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#195929009Thursday, August 11, 2016 7:43 PM GMT

══─────────╡Paradise Pizza Official Handbook╞─────────══ ══─────────╡[Introduction]╞─────────══ Hello, We are Paradise Pizza. This is the Official Handbook for Paradise Pizza, and it should be read/over viewed by EVERY Member in the Group. This Handbook will give Information on things such as; rules, what to do, and just giving you a overall better understanding of Paradise Pizza. Our Moto:"Where Every Bite, is a Delight!" [A]: Beginner Guide for Trainees+ [B]: Interviews [C]: Rules [D]: Applications [E]: Alliances and Partnerships [F]: Credits ══─────────╡[Beginner Guide for Trainees+]╞─────────══ |Promotions|: In order to get the Promoted to "Trainee [1]", You need to Pass the Interview. (More INFO about Interviews in Section B) Once You have Passed the Interviews, You will then have Access to Work here at Paradise Pizza. Training Sessions/Times are listed in the 'Paradise Pizza' Description, and will teach You HOW TO Use the Machines. To get a HR/Other Rank, You will have to Participate when Paradise Pizza Hosts Try-Outs for the certain Rank You are looking for or send in an Application to LimitlessCreativity (More on that Topic in Section D). |Rank Ups|: In order to Rank Up, You need to Gain Points, and the Only Way to do that is by Serving Customers. To Gain 1-3 Points a Food Item, You will need to Welcome the Customer saying something alone the lines of this: "Hello, My name is LimitlessCreativity, and Welcome to Paradise Pizza, how may I help You?". Once they say there Order they want, You will then 'Create' the pixelated Foods/Drinks using the Machines in the Kitchen. Once You have done all of that, You then go to the Left of Your Screen, and there is a Little GUI that says "#Plr", Click on that and then Type the Customers' Username. They will then Receive a GUI Message saying "Did you Order a (Food Item), from (Trainee/Player)? and it will say "Yes" "I didn't Order this" or "No", Once they click "Yes", You will then Receive Your Points (Ranges from 1-3 usually). Once You have enough Points listed on the Board GUI (Placed inside the Kitchen/Next to Machines), Contact a High Rank to Rank You Up. |Uniform/Employee Attire| It is REQUIRED to Wear the 'Official Paradise Pizza Uniform/Outfit' to make Our Business/Group look More Professional, and so People know that You are a Trainee [1]+. (ONLY NECESSARY TO WEAR DURING YOUR SHIFT/WHILE ON WORK) Link to Top: http://www.roblox.com/Creamies-Employee-Outfit-TOP-item?id=333767723 Link to Bottom: http://www.roblox.com/Creamies-Employee-Outfit-BOTTOMS-item?id=333770320 ══─────────╡[Interviews]╞─────────══ In order to basically do ANYTHING besides being Served and have the Rank "Customer" in Paradise Pizza, Then you need to Participate in a Interview and Pass to Get Started and Work at Paradise Pizza°. Times for Interviews are listed in the 'Paradise Pizza' Game Description, but can change at ANY given time, so make sure You check every now and then. Holiday Events for Interview Times can change dramatically for a temporary amount of time in till AFTER the Holiday is over and done with. ══─────────╡[Rules]╞─────────══ This is one of the MOST important Topics in this Forum/Handbook. If you do NOT Follow this Rules, Serious Consequences are bound to happen. Rule #1: Do NOT Disrespect an Admin/High Rank, Whatever they say goes, no buts or complaining, they are trying there hardest to give you the BEST Game play possibly, weather that be kicking a troller, keeping Exploiters out, etc, so they least you can do is give them some respect/listen to there roll of order. (If an Admin/HR is Abusing, please Contact the Owner of Paradise Pizza) Rule #2: Do NOT Troll, meaning don't say "I didn't order this" when You really did, or try to cut in line or anything such as this in general, You know if Your trolling or not, its not funny. Rule #3: Do NOT Ask for a Promotion/HR. (If NOT Talked about by a Current HR/Or Points have reached the List on the GUI and need a Rank Up) Rule #4: Do NOT Cut People in Line/Disrespect the Trainee/Worker who is Serving you. Rule #5: No Cursing/Swearing, this is a Friendly Group, not a Rude/Disrespectful Group/Game where you go around just saying curse words. first of, its NOT Funny, NOT respectful, and just SPAMS Chat. Rule #6: Do NOT Spam Chat, this meaning using ALL CAPS in sentences or saying one word per Enter, this ALSO Includes Cursing/Swearing If You do this You WILL be Muted for about a minute, if not more. Rule #7: Be appropriate, meaning wear clothes, act your age and do NOT speak Foul Language. Rule #8: Do NOT Bully People, Bulling is a very serious thing, and it is NOT Funny, not entertaining, so if someone is Bulling you, please PM Me or a HR and They/I will Handle the Situation. (NOTE: These are just the Basic/Simple Rules, anything similar that you KNOW is Wrong.. do NOT do or it will end in severe consequences.) ══─────────╡[Applications]╞─────────══ In order to apply to be a Trainee [1]+, You will need to Pass/Meet the Requirements at a Scheduled Interview. If you are looking for a HR/Dev Rank, Please PM Me, and I will send you an Application to fill out, but if that spot you are looking for is taken by somebody (usually 1-3 people) then you will MOST likely NOT Pass, not meaning You didn't meet the Requirements.. Just, we are full on that Position, so it is pointless sending in that situation. Also, If you do NOT Pass, do not feel discouraged/upset, you will be able to try that position in a Month after, but if you send in EARLIER, then you will either be ignored or blocked. ══─────────╡[Alliances and Partnerships]╞─────────══ In order to be an 'Ally' with Paradise Pizza, You will have to Follow/Meet these Requirement: -Have at-least 1k+ Members -I need to be familiar with You/Your Group -Needs to be similar to a Food/Cafe Group If you meet the Requirements listed above, then I will most likely Accept it, but it may take approximately 2 weeks for it to be Checked Out/Accepted In order to make a Partnership with me is basically the same thing listed above, I just need to know you and you are willing to make a deal with me in someway in order for you to be Partnered with Creamies°. ══─────────╡[Credits]╞─────────══ -Forum made by: LimitlessCreativity -Group made by: LimitlessCreativity -Pizzeria V1 made by: LimitlessCreativity -Interview Center V1 made by: LimitlessCreativity Signed by: LimitlessCreativity Thank you for Reading this, it will help you greatly in the future. *PLEASE MESSAGE A HR IF YOU SEE A PROBLEM/TYPO ON THIS FORUM* LimitlessCreativity

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