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#195805431Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:45 AM GMT

Break out your medication and get ready for some chemo, because I got the list to end all lists right here for all of you idiots on OFL Wall. Man a long time ago I thought about making a rant series, where I complain about everything people in OFL do that they think is "Funny" or "Cool" but I believe just making a list of what EVERYONE falls under is probably best, and such a good way to b8 people like Gorten, Shaun, Jynx, USA, myself, and MrMack. Oh, an Mailard. I know much of this will be falling on deaf ears, as you see "Oh no it's fracta he's a rager, his voice sounds like (insert matthew saying something he thinks is clever as he's stuck in some middle eastern country here)" And hardy har, you got me, but I'm on this list. Everyone is. Especially Mailard. So I've broken it up into 5 Tiers, depending on how infectious you are, you go higher on the list. But don't get me wrong, if you're an any of these teirs you deserve to be strung up in your schools rafters and forced to listen to a Matt Riding squad "Roast" you for 30 minutes straight. Yeah, I know, Brutal. Sucks for whoever that happens to. ~=Tier 1: The Legends=~ These are the people, or entities, that make collectively, secretly or out loud, groan whenever they appear in a game or on the wall. That's right, these people have "many friends", who are actually only people riding them, or they're riding another entity, for wins and the ability to "roast" those who they beat. Whatever that means, because up until y'all got on roblox, a "roast" was a good thing. Something your friends did to you to enjoy a laugh all together. But now it's become basically, what we older folk like to call, a "Flame", to cause a "Flame war". Anyways, on to what this Tier entails. People who flat out act like they're those one kids from school, you know the ones. The ones who are ACTUALLY cool, not the jerks, jocks, emos, goths. The kids that the rest of the school absolutely LOVES. These people imagine being those kids while they sleep and look up anime and play D.Va as a main on Overwatch. But in reality, these are the kids that probably have tumblr blogs (not really) and complain about everything that doesn't go their way online, because their life doesn't go their way in reality. People like this have dedicated their lives to "roasting" other people, and they usually do have some pretty interesting insults. Until you hit them up with a well structured sentence, and argument, and they freeze up and go "Bro wtf did you even just say you don't make any sense go back to school XD/Lmao/rofl" When in reality you used too many big words, correct conjunctions, and proper syntax. Their minds couldn't handle it as it had been polluted by all the mountain dew/energy drinks/sugary Gatorade they drink on a daily basis to be pro gamer elites. Only a select few are reserved for this list, but I'll only be able to list of 3. 1. Gorten (The King of Cringe) 2. MrMackHD (The Lord of Lmao) 3. Deathsvictim (Actually Escaped Death 40 times today) Many more could be placed here, but they aren't really on the same level as these three in the PANTHEON OF PAPILLOMATOSIS... or some other skin disease. ~=Tier 2: The Holier than Thou=~ Now don't let the title misguide you, these people don't have to be religious. But with the way they talk, you may think they're the know it all religious from the Spanish Inquisiton era, seeking out everyone who slightly messes up what they say to attack them on the spot and tell them why they are right about everything, yet the person they are attacking is dull for what they said... When in fact... usually they attack people who are saying the same thing, just simplified, or complicated. But these people, are quite numerous. Even one of the Pantheon's fits here, as all of them act as if their word is law, when sometimes it's just rules in a video game that they get off to because they can finally boss some kids around. While in real life they are the ones constantly getting told to do stuff their family/friends refuse to do, or dip out, so then they have to resort coming online and being the oh so dreaded Keyboard War- Oh wait, that's later. Anyways, these people are ALWAYS right, don't you DARE say otherwise or they will attack you with the full force of the team that carried them to X amount of OEC/OWC and VBs! IT's a team game, not a "YOU" game. 1. MAtthew 2. Setsuna 3. Mailard 4. Tarheelsbaskets 5. THE ENTIRITY OF THE RAMS SQUAD (Shaun, Bella, USA, PD, etc...) 6. MrMackHD 7. Nintendo 8. Cosmic 9. Nighttrainn 10. Geeo 11. Hero 12. Literally the Rams, like... always. 13-4000. USAJaguars 4001. Mailard, again. 4002. Caravellofello 4003. Sliceofbread 4004. Prowling Bonus+ Accardi Bonus++ LordElijah Get rekt. P.S., anyone who claims to be AMAZING AS A FRESHMAN in ANY SPORT, other than chess, also falls under this category. So there goes 5000 of the 10k in OFL. ~=Tier 3: The Keyboard Warriors=~ These are the people who don't need an explanation. They spend hours making "PTW" threads "Prediction" threads and "Ranting" threads about how bad everyone in OFL is... er I mean, never mind. Whatever. These people are always at the ready, hearing their names from thousands of miles away is only a skill for a few of them, before they perk up in their bed, and rush to their computer at near light speeds to correct, or attack, anyone who dares mention their online name on the internet. (I haven't obtained this ability yet, but I sure wish I do, soon...) Eventually these people do get tuckered out though, and have to take a nap to quell their muscular finger tips. These are the kids who you constantly see smudge marks on their phone, their computer's "E" and "Spacebar" buttons are worn down and dented (as they are the most commonly used keys on a keyboard), and they stay up way past anyone else to get the last word in on an argument. I know that covers a lot, but if anyone previously falls in to any of those categories (Writing paragraphs, getting the last word, "attacking"/"correcting" people) then they will exist somewhere in this category. Now granted, a MASSIVE number of OFLers will fall under this due to the "getting the last word" criteria... like literally everyone. So I'll just diminish that to it's worst offenders. 1. The_Vacuum 2. Matthew 3. Mailard 4. Look01 5. Babatron 6. Dreewww 7. Me, again. 8. Probably most of the people who hang out on the Huskies, Bolts, Ducks, or Snowhawks 9. Lebron6Dunk 10. Nintendo (When insulting the rules, only) 11. Bunglest 12. Gundevil et cetera. . . et cetera. . . ~=Tier 4: The Silent Edgelords=~ This is likely the hardest to pick, as these people don't seem infectious, but either turn out to be annoying, or are the dumbest people you will ever meet. This is so hard to pick out, because most of these people you only see saying stuff in games, not on the wall. So you don't get the full 100kg keg of flowing malignant tumors pouring into your eyes every second of every day, no no. These are the people you have to be in a game with, or a skype/discord call, and you begin to see their true colors. These people aren't a tier 1, because you can usually stand them. But they aren't a tier 5, because you can still deal with them in comparison to how annoying tier 5 is. These people will slither into your teams, or get a team of their own, quiet. Until they either become a HC and then they blossom in to a very rude, or edgy, person to the people who do not agree with what they think. People in this tier STARTED out here, and as you can only move tier lists if you start out in separate ones, they only exist in THIS tier alone. These people can range from very very infectious, to kinda annoying if they get a little peeved. 1. DcForRap (Since he was so quiet and innocent, up until he got HC) 2. Candycane 3. Sepsius 4. Damionburk 5. Galaxysupernova 6. Staffernick 7. Hunk (who has since dissipated, probably succumbing to his infection) 8. Wafflepancake 9. Kakashi 10. Larry 11. FIexing 12. Bamboozlerswag 13. Battletruck 14. Eppy69 15. Ars 16. StLouis spells all his stuff wrong 17. Dolucks (he started quiet, and became annoying) 18. Bobonaut ~=Tier 5: The "Thugs"=~ Now these people, lordy, these people are what is wrong with the OFL. IF you got rid of JUST THESE people, or made it illegal to talk like they do, the OFL would become the biggest group on roblox, guaranteed. These people are the people who try to emulate rapper, gang, "Street", and "thug" speech patterns to appear "hood" and "hard". These are the people you will also most commonly find saying "Worfl", and any structured sentence you see on the OFL wall... like look, look at this: "Effy i can host handball at my 1nce in a life time handball stad that everyone FWS 8/9/2016 11:10:48 PM by joewis" "if u qb circles around him wont u get dizzy 8/9/2016 11:02:28 PM by dadnba23" "Your irrelevant trash tekt 8/9/2016 10:42:19 PM by DrPooBear" "So you don't know what a slant is L.. 8/9/2016 9:46:03 PM by AlwaysHating" Like... all you ever see now is "L" this and "L" that. What the heck is wrong with all of you kids. Just say "YOU LOST THIS ONE" or something. You don't need to say "L" cause we know your brain can't comprehend a complex, complete, sentence so you gotta just put everything into 4, or less, characters to express how you feel. BUT THE WORST PART IS THAT BECAUSE YOU DO IT SO MUCH EVERYONE KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN NOW. LIKE THE "I AM SLEEP"??? YOU ARE LITERALLY SAYING YOU ARE THE PHYSICAL PROCESS OF SLEEPING. YOU ARE NOT ASLEEP, YOU ARE NOT SLEEPING, YOU ARE SLEEP. Out of here with that, may as well just crawl under a burning tether bridge and see how long "you are sleep" after that falls on you. 1. Drpoo 2. Fred 3. Anyone 4. Literally 5. Everyone 6. Does 7. It 8. Now 9. Cause 10. That's 11. How 12. Disease 13. Spreads. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU'RE CURIOUS ABOUT YOUR PLACING ON THE LIST, JUST ASK IN THE REPLIES AND I WILL TELL YOU! Or I'll just invent a new one, just for your self righteous personality! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Get away
#195805739Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:50 AM GMT

why me ):
#195805897Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:52 AM GMT

Cuz u stink mailard
#195805941Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:53 AM GMT

how do i fall into keyboard warriors(btw this was really funny) anyways how :))
#195805991Wednesday, August 10, 2016 4:54 AM GMT

#195806411Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:01 AM GMT

You must read all of the explanations to find your inclusion, if you do not find one, I will gladly tell you where you belong. Get away
#195806617Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:05 AM GMT

Can you make me one
#195807396Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:21 AM GMT

Tbh what am i on this list in your opinion, i kinda want to know.
#195807489Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

Zac you may be a silent edgelord, but I could see you anywhere from 2-4. Emmanuel you are not a real person to me so I don't think you belong in any. Because you matter that little to my life. Get away
#195809960Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:18 AM GMT

u hit the nail on the head for me. honestly I don't think what I do is bad. its just a way to get people to talk about u and ur team
#195820278Wednesday, August 10, 2016 12:29 PM GMT

What about me
#195825447Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:42 PM GMT

Bro wtf was this forum post about you don't make any sense go back to school XD/Lmao/rofl! In all seriousness though you got the make-up of the OFL 100% correct, good job man about time someone said something that was accurate in a forum. Good job!
#195825549Wednesday, August 10, 2016 2:44 PM GMT

for the sake of it, I'll ask where I stand? ;o
#195891571Thursday, August 11, 2016 5:11 AM GMT

Tbh what am i on this list in your opinion, i kinda want to know.
#195891650Thursday, August 11, 2016 5:13 AM GMT

RIP when your phones glitches and duplicates the message be4...

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