric, happy-go-lucky, polite. Backstory: (One sentence.) The youngest in the Peterson family, Jamie is a young grade-schooler with lots of friends. He is highly regarded by his colleagues, and loves to meet new friends. Other: I am laughing. (Send help)
#194808795Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:27 PM GMT

Hi Hwen. I thought you were dead. Anyway, I'll be sure to float an app by you.
#194809461Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:35 PM GMT

What the hell? Gwen is still alive? It's nice to see you again old chum. :)
#194809514Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:36 PM GMT

Name: Paul Peters Age-range (Child, teen, adult, elder.): Adult Gender: Male Description: Green-eyed, short of hair, and long of limb. Brown-haired caucasian with slightly downturned eyes, indicative of foreign heritage. Zanny Catch Phrase: Robocracy now! Personality Traits (Three words that lets the audience know who you are!): robocratic, technology-inclined, nerdy. Backstory: After spending too much time reading trans-humanist articles on the internet, he became enamored with the idea of a future ruled by robots. Other: I am laughing
#194809722Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:38 PM GMT

Is the Peters connection intentional? Or just a coincidence?
#194809779Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:39 PM GMT

I just wanted an alliterative name tbh.
#194809960Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:42 PM GMT

By the by, I'm HygenistHygenist. I'm on an alt, temporarily.
#194810147Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:44 PM GMT

#194810233Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:45 PM GMT

On the other hand, having our characters be related would be an interesting dynamic...
#194810413Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:48 PM GMT

This IS supposed to be a happy-go-lucky 50's town role-play, and all our characters represent stereotypes, so why not?
#194815273Thursday, July 28, 2016 11:45 PM GMT

We can begin of-course. The synopsis of the show is an old San Francisco "good old fashion values," type of house with a modern cast of lovable persons from all cultures. The setting was Baker Street, with plenty houses ordered in a nice row from the poor to the wealthy. On Baker Street, the popular place with Old Gran Whiterker's place, a senior citizen, ex world war 2 veteran. The locals call him pop's since he is everyones' father. The joke was always he talked "About the war," and often had flash-backs to the silly, family friendly images of World War 2 and "capturing Germans." Pop's house, is divided into the living room (The main set) consisting of a ping pong table in the way back next to a set of stairs. Adjacent to those was the parlor with an ancient television (Not even of color!) and a couch with a coffee table between the TV and the couch. Lining both sides of the couch are old recliners, one of which Pop's always sits in called "Dusty," He NEVER leaves that seat. The door is stage right, and a rug is in the center of the living room. Next to the door there is a comfortable looking shoe box, and a wood coat hanger. Paintings of Pop's and poodles line the walls, with the dog's playing poker prominent in the back center. Next to that portrait, the entrance to the kitchen, with only the fridge clearly visible in the back. Pop's allows people in at all times, as if this is a rec center, and every "big event" in the stories revolves around this place, be it poker night with the boys, or the "girls" talking about all the cute boys on the rug. Leaving the "Set" enters you into a dream-like purgatory, and memories are forcibly added the next time you return to this old gramp's QUIRKY house hold. One last thing, For each passing pages, I will be adding lesson morals you are trying to teach. IF you fail to participate, you will be cut from the production. You don't want to be cut from the production. ENJOY, and have many laugh! [[MORAL]] FRIENDS AND FAMILY ARE IMPORTANT FUNCTIONS, AND DESPITE THEIR HORRIBLY, DELIBERATING, HORRIFIC AND UTTERLY MEANINGLESS LIVES, AND FLAWS, YOU SHOULD LOVE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY.

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