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#195144100Tuesday, August 02, 2016 12:33 AM GMT

Earth enters the year 2275, the planet enters a resource crisis, and energy crisis, and an environment crisis. A young company called; The USC, or The United Space Corporation. The USC designs a particle accelerator named, "The Accelerator", a device capable of opening a stable rift into subspace, to "beam" from one location to another. This allowed humanity to take to the stars for a new home. Though, a vast majority of the human race remains on Earth to restore it to prolong it's survival. The humans who left the planet found planets, and named them all. Such as Alpha Centauri, Alpha Centauri ll, and Chronulous, the human race has survived, but one question still remains... Are we alone?...
#195289091Wednesday, August 03, 2016 9:24 PM GMT

The technology in this lore is revolved around gaming, like control points and health pads. Control points are like beacons that are always tracked. Military-wise, they have Dispense lockers (Basically, givers in some ROBLOX games), the USC is also in development of a prototype, nobody knows hat it is though, it is always under heavy security, no one has cracked to even seen a centimeter of it
#195456813Friday, August 05, 2016 9:43 PM GMT

Protocols Section I, Civilian protocols Section II, Combat protocols Section III, Communication protocols I. Civilians are not authorized in Military ares, USC labs, and personnel zones without authorization. Civilians are only issued a personal Comm, and access to public areas, and a flashlight Civilians are authorized to use public comms [Chat] II. Military units are not permitted to discharge weaponry, abuse Civilians, or abuse weapons Military units are to display maturity, patience, and courage Military units are not authorized in USC labs Military units are never allowed to abuse comms or vehicles III. There are 2 channels, Public, and Private Military when transmitting info, are to use Private channel only Civilians are allowed to use Public channel
#195930378Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:04 PM GMT

Military Report #45 Attention all military personnel, a transport shipyard has stopped transmitting. And, an old Comm facility has also stopped transmitting, 2 squads must be deployed to the shipyards and Comm center. It is prudent, we have no idea if anything is tampering with either, or a power failure, but we must restore the transmitting signals. Over and out, Sgt. Major Duncan

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