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#196423042Thursday, August 18, 2016 12:54 AM GMT

TGJO Temple Guard Handbook Those to be candidates for Temple Guard must be mature, and have an obvious understanding of grammar. If Temple Guards are to lack in maturity and or grammar punishments shall follow. Temple Guards are to always wear something that covers their face while on duty. No exceptions are given. Punishments will be given if this is not followed. Temple Guards are permitted the use of a Double-Bladed lightsaber, in which must of the color yellow. Temple Guards are expected to have the abilities to diffuse a rising situation, and the reflexes to deal with someone who becomes violent. Temple Guards must show competence both off and on duty, Temple Guards even off duty represent the Order, treat it with respect. If this is not followed, serious punishments will be given. While on duty, Temple Guards may not speak to anyone else other than their superior, or to the person causing a disruption. Speaking to each other will be allowed for coordination, but do so in whisper. If this is not followed, serious punishments will be given. The line of command shall be as follows (Lowest tier of command to highest.): Initiate – Temple Guard – Sergeant – Captain – Commander – Grand Master. Temple Guards will follow this chain strictly. When Emergency Council Powers are in effect, the rest of the High Council and Grandmaster shall be treated at the same tier of Grand Master. When Temple Guards are instructed to escort a suspect, and or convict, they will make the most efficient form available. For instance, if there were three Temple Guard for one convict, they would make a triangle, four a square, etc. The maximum limit of Temple Guards that can be placed upon one convict is four. More will cause deficiency. Temple Guards are expected to be active. Prolonged inactivity will be allowed as long as a viable reason is given. If a member is inactive and has given no reason to this, then they shall be removed. To be eligible for Temple Guard, candidates must be Knight+, Padawans MAY be accepted, but only if their master permits them. Temple Guard has a limited number of available slots. There may only be one Temple Guard for every ten members of the Order. Temple Guards are expected to fully understand they are not above anyone else. Temple Guards are created to support and serve the Order. Any Temple Guard caught trying to act superior to a member of the Order shall face immediate expulsion. Temple Guards must follow all rules set in place. Any deviation from these rules will result in immediate expulsion.

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