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#195845141Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:42 PM GMT

It was a hot summers day and I was touring at the Ferenstar Castle. I was claustrophobic and so walking the halls of the castle weren't easy for me; the other guests didn't seem to mind though. Of course...this was all before "it" happened; you see this castle wasn't always a great touring spot as there have been multiple cases of people going missing or being kidnapped. The tour was nearing the end and I noticed something peculiar, a lone fork on the floor. Thinking it'd be funny to take it back home, so I picked it up and placed it in my pocket...that's when "it" happened. a man in full plate medieval armor ran after me, sword and shield out; I ran for dear life but it was no use, he caught up to me and yelled... "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW, PAY THE COURT A FINE OR ITS OFF TO JAIL FOR YOU!" Confused and scared I tried to run, only to be stricken down and killed by their blade. the man looked at my corpse one last time before walking away nonchalantly.
#195845252Wednesday, August 10, 2016 7:44 PM GMT

this thread reminds me of kings Fried not Baked

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