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#196078891Saturday, August 13, 2016 4:49 PM GMT

Location: Axum. Name: Ciano Casiopean On the age of 10, Ciano was taken by a group of people from his planet Axum, and was taken to a free labor camp to slave. During this time Ciano was faced with beatings and abuse from the slave drivers and the other slaves. He was nearly beaten to death, (stoned) after the day. The next he woken and configured a plan to escape, the following three days he made several dents so he could escape. He did and returned to Axum. When he had seen what had happened to the his family, home destroyed and loved ones dead. He set out to Tatooine in search for help. Location: Axum Name: Ciano Casiopean Ciano has found a lead on his first captors, in his own planet Axum, he's hunted them down, tortured them and burned them alive. Location: Tatooine Name: Ciano Casiopean Age: 29 Ciano is now a renowned bounty hunter, and is traveling from planet to planet collecting bounties and looking for his first captors and the ones who destroyed his home and loved ones. Ciano has now taken up the name of Spectre, after killing 4 people while in shadows. "Shadows lurks, and darkness rise. Into the four that died tonight". Spectre's next target was someone within the Consortium, Force Commander Vector. The Force commander subdued the bounty hunter after a heated hunt on the world of Nar Shaddaa. Vector gave Spectre a choice to either Join the Consortium or fall at his hand. Spectre chose to join the Consortium. After joining Vector sent Spectre out to kill those who put a hit out on him firstly. They we're brutally killed with a blunt object odly having a skull imprint in their bodies. They were beaten with eachother's skulls and scorched above fires for periods of time. Then eaten by scourges. This making him a notorious bounty hunter and agent on Vector's behalf.

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