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#196102200Saturday, August 13, 2016 10:07 PM GMT

Hello.... so my name is Vers.... or Verision.... and well.... let's get right into what you came here for... 'about 1,000 something years ago.... there was a pup named Cursion.... at the same time he was born.... the time hit 12:00 pm and a comet streaked more than fifty-Thousand miles above him.... the stars gleamed down at him as the Grass Bristled and swayed in the Midnight Breeze, yet.... the brightest star in the sky which was always visible was not... at this Moment his Father and Mother Both knew something was Wrong.... or something special was about to happen... the next minute later.... the Breeze decided to turn into a hurricane.... the wolfs where forced back into they're dens.... tree's where up-rooted and dirt patches ripped from the ground... yet.... Cursion's Parents forgot one thing.... Cursion himself... the pup was Blown away like a leaf.... squealing with joy.... yet also terror and Loneliness.... he wanted his parents... yet.... The Wolf God did not approve of this.... because he knew that Cursion's Father had Figured it out.... Cursion was a Half god... His father right when he Realized was as shocked as Cursion's mother... they had no idea how Cursion had achieved his Half blood State... the hurricane stopped a few hours after it had started.... they went outside to Discover that they had left Cursion outside.... they instantly where regretting they're Idiot choice... a half year later... Cursion's Parent's Discovered something Strange Carved in the Dirt.... it was Cromulous's head Carved in the dirt.... with a strange marking on his muzzle, his Mother Recognized the Marking and Stared at her Mate in aw.... Cromulous himself didn't even know... he was also a god... they sat in they're den silently for a couple of days.... wondering what was going to happen... yet had they known Cursion was alive.... they would have gone looking for him... infact... Cursion was Training in the ways of the God Wolfs right now.... without even knowing it... he though this was how Regular wolfs where.... his Mentor being the god of Wolfs himself... Cursion was his apprentice for about 4 years.... until they where separated from each other in the midst of a sand storm... Cursion found himself in a Endless hall.... it was mossy.... and over ground... grass Swaying in one way.... in fact the way they where swaying just so happened to be the end of the hall that was Engulfed in light Cursion walked towards the Light.... he was Engulfed in it as soon as his paw started moving, "!!!!" was his only words until he was shot out the other end of the light.... he felt his body Changing.... he Realized he had Wings, infact.... that hall had awoken his Godly Potential... little had he known.... if he had looked back while entering.... he would have saw his worst fear.... but I will save that for... well never :P... anyways, Cursion walked along the Beach he had been Transported to for hours.... until finally arriving at a strange looking Curve in the sand.... he went in.... and found himself in a Distorted Realm... he was standing on some kind of cloud.... 3 broken steps of cloud lay in-front of him he jumped from one to one.... trying to find his way out of the dimension.... he looked up and saw a spire of light... he entered it and was transported back to the world.... except in a different location.... and now.... he keeps Portal jumping.... trying to find his real Family.... little did he know about Curse.... but.... he never looked back.... he never even saw it coming.... he fought.... he still fights.... he will fight.... he will be stuck.... in the dark... alone.... but.... that's where you come in.... if you are able to locate him.... things might change... I'm grinning now... heh... anyway... I'm done... that's it... .... but.... or is it.... :) now go to bed Pup.... you've heard enough...'
#196111541Sunday, August 14, 2016 12:33 AM GMT


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