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#195929602Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:52 PM GMT

In an attempt to save myself and Valerie, I chuck my blade at the man climbing the boat and make hast to the other warrior. Once I get to him I jumped forward and tried to tackle him behind, before grabbing his blade after he falls to the floor.
#195945948Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:27 PM GMT

The sword hit the second's arms, causing him obviously a great deal of pain which in turn causes him to lose his grip and finally fall into the ocean. Your tackle with the first succeeds. He starts trying to get back up. In the distance, you hear the chilling sounds of a chorus of women singing as two pinkish-purple lights shine from the back of the enemy's ships. The waters under the boat start to shake.
#195958062Friday, August 12, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

I kicked the mans head in an attempt to knock him unconscious, before grabbing Valerie's hand. I shouted out to the other fighting crew embers "Get to the bowels of the ship, there are Sirens!" Before running with her to the trapdoor and stairs down the ship, all while trying to ignore their singing.
#195977145Friday, August 12, 2016 8:29 AM GMT

The crew turns tail and runs, yet no matter how hard they try to fight it... Nothing. There's no sensation or pull. You heard that sirens had other magical songs at their disposal, but they always used the same one, and this was not it. The water stirs as a massive shadow comes out from the water in the front of your ship. It looks like a sea serpent, but you've never seen one that large. There is, of course, an instant reaction in the crew. Some of them, like Peasely, stand there in awe of this beast. The vast majority run even faster. And then there was Teirell, who you could see his silhouette running straight to the front of the ship to meet the beast face-to-face. Surely he didn't mean to challenge it. As you open the trap door, Valerie freezes, eyes wide open. She was one of the ones like Peasely.
#196013265Friday, August 12, 2016 9:05 PM GMT

I couldn't help myself, but I watched in awe at it's huge size. I felt like a puny creature compared to the grace of the serpent, and my mouth lolled open.
#196087848Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:53 PM GMT

The tone of the siren's singing changes, and the beast immediately reacts. It's silhouette appears to stare down Teirell, and then the tip of its tail rises out of the water, and smacks Teirell right off the ship. Teirell flies for a second until crashing against the hull of the enemy ship and falling into the water. The tune changes again, and the tail crawls on the ship until it finds the mast. It coils itself around this mast, and then stops again. The tail tenses for a minute until you hear a loud crack sound. Ypu've got be kidding, it's trying to break off the ship's mast.
#196114847Sunday, August 14, 2016 1:17 AM GMT

I gasped, before trying to think of what to do next. "Swords were most likely ineffective, and our heavy weaponry is basically stationary, as it is too heavy and clunky to be moved from the under decks up. The beast had no obvious weak spots other than it's...EYES." I shouted at the rest of the crew mates to target the eyes, throw anything you can find at it. I myself also try to grab things to throw at it.
#196177699Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:26 PM GMT

Your attempts were feeble. It was so big nothing would reach it. The cracks on the mast spread, and then the beast let go and it began to fall. Towards your direction.
#196178751Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:40 PM GMT

I cursed myself for such a bad choice, before it was trying to body slam the ship. "Everybody, retreat to the starboard side!" I shouted, before trying to signal distracted fighters away from the strike zone.
#196261231Monday, August 15, 2016 8:58 PM GMT

The crew, at least the ones that could hear you through the noise of the rising panic, do as you order. Through it, you can see the enemy has already long since cleared themselves away from the disaster zone, as if they knew what the beast was doing. Which raises the question of why this beast, which was large enough to just wrap itself around the ship and destroy the hull, even bothered to make this roundabout effort. Questions for another time, apparently. The mast fell, break the parts of the top deck around it. In the chaos, a large piece of wood flew from the destroyed top deck and hit you outside the head. Everything went black. --- You wake up as the ship went down after going across what you think might've been a big wave. Above you was a man with a scraggly beard, and a sickly face. Wait a minute, that was Peasely. How hard did that piece of wood hit your head. You realize it was day time, and the fog was gone, as well as the fighting. "Jason! The captain's up!" Peasely yells.
#196312887Tuesday, August 16, 2016 2:33 PM GMT

I put my hand on my head to make sure I didn't suffer any concussions, before asking "How long was I out..?" which scared me somewhat. I didn't know what was going on or how I was still alive, but I was grateful at whatever kept me alive during that.
#196881817Wednesday, August 24, 2016 1:03 AM GMT

"You missed the entirety of the day after the attack," Peasely explains. "And frankly, a part of me was convinced that you wouldn't wake up," said a man who, for reasons you've yet to figure out, wore a black coat. Your ship's doctor, Jason, who now stands over you. "Then again," Jason continues, "I shouldn't be surprised. Not after Teirell. Anyways, welcome back to life captain. I hope you enjoyed your near-death experience. I don't think it's a trip you'll want to take again."
#196912232Wednesday, August 24, 2016 1:36 PM GMT

"I was only out for a day? By the way you've acted it would look like I was a survivor of a tsunami" I joked around, getting up. I tried looking around for my surroundings, because gosh darn it would be impossible for me to still be on my ship.

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