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#195893420Thursday, August 11, 2016 5:49 AM GMT

You whine about tickets, because you think you should be handed everything on a silver platter. You give nothing, yet expect to be given tickets or robux that others paid for and earned themselves. You want free hats yet others paid months worth of collected robux for them. What are you, a lunatic? Of course you are, because you think that in the reality everything's free. That's like saying that you should go in gamestop and grab a free copy of BO3 and a pair of headphones just because you visit the store often and occasionally buy a small thing. Is it fair to gamestop? No. All you do is crowd their store and cause their employees to get angry and tired of you (not saying that they help much anyways) Then why is it fair to roblox to give you things for free, when all you do is cause them to have to pay more out of pocket to supply the servers so you can play for free. Roblox could issue a fee to play and you'd get blocked, but they don't because of sales of BC and robux which has clearly gone up since the removal of tickets. I get it, 3/4 of your premature minds probably don't understand half the words on this post, get your mommy or daddy to read it to you. If I were in charge, I'd ban you off the face of this site for mentioning tickets. Now, do something productive. Believe it or not, on my old (and termd) account was NBC and made about 6,000 robux before I lost it from game creation. I'm not perfect at scripting, but I know how to make a game and show it correctly. You can easily do the same. [/fin] VII.XXIV.MMXVI
#195894707Thursday, August 11, 2016 6:19 AM GMT

So basically what you're telling me is you support ROBLOX for making their game pay to play? In my opinion I think that roblox was great when they gave you the small amount of currency that couldn't get you much. When you were given your ten tickets each day, it was a reward for you being with their game, and possibly making their game bigger. When they took away tickets it may have made others not want to play because the only way to get Robux is to pay. It is not fair to others who do not have the money to pay for Builders Club, and relied on those daily tickets to save up and get something they may have always wanted. In my opinion ROBLOX should bring back tickets and let us earn 10 tickets a day.
#195895974Thursday, August 11, 2016 6:51 AM GMT

I actually agree with this.
#195897970Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:59 AM GMT

Note how these complaints are made by Builders Club members, children. Individuals who are not subject to the hardships of those without robux,
#195898450Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:18 AM GMT

I don't have robux: "I ain't even mad." But really though, the entire "Bring back Tickets" conversation needs to be put to an ultimate end. It's not going to happen, nor should it ever happen.
#195898775Thursday, August 11, 2016 8:31 AM GMT

Still, that being said, this thread in particular, while I applaud the effort, probably is not the best way to achieve that goal.
#195967327Friday, August 12, 2016 4:08 AM GMT

Going to bump this with a reply so I don't get hate for bumping. @animalcracker03 I support not making it pay-to-play, I support them trying to make enough money to keep the game up. When tickets were around, there was inflation. Value of hats/gear/clothes was at a lower value since players could get hundreds of tickets a day. I had a group, which was deleted with the mass deletion of all the robux donation groups, where I had 20 acc and logged in, got the tickets, and transferred it to my main acc. This meant I got 210 tickets a day. How fair is that, not very fair, but it worked and I was making money. Now, imagine 2,000 people doing that. That's roughly 400,000 tickets a day. All of that, going to 2000 people, which is 200 tickets per person. You could buy a new outfit every day, or cash it in for 5-10 robux, which was unfair for membership payers. People were getting very greedy. It just became more and more of a problem, and roblox knew, so they removed them, with a notice. When they removed them, almost instantly the value of robux and hats went up. Why? Because now it took work or real-world money to get them. Roblox knows that everyone can't get robux, which is why the economy is still in one piece. Back to my gamestop point, gamestop isn't going to give you a free game just because you buy a pair of headphones (unless there's a promo, but that's an entire other discussion) so why should roblox give you currency for logging on and buying a few things, playing a few games? If anything roblox was very generous to be giving daily login bonuses for the time that they did. Cutting this off right here. I could go on all day, but I don't want to bore you, I'm already 2000 characters into this post. I hope you understand. VII.XXIV.MMXVI // TIX COMPLAINERS: [ PostID=195893420 ]
#195971154Friday, August 12, 2016 5:18 AM GMT

I am happy tix are gone. I don't want them back, they inspire noobs to look even more ugly then default. -Pancake Killer
#195971171Friday, August 12, 2016 5:18 AM GMT

#195971219Friday, August 12, 2016 5:19 AM GMT

@Above, learn to type -Pancake Killer
#195971350Friday, August 12, 2016 5:22 AM GMT

@above, learn to read i never said anything about typing,
#195972750Friday, August 12, 2016 5:51 AM GMT

I do see where you are coming from; no one should get anything for free. However people shouldn't be strong armed into buying anything either. Tix worked because it didn't give NBC players everything "on a silver platter". NBC players were what would be considered the homeless. Yet they could save for what they wanted albeit it would take a very long time. But one final thing is that I do detect a bias in your post. You are TBC coming down hard on people who feel they are being treated unfairly, when you yourself haven't been in their shoes. I do agree with you that no one should get anything for free NBC or BC. But I do believe you need to take a few steps back and take a better look from your ivory towers into the slums and see how those beneath your rank feel in their position.
#195972896Friday, August 12, 2016 5:55 AM GMT

You can't spare five bucks for a virtual game? Why not? Oh, because your parents don't want to waste money? Well then maybe they have a point.
#195972940Friday, August 12, 2016 5:56 AM GMT

* the parents, that is.
#195972956Friday, August 12, 2016 5:57 AM GMT

I was unaware of people grinding Tix through alts like that. That would be a valid reason to remove Tix; although something should be done to allow free players to still be able to earn money. Maybe through trading "Limited" hats in the trade system. With those Limited being awarded every event or so. For me personally I pretty much have everything I want but for any new players they are pretty much left in a ditch compared to the start that me our you had.
#195976031Friday, August 12, 2016 7:37 AM GMT

@moocow494 What would be the point of giving NBC limited items during events if they can't even trade since trading is a BC-only feature? Also, LMAD users wouldn't be happy with free limiteds being given to everyone. VII.XXIV.MMXVI // TIX COMPLAINERS: [ PostID=195893420 ]
#195976189Friday, August 12, 2016 7:47 AM GMT

#196050830Saturday, August 13, 2016 5:07 AM GMT

Shall bump this thread shamelessly. VII.XXIV.MMXVI // TIX COMPLAINERS: [ PostID=195893420 ]
#196051164Saturday, August 13, 2016 5:13 AM GMT

I love how 99% of these tix topics are so long
#196054568Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:19 AM GMT

Let's face it, when you say you "don't have the money" you mean "my mom and dad won't buy it for me". If you can't pay for it on your own, you're outta luck. Maybe you have nice parents, or maybe you get some sort of allowance, but if you can't come up with $5 to buy a month's worth of BC one way or another you don't really need it.
#196055531Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:42 AM GMT

I support this.
#196055669Saturday, August 13, 2016 6:45 AM GMT

Tix = no
#196090987Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:35 PM GMT

I kinda agree with this post. This is ok for those who are old enough for a job but kids can't get money to buy robux, and asking their parents to give 5$ for virtual money is absolutely ridiculous. There's not a lot of free stuff to wear, and they are not that good tbh. Maybe its just me or I would see a few people wearing the same hat/clothing when I join a game. ROBUX is only made through transaction, why not make 1 event to get a small amount of robux (8 or 10 RB$ on one event) and it should last short like 1 day.
#196092453Saturday, August 13, 2016 7:56 PM GMT

I would have agreed to this. But you used the word whiners rude. Mods please see this: https://forum.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=195602512
#196126468Sunday, August 14, 2016 3:47 AM GMT

@Anthony Yeah, I used whiners. There are some people who calmly suggest it, but it's rare. I referred to the people who want tickets back as whiners because they just won't stop, and it's annoying. [Shameless bump] VII.XXIV.MMXVI // TIX COMPLAINERS: [ PostID=195893420 ]

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