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#195227612Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:17 AM GMT

Hello, my name is 1234567890peeps AKA "Peeps". I have been in The Galactic Republic for 11 months now, and I want to run for The Galactic Senate. If I am accepted into The Galactic Senate{TGS}, I hope to improve The Galactic Republic's cadet issue, and Alderaan's security issues. My goal if I am elected senator, is to have 5 cadet trainings hosted daily{At max} and also 2 E1-E5 trainings hosted daily as well.{Soldiers ranked O4+ may choose a time} I also want to have the age script re-added to Alderaan, as it did help. I also want to start where if the real exploiter is caught on Alderaan, that they are permanently banned, and if they do create alts, the age script will block them out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Motto: " Bullets start problems, as words end them." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New Laws: Fair Trials: If a soldier ranked E3+ takes someone to court, they must have valid evidence against the defendant committing the crimes they are being charged with. The defendant may also be given 5 days at max, to find a lawyer to defend him/her in their trial against them. Bridge Security: As another soldier who is running for senator stated, the bridge security, must be fixed, as only the left bridge is being protected. It should also not be cadets guarding the bridges, it should be guardsmen.{Such as Coruscant Guardsmen.}The cadets should be at the frontlines, holding off the hostile threats. Surrendered Protection: Surrendered hostiles, should be FFed{protecting them from idiotic cadets still shooting at them.} until a Coruscant Guardsmen has arrived to escort them back to the jail.

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