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#195497999Saturday, August 06, 2016 11:54 AM GMT

Welcome AFL, and in Season 2 we will add player agents and clients. What this is every team will have multiple agents as coaches that can have clients as players. What these agents do is sign the player on their team and pm any Chief or the President to put in the google doc form as the player's agents the doc will be kept track by the COO, CEO, Vice President and President. Agents get their clients known. Such as making AFL Group AD's about them. Example: I am an agent and WassupNick46 is my client. I will make an AD of him that promotes AFL. Like put his picture on the AD and put his name somewhere. If a player not in AFL clicks on the ad they will be sent to the group to join. Agents also do stuff like set up interviews for their clients. They can get their client payed from commissions from the league if the agents gets a designer to make official jerseys or sportswear made about their client. Example: My client WassupNick want's his own clothing line. I will hire a shirt designer to make sports wear with wassupnick's name. And make it an endorsement to the client. Agents can get their client into Superbowl appearances, being a host at a special event. Or even being a first round pick at the draft. Example: Their is a draft coming up and WassupNick wants to be a first rounder I will contact head coaches and franchise owners to set up combines or to private interview my client to get known. I will also kind of brag about wassupnick to get him picked in the 1st round. || If there is a special event hosted, I will talk to the Chiefs or President or Executive Community into persuading them to let my client Wassupnick host the event if he wants to. And clients, you will be able to join the league, get signed into a team and have your own agent. They can contact their agent for anything they want such as training, an AD about them or a popular clothing line! If an agent is seen inactive then that agent will be fired and replaced. If an agent signs a player to a team and doesn't PM the CCO, COO or CEO or President so they can get added to the docs then that client will get another agent. Agents will also be responsible for the clients actions in the league and in-game. Such as.. Example: If WassupNick46 gets suspended from the league then the Agent will be known as a bad agent. For getting his client suspended. The Agent is supposed to control their agents and stop arguments. The reason for this new implement is to stop arguments and to prevent suspension from AFL.

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