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#195477447Saturday, August 06, 2016 2:44 AM GMT

Hail, traveler. What you've found here is the lore of The Lands of Wenthril, now in the works for two and a half years. Happy reading. -Locations- Wenthril: Wenthril is the central continent of the world. It is tied together by the Wenthrilian Preservation Pact. Goblonathor: Goblonathor is the kingdom of innovation and power. Goblonathor is home to the strongest warriors, and the most fearsome animals. Goblonathor's capital is the home of the Tower of The High Order, which is the seat of the High Order's living and work. Goblonathor`s troops are unrivaled in brute strength. Holdor: Holdor is the jewel of Wenthil, a radiant city. Holdor's legions are known for tactical superiority. Holdor is known as the richest land in Wenthril, thus allowing the funding of such large legions. Anduril: Often knows as the Birth-Place of Heroism, Anduril is a princedom where nearly all heroes in Wenthril pour from. One of such heroes is currently the ruler of Anduril. Gallik: Gallik, a small Northern kingdom, is one of two kingdoms never to sign the Wenthrilian Preservation Pact. Rolikstad: Rolikstad is the second of the two kingdoms never to sign the Wenthrilian Preservation Pact. This country and its neighbour, Gallik, are rather unremarkable. The Farthian Marshlands: The marshlands were once a mighty kingdom before they were submerged and became a series of swamps. Now, the marshlands are a sprawling metropolis of Kuo'Toa villages. Solistan: Solistan is the third-largest kingdom in Wenthril. It is the seat of most magical power in Wenthril, the Tower of the High Order in Goblonathor's capital not included. Oftmarch: Oftmarch used to be the jewel of the West before a large demon invasion, which took place before the Wenthrilian Preservation Pact, slaughtered the entire city and destroyed it. Now, it is a beast-infested ruin ripe for plundering... if you can survive long enough to leave with anything. Drummaba: Drummaba is the Northern mountain-range home to most of Wenthril's orcish tribes. It is also where the cities of the Naugrim rest. Norek: Norek is the continent across a short distance to the North of Wenthril. It is home to a large collection of nomadic, warring tribals. Lenaros: Lenaros is the continent to the East of Wenthril. It is a land of unending warfare, in which five equal kingdoms constantly battle each other for dominance of the lands. The Heavens: The home-place if the Salvai, The Heavens are the most sacred and holy place ever to exist. No mortal has ever entered The Heavens, though most mortals worship the denizens of The Heavens. The Heavens are ruled by Arch-Salvai and Gods. Hamar-Gaidune: The homeland of the demons, an evil and corrupt place deep underneath the mortal realm. Hamar-Gaidune is ruled by the three great Dread-Lords, who reside within the Depths. Their inner sanctum. There have been some very important goings-on in Wenthril. Take a look. The Destruction of Westmarch: The kingdom of Westmarch was utterly obliterated by a demon invasion, a disaster that killed thousands of people in a mere month. The Wenthrilian Preservation Pact: The Pact was formed by the High Order following Westmarch's destruction, as a way to prevent further demon invasions of such catastrophic scale. The Forming of The High Order: When the High Order was formed, a force to monitor the Preservation Pact as well as the fifteen demon-rifts was also formed. the First Demonic Invasion: The first invasion of the demon hordes, which destroyed the kingdom of Westmarch. It was also the opening of the fifteen demon-rifts. With these covered up, let's move on to the various different creatures and beings of Wenthril. There are many to describe. Salvai: The Salvai, more commonly referred to as Angels, are the denizens of the Heavens. They are rarely seen, but when they are, something of great importance will likely happen (such as preparation for a demon invasion). Demons: A commonly known creature, the term Demon is a generalization. There are thousands of different varieties of demons, though only the most prevalent ones will be described here. Sirak: The Sirak are great, menacing demonic creatures the size of an entire forest. These creatures have giant forelegs that, when combined with this demon's massive skull, form a giant shield in front of it. Despite all this, however, the Sirak are cowardly demons who would rather run away that fight. Elthar: The Elthar, or Elves, have the second-highest population in all of Wenthril. There are many variations of the Elthar, though the most common ones are the Asrai (or Wood-Elves). There are also the Eldarinwe (High-Elves), Andunian (Half-Elves), Druchii (Surface Drow), and the Drow (Dark-Elves). Humans: The largest populating race in Wenthril, the humans are the most common and widespread race in existence. Animals: Well, they're animals. If I honestly have to explain this one, the problem's on your end. Not mine. Orcs: A primitive race primarily existing in tribes, the Orcs are a violent race that prefers to attack over communicating. They are most commonly seen warring amongst their tribes. The exceptions to their warlike ways are usually outcasted, finding homes wherever they can. Kuo'Toa: The Kuo'Toa are the denizens of the Farthian Marshlands. They are a humanoid lizardling race. Their name means Lizard-Warriors. Sahuagin: The Sahuagin are the lizardling denizens of the seas. Unlike the Kuo'Toa, they prefer a magical or friendly approach. Their name means Water-Dwellers. Drakojan: The Drakojan are a supposedly extinct race, but one of the first to ever exist in Wenthril. They are human-sized bi-pedal dragons. This about sums up the primary races, though there are many smaller ones. Now, on to the many different groups and forces of Wenthril. Holdor's Legion: The legion, Holdor's pride and joy, is the largest of the forces in Wenthril. While not the strongest or most magical, the legion are very tactically inclined and are rarely out-smarted when planning a battle. The Platinum Order: An order of knights that are not well-researched, they are currently shrouded in mystery. Few know much about this order, save for High-King Aurelion who trained with them as a youth. The Paladins of The Temples: Throughout Wenthril, there are temples to the various pure deities of the realms. Among their followers are the Paladins. Two Paladins belonging to each deity, every one has a personal warhammer that no other being may wield. The High Order of Goblonathor: Founded by Elder Mage and Order Grandmaster Kharalos Freewinter, this order is a gathering of the most brilliant minds in the magical world. This order, when all together, has the power to obliterate cities. Battlecraver Bashers: A group of extremely heavily armoured and extremely powerful warriors formed by King Bruenor Battlecraver of Goblonathor, the Battlecraver Bashers are the ultimate soldiers for raw power. Phoenix Guard: The Phoenix Guard are a mighty force that stems from Holdor. They are Holdor's equivalent of the Battlecraver Bashers, save for their ability to regenerate like a Phoenix does. There may only be a hundred at a time, and their regenerating upon death takes fifty years. The Disabled Division: A division of Goblonathor's armies, the Disabled Division are the most, er.. shall we say, 'interesting' division of Goblonathor. Every member of the Division has a disability if some sort, such as blindness or a missing arm. There are also ones who can't talk, hear, or think properly. It's a miracle they function, to be perfectly honest. Thieves Guild: Every good RP lore needs the guilds, and this lore is no exception. The Thieves Guild does exactly what their title infers: they are thieves, they steal and loot for profit. Assassin's Guild: The Assassin's Guild is a group of murderers, all people who accept large amounts of pay to kill people throughout Wenthril. The last major contract they performed involved the demise of a Holdorian High-King. Warriors Guild: The same as any other warrior`s guild throughout RP trilogies, it is a guild of mighty warriors who rely on their pure strength. Rangers Guild: These are fighters who concentrate on their marksmanship and fighting from afar. They often work with the Warrior`s Guild. Mages Guild: The Mages Guild are a guild formed of great mages, as well as aspiring apprentices who wish to become powerful warlocks and healers. They often idolize the masters of the High Order. Now then, what a successful fantasy-world would do without main characters is something I have no clue of. Let us embark into the characters with the most prevalence. High-King Septimus Carnifex: Septimus Carnifex is the current High-King of Holdor. After the previous ruler, his great-uncle, tragically passed away in bed one night, he was thrust into the position of power(daggers to the throat have been known to be fatal). Youthful and naive, having been taught what he knows by a lesser senator in charge of only a 63-person portion of Holdor's land, Septimus leads the country with a less-than-idolized standing. King Bruenor Battlecraver: Bruenor is the deceased Seventeenth King of Goblonathor. A kind but strong and foolhardy man, his death left his son Ferastan quite abruptly as the ruler of the second-largest kingdom in Wenthril. King Ferastan Battlecraver: Ferastan is the son of the deceased King Bruenor Battlecraver, and the current Eighteenth King of Goblonathor. He has taken it upon himself to focus not on the uneasiness of his neighbours that his father enjoyed, but instead the happiness of his own people. Duke Marcus Romstein: Marcus Romstein, the current Duke of Solistan, is the richest individual in Wenthril. A snooty and self-absorbed man, he has proven to have no limit to what he will do to solidify his position as Duke of Solistan. Elder Mage Kharalos Freewinter: Kharalos Freewinter is the Elder Mage of Goblonathor, and the second-most powerful mage in all of Wenthril. He leads the High Order of Goblonathor. He is also a second-cousin of King Ferastan Battlecraver, granting him royal ties. Heru Lani'nith Quietstepper: Heru (Heru meaning Lord) Lani'nith is the lord of the forests, and thus the leader of the Asrai (wood-elves). Heru Erak'nith Quietstepper: Heru Erak'nith is the brother of Heru Lani'nith Quietstepper and the general of his armies. He also aids in leading the Asrai. Elancil Arrowshimmer: Elancil is a High Guardian of the Asrai, despite being an Eldarinwe, and a sacred defender of the forests. He has achieved the favour of the forests themselves, and defends them with the honour and ferocity of a Salvai. Now, we will begin getting into deities. For example, Arch-Salvai, Dread-Lords and Gods. ~Corrupt Deities~ Tharizun: Tharizun is the Demon-God of Chaos. Tharizun is known also as the "father of Gazetlor", though there is no relation other than embodiment between them. Tharizun also created Hamar-Gaidune, home of all demons and the realm of the Dread-Lords. Gazetlor: Gazetlor is the Dread-Lord of Chaos. He is the embodiment of destruction and mayhem, and his goal is to destroy all mortals and The Heavens. He is the most powerful Dread-Lord of Hamar-Gaidune, and thus the true ruler of the demon realm. Razen: Razen is the Dread-Mistress of War, and the Mistress of War. She is the embodiment of strife and conflict, and feeds off of battle. Frixan: Frixan is the Dread-Lord of Deception. He enjoys influencing mortals to cause troubles, as well as occasionally taking complete control of mortal kingdoms through the mind of the ruler of that land. He is the embodiment of lies, manipulation and deceit. Arnd: Arnd is the God of Insanity. He is the deity of all extremist believers, and also thoroughly enjoys meddling in the mentalities of mortals. He embodies insanity. Solilorgle: Solilorgle is the Goddess of Pestilence. She is an utterly disgusting goddess, and depicted as a black, slimy substance most commonly. She concentrates on creating disease and famine through inedible foods or unusable crops. She embodies filth and famine. Tiamat: Tiamat is the Goddess of Intrigue. She focuses on the "under-the-table" encounters of mortals, such as thievery and assassinations. She embodies intrigue and discretion. ~Pure Deities~ Tyraxion: Tyraxion is the Arch-Salvai of Innocence. He is the defender of the innocent, and all Salvai under his branch of The Heavens act as his conduits of defence to the innocent mortals of Wenthril. He embodies innocence. Serevina: Serevina is the Arch-Salvai of Hope. She works in secret among mortals often, as her presence spreads complete calm and peace to an area in mere moments. She embodies calm, mercy, and peace. Kitros: Kitros is the Arch-Salvai of Clarity. Kitros is the embodiment of truth and sight. He is known as the Revealer of Evil for his ability to pinpoint where evil may lie. Kel'thas: Kel'thas is the Hermaphrodite God of The Arts. Kel'thas is the patron of all artistic forms, such as music and paint. Kel'thas is also assumed to be the only god created by other gods (as a child of two others). Marell: Marell is the Arch-Salvai of War and Valour, and the deity of all fighters. He is the most powerful god in the aspect of combat, and many mortals worship him for his blessing in battle. Avandra: Avandra is the Goddess of Change and Fate. Avandra is the seer of the future, and the decider of the futures of mortals. While she does not have complete power, those of the mortal races who will not be affected by large events are under her guidance. She is also useful for the Arch-Salvai to prepare for demon invasions, as she can see them before they happen. She embodies insight and wisdom. Ishal: Ishal is the Goddess of Erudition and Magic. She is the deity of all magical ability, and often the one a mage turns to for guidance in the magical arts. She embodies magical prowess and the arcane arts. Pelor: Pelor is the God of The Sun and Life. Pelor is the bringer of life and the harnesser of the sun. Pelor embodies life and light. Corellon: Corellon is the God of Nature. he is the patron of the forests, and the deity of the Asrai (wood-elves). He is also the creator of many native animals of Wenthril. Corellon embodies the wild and nature. Sehanine: Sehanine is the Goddess of Love and Home. She is the deity of romance and the bringer of homes. Sehanine embodies love and shelter. Forinan: Forinan is the God of Justice and Equality. Forinan is the prime defender of the mortal realm, as damage caused by demonic invasions is amongst the very highest injustices. Where pure injustice and unjust events are found, an agent of Forinan will be as well. Forinan is the embodiment of justice. Morandil: Morandil is the patron of the Dwarves (or Naugrim). Morandil is the god of all to the Naugrim. He is their one deity, and their most holy symbol. Morandil embodies the Naugrim's spirit and culture. Milis: Milis, the Goddess of Death, is the one deity with no true affiliation. Her side is her own, and she is the bringer of decay. Her agents, the Sorrowsworn, deliver the dead to their respective realms. For those of the most virtue, they are brought to Sek-Astra. For those who lived pure lives, it is Risius. For those who lived the "average" life between pure and corrupt, they go to Gelsombre. Those of corrupt life are brought to Tarbo, and the purest of evil mortals are taken to The Depths to serve the patrons of corruption. That's all there is to it. Just like always, if more should come up then I will make a new post with the updates in place.

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