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#195228542Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:32 AM GMT

Hi Developers, were currently working on a game which in the story line, roblox is taken over from all sides by different groups of invaders. in a stage by stage players work as a team to push back the invaders closer to the old border retake key parts of robloxia HQ etc. Note this would be hand made map not normal HQ. Develop on this game is very active with roblox and skype chat: []--------------------[] People we need: Lua scripters Roblox builders Roblox uniform makers Voice Actors Beta Testers GFX artists Weapon Designers Item Designers Mesh Creators []--------------------[] Parts of game currently done: Some map levels Part of stage mission chat A Test version of a weapons class system Basic Npc's Cut Scenes Special Attacks []--------------------[] Current Game plans: -Loot System -Customization Inventory -GFX Attack Effects -Team Quests -Round Types -Dynamic lighting -Dynamic sounds -Special Abilities -Player Commanded Npcs -Dynamic effects -Dynamic effects []--------------------[] Large part of game profit will go to developers. Being a Main Scripter=you get 50% Main Builder =you get 45% Other 45% This is our studio please join it. https://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=2531742 I am looking forward to working with you legoe22. :) Constructive Feed Back is Welcome.
#195228795Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:36 AM GMT

Not original at all. At least the concept isn't original Ever heard of Boss fighting stages?(?)
#195229138Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:41 AM GMT

Wrong, this is teamed and it has side questions. And is not a random stage to stage. also it has many other features such as players allowed to become traitors and join the npc team. and a trading system.
#195229489Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:46 AM GMT

Beta Tester ^_^

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