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#195680602Monday, August 08, 2016 8:12 PM GMT

After several hours of flying, you finally reached your destination, the tree-top city of Lhin at the far northern border of Aaliyah. From here you can reach five cities to the south. But the main reason for coming was a small monastery for Nahaoists. The monks are generous, even more so towards their own, especially for a human made philosophy. If you ask, they may provide you food and shelter for the night. You have flown a long way, after all. Rest is necessity in these moments.
#195707531Tuesday, August 09, 2016 2:11 AM GMT

Relieved that he finally made it, Pucchi slowly landed near to monastery. Pucchi had barely made it to the doors of the place and he already felt tired. With that, he knocked on the entrance of the monastery and stood, waiting for a response.
#195709747Tuesday, August 09, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

The elion who came out was adorned in green robes, and had large, perhaps glass, beads, clearly the head of the monastery. "Yes? What is it?" he asks, his voice calm and relaxing. Nahaoists were always rather friendly people.
#195714769Tuesday, August 09, 2016 3:35 AM GMT

"Greetings, brother," Pucchi replied as he offered his hand to him, "I come in need of shelter and hoped you could be of help."
#195718102Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:18 AM GMT

"Ah, of course," he says, accepting it and then stepping aside so you can enter. "My name is Dali," he mentions. "May I ask what yours is, brother?"
#195720148Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:46 AM GMT

Pucchi felt relieved to hear that he could come in and sighed before thanking Dali, saying, "Great thanks, brother Dali. My name is Pucchi A'Gar and thank you again for letting me stay." With that Pucchi slowly began to walk into the monastery.
#195720984Tuesday, August 09, 2016 4:58 AM GMT

"Brother Pucchi!? Why, it's an honor. I never saw your work, but I had heard stories. I'm glad to finally meet the man at the center of them. Here, I'll show you to the guest rooms."
#195738315Tuesday, August 09, 2016 1:44 PM GMT

Pucchi let out a small chuckle and said, "Oh no, I am no man to be admired. I am but a mere monk traversing through Aaliyah. But thank you for the acknowledgement."
#195759165Tuesday, August 09, 2016 7:06 PM GMT

"Not at all!" he says. You reach the guest room. It's certainly a fine room. Having lived in one, you know from living as one that while the Nahaoists prefer to live without many luxuries beyond their clothing, they spared no small expense on their guest rooms. Nahaoism treats all life as important, regardless of class or race. Perhaps that is why you hear the monks in Lingsei are having issues with a philosophy call Wei Qi. Wei Qianism really is such a vulgar thing. It's no wonder that it doesn't exist in Aaliyah. Not that Nahaoism doesn't have it's problems. Considering your past with other monks, you of all people should know that it's members sometimes have issues following the code. "When you've rested," Brother Dali says, "I have a task that I've been needing someone with your skills to take care of. It's of great importance to Lhin."
#195800860Wednesday, August 10, 2016 3:36 AM GMT

"Of course, I'd love to help," Pucchi said as he walked into the room, "But may I ask what exactly is this task?" As he walked into the room, he felt relieved. Pucchi was ready to lie down on the bed at a moment's notice.
#195811916Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:09 AM GMT

"You see, unfortunately while Aaliyah tries to separate itself from violence, there are some among the youth who believe themselves bored and have chosen internal violence as a way to pass the time. Some handle it responsibly, keeping it within rings and regulating themselves to avoid serious injuries, while others, sadly, form groups of sorts and initiate in crude violence. They are acting as, some might say, low lifes. The monks of this monastery frown upon both, but we prioritize stopping these gang wars above all else. We've heard that two gangs might try to initiate a showdown on one of the lower branches, one we call Altidah Branch. We would've liked to have done this ourselves, you understand, but most of the other monks are busy with other tasks and so we only have myself and two others for trying to stop this before it gets out of hand. Would you accompany us, Brother Pucchi?"
#195878175Thursday, August 11, 2016 2:01 AM GMT

Shocked by the news he just heard, Pucchi was unable think of anything to say for a while. When he finally did, he said, "Well of course, it does seem quite serious. I will try to do whatever I can to help, brother."
#195883721Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:12 AM GMT

"Thank you, Brother Pucchi. We know the names and faces of the two leaders of these gangs. If we can find them on Altidah and get them to talk their problems out in safety, we can yet prevent unnecessary violence here in Lhin," Dali says, bowing in thanks. "Meet me and the others when you've rested and are ready." With that, Dali flies off onto a perch near the top of a tower in the monastery and enters a room from there. This seems to be his quarters.
#195883809Thursday, August 11, 2016 3:13 AM GMT

this thread reminds me of fats Fried not Baked
#195889735Thursday, August 11, 2016 4:41 AM GMT

Pucchi sighed of exhaustion and readied the guest bed before laying down on it. He shut his eyes and thought about what was next to come, he thought of what happened in the past, he thought about the present and soon drifted to sleep. (Just a question, how are you supposed to "activate" Nahao magic, do you just feel it in yourself and project or something?)
#195927922Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:27 PM GMT

(Yeah, pretty much. When you use Nahaoist magic, you have two options: A short burst that'll affect someone for a few seconds, or you can channel it, making it last for as long as you can channel, except by consequence you're stuck in one position the entire time you channel. Of course, magic works differently depending on the philosophy. I'm still gonna need to work on a few rough edges on Nahaoism magic though. I honestly hadn't expected anyone to make one and Nahaoist magic has no way to directly attack. I wanted it to, but considering the basis of the Nahaoist philosophy... Well... You can imagine.) When you wake up, the moon was out. Someone knocks on your door. "Brother Pucchi, Brother Dali would like me to inform you that the gang war has started. He and the others have already left for Altidah. Brother Dali said he would be waiting for you there."
#195959468Friday, August 12, 2016 2:29 AM GMT

(Okay then) "Ah yes," sighed Pucchi as he got up from his bed, "I will up and out soon, brother" He began to stretch around and began preparing himself for what will soon happen. What was he to do when the time came? It has been so long since Pucchi last used his abilities. Will he even be able to do anything? He could only know when the time came. With that, Pucchi went outside of his guest room.
#195976933Friday, August 12, 2016 8:21 AM GMT

The monk flew off into another room hanging from some monastery tower. He seems to have left you a piece of parchment. It's a map with directions to Altidah Branch and to Brother Dali's location on it.
#195984442Friday, August 12, 2016 1:30 PM GMT

Pucchi sighed at he picked up the parchment. He looked at the parchment for a minute before taking off into the sky.
#196089977Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:23 PM GMT

Altidah Branch was one of the lowest branches on Lhin, was of no immense size. It stood out from Lhin, quite isolated from the other branches. It could fit enough houses for maybe seventy-five elions. At the location on the map was only Dali, he turns to meet you as you land. "Brother Pucchi, you've arrived. Just in time," Dali says. "We found both of the gang bosses. The other two went to collect one. It's up to us to pacify the second and bring him here."
#196137416Sunday, August 14, 2016 7:11 AM GMT

"Very well, Brother Dali," replied Pucchi, "so where is the second gang leader? And how are we supposed to capture him?"
#196179410Sunday, August 14, 2016 8:49 PM GMT

"Simple," Dali replies. "We need to pacify him. For that one of us needs to channel. While one of us do that, the other will talk to him and get him to agree to being bound up and escorted over here. There we will have three monks ready to calm down any conflict, and then the fourth will be the mediator. As for location, you just need to follow me. I should give you a word of warning, however..."
#196216225Monday, August 15, 2016 4:19 AM GMT

"Well, that's quite the process, Brother Dali," Pucchi remarked, "anyways, what is this 'word of warning'?
#196263113Monday, August 15, 2016 9:25 PM GMT

"His name is Erunchi. This isn't our first experience with him, although it's the first time we've seen in charge of a gang. What's important about him is that he is... err... gifted, I should say. Many monks from philosophies that contradict and are in conflict with Nahaoism train to resist our abilities of pacification. Erunchi, however, is the first time we've ever seen a person born with the resistance, not only to Nahaoism but really any magics that affect the mind. He can be affected, surely, but he won't be pacified with Nahaoism alone. I wouldn't worry too much about it, you can channel and I'll utilize my experience with him to finish the pacification. I just figured you should be warned. As for your comment on the work," Dali smiles, "it is all necessary to ensure peace." Something feels fishy about that comment. Heck, this whole thing feels fishy. Nahaoism states that forcing peace is only a measure of last result, for a forced peace is a false one. They haven't held swords to the gang leaders necks, yet, but it sounds like you were effectively kidnapping these two. Normally, Nahaoists would handle this differently. Much more differently. Dali flies off. It seems as if this debate should be held on a later date. Assuming, of course, you disagree with Dali's methods.
#196289102Tuesday, August 16, 2016 3:20 AM GMT

Pucchi sighed with anguish, this whole process seemed so... Wrong to him and for all he knew, the two gangs may have been setting up a dance showdown. But Pucchi decided to go through with it and went to follow Dali.

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