#21202032Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:11 AM GMT

[true but it gets to be annoying cuz i had a new storyline planned]
Top 100 Poster
#21203386Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:28 AM GMT

(xD I noneedtocare!)
#21204093Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:37 AM GMT

?:so sorrow, are you ready for it? ____________________ The daggers of darkness
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#21204465Wednesday, February 17, 2010 2:42 AM GMT

Seth: ...Yes*I say looking behind me at him through the holes in the armor over my eyes*
#21207858Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:38 AM GMT

...i cant think of a single thing after all that.
Top 100 Poster
#21208147Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

(I think eet was funneh xD)
#21222022Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:22 PM GMT

[i dont]
Top 100 Poster
#21239249Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:26 PM GMT

(>.> <.< Just6 ignore the death post xD)
#21244503Wednesday, February 17, 2010 11:40 PM GMT

?:lets see if you really are ready, sorrow. ____________________ The daggers of darkness
Top 100 Poster
#21247376Thursday, February 18, 2010 12:25 AM GMT

Seth: Well you ganna do something?
#21302307Friday, February 19, 2010 1:29 AM GMT

?:Listen sorrow, it has been nearly 15 years since the heroes were grouped together starting with the two children mike and his friend. Then there was alexis zash spotter murluxia and you. You were 7th to appear, so that is when you will be confronted. When everyone who appeared after you, loses or wins, they will go after you. So I warn you, look for the most recent hero still alive and save or kill them.The less people they kill the weaker they will be. ____________________ The daggers of darkness
#21310501Friday, February 19, 2010 3:45 AM GMT

[daggerd, on your status you said celebration. wat did you mean?] Zig: So now what? ????????: THIS WILL HAPPEN! Zag: Is that.... ????????: YES! IT IS! Zig: Are you santa? Everyone around: .... ????????: No...SANTA HAS A BEARD! ROOKIE! Rookie: Yes boss? Boss: We need to teach these freaks a lesson see? Rookie: Yes those annoying beasts. Inky: That Rookie looks like... Zig: JJ?! Zag: Yeah! For once you are smart! Rookie: ....JJ? Who is JJ? Boss: Yes who is JJ? We are JJless. Rookie: Popple...they seem familiar, but i just can't place my foot on it. [Many Mario references right there. Just i hope that i wont get in trouble] Popple: The shadow lurker and his rookie don't care about familiar faces. We are face...forgiveless. We will never face faces that we face! Aweless: This guy is more annoying than me! [The rookie looks like JJ except he has dyed balck hair with red in it, a black jacket, a cape, huge regenerating hammers, and a huge white mask with eye nose and mouth holes on it. He actually looks cool now. And i wish for NO HELP in this battle nor ANY battle with them. They are gonna be my new reappearing Antagoinists] Popple: I DONT CARE WHO IS ANNOYING OR NOT ANNOYING! WE ARE ANNOYCARELESS! OK?! NOW ITS TIME TO MAKE YOU NOT ANNOYING ANYMORE BY RIPPING OFF YOUR BODIES SEE?!
#21312451Friday, February 19, 2010 4:29 AM GMT

(Go look at the first rpg dw and there is something in there to do with it on the first page) Mike:aaaahhhhhhh Tune in mikes head:arr pea gee dee double you, you better watch out or he'll come for you dee double you arr pea gee thats what yetin ess dee said to me Mike:noooooo ~vision~ zash:I told you you can't mess with the crystals Mike:HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW! zash:you've done it before on your old planet, you messed with the crystals and they found you Mike:hmph*walks off* zash:now where are you going? Mike:If I go out and fight them we will be safer, if we let them attack we will be surrounded, zash go find spotter and alexis go with him alexis:you promised you would make sure i'm not hurt, right? Mike:yeah alexis:then I should be going with you Mike:No, i'm the only one who can kill them all with a sacrifice alexis:but you'll... Mike:i'll die alexis:then i'll be the sacrifice*runs out into the street* Mike:no... ~end of vision~ Mike:ugh...huh?, seth...he's near i can feel it ?:seth is here with me Mike:huh, where? ?:hmm looks like you can't see him, which means you are in a dimension in the same place as this one Mike:huh? wait when i see visions I leave my body, so you can see me out of my how'd you do that ?:I'm not the one who did it, you are. ____________________ The daggers of darkness
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#21313176Friday, February 19, 2010 4:48 AM GMT

Seth: I am the seventh...
#21323933Friday, February 19, 2010 3:19 PM GMT

[...not rinigng a bell] Popple: *gets bag of stolen goods* *throws a buncha bombs* Inky: WHO HAS BOMBS N A SACK? Zig: Him apparently. Zag: *hits Popple* Rookie: !! HOW DARE YOU MESS WITH POPPLE! *slashes axe rapidly*
#21329859Friday, February 19, 2010 6:39 PM GMT

Spotter: OMG! What happened?...I went on holiday and everyone just went away........I WONDER IF INKY'S DIED?!!! It would be so cool
Top 100 Poster
#21335292Friday, February 19, 2010 9:00 PM GMT

Seth: I'm the seventh....
#21347208Saturday, February 20, 2010 12:14 AM GMT

[why does he keep saying that?] Popple: Rookie! Calm down! Rookie: *calms down* Popple: Good. Now let me...STEAL THEIR GOODS! *takes their weapons*
Top 100 Poster
#21351309Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:15 AM GMT

(Because he's trying to find something out.) Seth: I'm...Seventh.
#21356181Saturday, February 20, 2010 2:29 AM GMT

[its starting to get more annoying than spotter]
Top 100 Poster
#21356365Saturday, February 20, 2010 2:32 AM GMT

(Seth is trying to find out what Mike ment and he's suck in rewind mode*Gasp*)
#21364782Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:39 AM GMT

[ok....] Popple: Won't be needing those see? Inky: *draws grenades* *throws them* Popple: AAAH! Rookie: GRRR! STOP MESSING WITH THE BOSS! *goes biserk* Popple: Get a grip! Rookie: *calms* Inky: *draws block* *hits it* A shrink ray comes out of it. Popple: !!! A TOOL! ROOKIE! Rookie: *throws hammers at my good guys* My guys get hit with the hammers and Rookie steals the shrink ray*
#21423031Sunday, February 21, 2010 2:45 AM GMT

Mike:does this mean that ?:you are still in your vision but you managed to go to present time, anyway are the 7th hero and thus will be 7th to last to be destroyed.You also were 7th because that is an important number to you.
Top 100 Poster
#21423079Sunday, February 21, 2010 2:46 AM GMT

Seth: I wont let you destroy her...
#21428520Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:21 AM GMT

[im the only one whos not in an epic part of a story im just fighting pests] Rookie: I got it boss! Popple: You are amazing! Inky: Do you think we were born yesterday? I got a replacement. *pulls it out* They get in a shrink war. Popple: Rookie! Don't lose! Rookie: I wont! *throws hammers at Inky* Inky: *shrinks hammers* Rookie: *fires shrink ray at Inky* Dak: NO! *dives to absorb the beam* MAMA MIA! *is tiny* Inky: Dak? DAK! Dak: I CANT RUN FROM THE GIANT FOOT! Aweless: He's smaller than a grain of sand! Trish: He's not looking so good. Rookie: *smashes Dak* HEHEHE! Inky: *eyes bulge* NO! DAK! YOUR NOT MY FRIEND JJ! YOUR A BULLY! *shreds up Rookie* Rookie: OW MAKE IT STOP! HES KILLING ME! Popple: *gets out hypno watch* *hypnotizes Inky* Inky: *becomes hypnotized* Popple: You will get off of Rookie, see? Inky: *gets off* Popple: You will betray your friends see? Inky: *takes watch* Popple: AH! You aren't hypnotized! Inky: Read the back. Popple: Only good for one command? CRAP! Inky: *jumps on Rookie* Rookie: BWO BWO BWO! THE PAIN! Inky: *throws Rookie into the air by the arm* Rookie: AH! Aweless: He knows how to hold a grudge.... Popple: *tackles Inky* NO ONE MESSES WITH MY ROOKIE!