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#195806380Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:01 AM GMT

[1st Generation] Mohatu- Great-great-grandfather of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. It was told to Simba by Mufasa that when the great king Mohatu died that he became the brightest star in the sky. Abaddon- Great-Great Uncle of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. It was told that He was the worst and misbehaved Brother and to have disappeared after Ahadi was born. Shortly Died after injuries from Flaming Boulder. [2nd Generation] Ahadi- Father of Scar and Mufasa, and great-grandfather of Kion, Kopa and Kiara Uru- Mother of Scar and Mufasa, and great-grandmother of Kion, Kopa and Kiara [3rd Generation] Sarafina- The mother of Nala, friend of Sarabi, and maternal grandmother of Kion, Kopa and Kiara Sarabi- venerable wife of Mufasa, queen of the Pride Lands, mother of Simba, and paternal grandmother of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. Mufasa- Husband of Sarabi, father of Simba, and paternal grandfather of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. He became a victim of fratricide and regicide when his jealous brother Scar threw him off a cliff into Antelope Gorge. Beloved by all his subjects at Pride Rock he was one of its most regal and respected monarchs. Scar- Brother of Mufasa, uncle of Simba, and paternal great uncle of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. Scar was consumed by his jealousy until it led him to kill his brother and attempt to kill his nephew. He then fraudulently claimed rule over Pride Rock, allowed the hyenas out of the elephant graveyard and into the pridelands, and ruled so ineffectively that the pridelands were overwhelmed by drought conditions. Shortly before Simba returned to Pride Rock and reclaimed legitimate rule, Scar chose Kovu to be his successor. Zira- Mate of Scar, mother of Nuka, Vitani, and Kovu, and deceased mother-in-law of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. After being banished from the pridelands by Simba for her loyalty to Scar, Zira continues to carry the torch of Scar. She wants nothing more than to see her son Kovu ruling Pride Rock, even if it means killing Simba and his chosen successors Kion, Kopa and Kiara. [4th Generation] Nala- Daughter of Sarafina, loyal mate of Simba, and loving mother of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. Nala is a nearly flawless character. She is nurturing of Kiara and at the same time allows Kiara the correct amount of personal freedom. Nala has a quiet and unassuming beauty, elegance and wisdom that remains unsurpassed in the kingdom. Her physical prowess increased steadily over the years until she became a fine hunter and fighter. Was personally acquainted with Zira and Vitani before they were banished from the pridelands. Simba- Mate of Nala, son of Mufasa and Sarabi, and father of Kion, Kopa and Kiara. Simba began learning the responsibilities of being a king from his father Mufasa. His training, however, was cut short when Mufasa was assassinated by Scar. Simba was tricked into exile by Scar and later befriended by the happy-go-lucky meerkat Timon and the warthog Pumbaa. Simba later reclaimed the throne but his lack of proper training in royal ways became evident when he became over-protective of his daughter Kiara and distrustful of Kovu. Nuka- Oldest son of Scar and Zira. Older brother to Vitani. Nuka is jealous that Scar has counted him unworthy as successor to the throne. Zira also has the same disregard for him and never shows any attention to him until he breathes his dying breath after he made a risky attempt to kill Simba. Vitani- Daughter of Zira and Scar. Younger sister of Nuka. Vitani sided with her mother Zira in her plan to overthrow Simba until eventually becoming part of the pridelands again. Kovu- Son of Zira and said to have been taken in by Scar. Younger brother of Nuka and Vitani. Kovu has a very similar appearance to Scar and many believe him to be Scar's actual bona fide offspring. It could be that the truth that Scar is Kovu's father was shrouded in mystery until it was lost, or it could be that Scar was flattered by an unrelated young lion cub who looked so much like him. Kovu was chosen by Scar to be the successor to the fraudulently claimed throne at Pride Rock. After Simba returned to the pridelands and banished those loyal to Scar, Zira continued to train Kovu to be future king of Pride Rock. Kovu went along with the plan at first but then began to fall in love with Kiara and and decided he wanted nothing to do with his mother's evil plot. After finally gaining Simba's trust, Kovu and Kiara were formally joined to each other as lifetime mates by Rafiki. [5th Generation] Kiara- Daughter of Simba and Nala, Sister of Kion and Kopa. Shortly after her birth Kiara was presented in a magnificent and joyous ceremony to the animals gathered at Pride Rock as their future queen and ruler. Kiara is a perfect blend of her parents, Simba and Nala, in both physical appearance and personality attributes. Kiara inherited their curiosity and ran with it by running away from Pride Rock numerous times. On one such occasion she met the Outlander cub Kovu and befriended him but they were soon torn apart by their grudge-holding parents. Raised apart, they were later reunited, fell in love, and subsequently helped to reunite the divided prides. Kion- Son of Simba and Nala, Brother of Kiara and Kopa. He served as Prince of the Pride Lands and Leader of the Lion Guard. Although after the War of the Pridelands, He was the only Lion capable of defeating Abaddon who sought to kill him and his family but Kion defeated him by slamming Abaddon into a Boulder on Fire before it collapsed and exploded into a fiery Inferno. After He died, Kion Faces his new Threat, Kylon, Sith Emperor of the Sith Pride. Kopa- Son of Simba and Nala, Brother of Kion and Kiara. He is the Prince of the Pridelands, But Shortly after Finishing his Six New Adventures, He believed his family was treating him wrong and chooses to Fake His Death, After the Memorial. He became the Black Lion Known as Kylon, Sith Emperor of the Sith Pride. He wanted Order, Control and Power as well wanting to take the Throne of the Pridelands and Re call it Sith Lands even if it means taking it by force by killing Kiara and Kion.

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