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#195969285Friday, August 12, 2016 4:42 AM GMT

If you've ever had an item that you don't want to trade, yet get tons of trade requests for it, you should be allowed to do two things: first, mark it as not for trade, disallowing users to include it in trade requests, and second, require a certain RAP threshold to put it in a trade. First reason, mark it as not for trade. I'll use my legit as an example. Legit business hat is worth 4,000 RAP and to me, since I worked up from a 70 RAP egg for it, I keep it for sentimental value and because I personally like the look of it. However, the only trade requests I get are for legit and are always terrible. Marking this item as 'not for trade' will 1) discourage users from annoying me with the trades, and 2) players might ask for some of my smaller limited items instead causing me to get the trades I want. Second reason, the rap threshold. This, first of all, will definitely discourage bruteforcing and sending trash trades for high items, scamming users, and other things that often times cause poisoned items to be circulated, and second, the rap threshold will make sure that items with higher value (such as dominus and high value items) will make sure that the owners of the items aren't getting jipped off of value and won't have to constantly say "x = y value" Support this please! Even if you don't trade, I hope you can see my reasoning. Thanks for spending the time to read this, and any problems/loopholes and questions please leave below. VII.XXIV.MMXVI // TIX COMPLAINERS: [ PostID=195893420 ]
#195969379Friday, August 12, 2016 4:43 AM GMT

Although I like to keep my items open for potential offers at all times, I'd think this would be a great feature for those out there who have large items/hoards/rares that they're not willing to trade. Support!
#195979418Friday, August 12, 2016 10:18 AM GMT

Suppport Developer
#195979951Friday, August 12, 2016 10:47 AM GMT

#195979987Friday, August 12, 2016 10:49 AM GMT

Support sp00ked
#195981277Friday, August 12, 2016 11:48 AM GMT

#195981599Friday, August 12, 2016 12:00 PM GMT

Support Diamond Bloxxer.

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