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#195487040Saturday, August 06, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This story and message basically goes out to all the Athletes out there from Any Sport what so ever on ROBLOX and In real life. This story is a real story about myself in the past putting Sports In front of school. [Story] I was in 7th Grade when this story takes place. I was playing for a Little League baseball team at the time called the Las Vegas Royals. I kept being told that Grades were more important than anything else and at the time I didn't listen to that. The less and less I payed attention to my classwork and started thinking more and more about the next game. Then I realized something, I wasn't getting anything done, my grades were terrible and my parents didn't allow me to play baseball anymore until I got those grades up and I started paying attention more. They told me "School is the most Important thing In your life doesn't matter if you like it, or you dont. You gotta focus on school just as much as you do with baseball and Everything else". When they got done telling me that they went on again and said "Do you think your Favorite baseball players Like Madison Bumgarner, Derek Jeter and more made it up to the Pros because they only focused on baseball? They didn't. They had to fight to get high grades and they had to work really hard to get to their goals just like you,me and everyone else in this world has to." From the next day after that conversation I put the "I am so ready for the next game that is all I can think about" mentality behind because that will get me no where because grades and School are the most important thing in an athletes life. So the last half of the school year I had the lecture that my parents gave me in my head. I went from a really bad GPA of 0.9 to a 3.7 in the matter of 3 Months because I knew If I don't get my work done nothing will ever be accomplished. Before my parents lectured me and when I didn't care about school much here was my priority list. Baseball,Video Games,School and then after it was School,Baseball, Video Games. I finished my 7th grade year with a 3.9 GPA because I really pushed myself in school to get things done. Now, today I am a Senior in High School Playing baseball for a Las Vegas School and that same mentality and I am wounding up with 4 Different Scholarships and 3 CY Young award wins. All because of that lecture and that Life Changing decision I made. Who knows where I would be right now if I still had that mentality...maybe repeating a grade? Maybe not being able to play in Highschool? I don't know and i really dont ever want to find out.

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