#197298671Monday, August 29, 2016 12:36 PM GMT

3) Here's your backstory, by the way: REJECTED. You've seen that so many times. It's always on your job applications. Nobody wants to work with you because you're so mean (note that a 1 in any category means a serious deficit there). You are an efficient worker, but since nobody's accepting you, you feel left out. You graduated from college with a masters in psychology, because you wanted to understand people. Your only job ever was as an illusionist at halftime during gravball matches, which you lost because you got into a fight with your boss. You still keep your illusionist gear, and occasionally produce things to amuse yourself, but the one thing you can't produce is a job. Soon, you could get in trouble with the government. But now, you can get past all that. Work with the Alpharions! You've always been strong and fast, and you could easily impress them. Still, the Shinobi are an interesting prospect... what if you could join them?
#197310931Monday, August 29, 2016 7:00 PM GMT

( I'm joining the Shinobi )
#197311196Monday, August 29, 2016 7:06 PM GMT

( I accept the back story, just one change. Instead of being mean, I'm more of an anti-social person that never liked to talk, thus I couldn't get a job because of the lack of talking at the interviews. )
#197311429Monday, August 29, 2016 7:13 PM GMT

Firstly, cool, thanks for accepting my work :D Secondly, we'll get you picked up soon too. In fact, I'm thinking it might be the "training mission" for North. :3
#197363310Tuesday, August 30, 2016 2:14 PM GMT

(Ehm North this is your cue)
#197389999Tuesday, August 30, 2016 10:08 PM GMT

(Sorry, roblox was down) "I'm over here." I said, putting the computer monitor back in its place.
#197450385Wednesday, August 31, 2016 7:55 PM GMT

(It's cool thanks for comin back :3) From the smoke around you, the Shinobi appear. "Nice job stalling the Alpharions, Connor," their leader says. "Now come on. We don't have time to waste. There's another retrieval alarm and we have to get there." You don't have time to wonder how he knows your name, because they're disappearing back into the smoke. You follow their silhouettes through the remnants of the smoke screen until you emerge into a hallway of the housing tower. Blast doors have all sealed to conserve oxygen and stop the (fake) fire from spreading. The Shinobi immediately dial up their blades until they begin to glow slightly, then plunge them into the door. The heated metal easily melts through the cheap plastic, making you wonder how effective these doors are at stopping flames. That's what you should have expected when you signed up for this cheap apartment unit. Most of the others required labor, and this one was close to the major spaceways, so you took it. The leader takes out a gas mask from a pouch on his armor and unhooks one of his two oxygen tanks. "Our ship cut a hole further down the hallway," he explains. "Just hold the tank and breathe through the mask." You slip on the gas mask and watch the Shinobi slashing down the hallway, until they suddenly stop. One holds up 3 fingers, then 2-he's counting down. They must be about to cut the last hatch open. When the first heated sword penetrates, the oxygen of the room is sucked out into the void. You're fine because of your gas mask, but you feel the air tugging at you. Forcing your feet down, you struggle not to be ripped away by the gust, but the leader grabs hold of your arm and starts guiding you. The Shinobi must all have magnetic boots, because they don't seem to be struggling with the vacuum. As gravity leaves the room (the gravity stabilizers can't keep up with the breach), you begin to feel a bit lighter. You don't want to goof around, but you would try jumping if you could. The Shinobi power on their jetpacks and soar out towards a large, circular hole in the wall. A matte-black shuttle hovers outside, thrusters occasionally firing to keep it in the air. You don't have to struggle to hold on because of the gravity, and so the leader takes you towards the shuttle. A door opens in the shuttle, and everyone enters. After the hatch seals, an airlock pressurizes the room, and a door swings open, revealing a rack of weapons and armor. "Welcome to the Solarion Shinobi," the leader says. "Now, we've got another recruit to rescue."
#197459157Wednesday, August 31, 2016 9:56 PM GMT

"Alright...So, what do I do? Also, how did you know my name earlier?"
#197553441Friday, September 02, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

"We've got people back at base who are good with hacking. Soon as you clicked the link, we traced the signal to your apartment, and found it was owned by one Connor Henderson of 26 years old. We thought you looked fit for the job, especially as you actually bothered to decode the message, since most people dismiss it as spam. You're not very strong, but that doesn't matter. You're smart and agile, and that's what we need. You can gain muscles, but only naturals are able to move on their feet. You're the perfect fit," the leader says. "Now we've got another recruit to rescue. Just after we picked you up, we got a message that we're due to retrieve another newbie, by the name of Trenton Shiki. He's strong and fast, but not the most talkative. He's a few districts over. Nightshade, fly to the drop point!" The last is directed through the door to the weapons room. A door in the back of it opens, and a Solarion Shinobi with a less-armored outfit pops their head through. "Gotcha, Red Spider," she says (because her voice is definitely feminine, despite the filter), and vanishes back into what you assume is the cockpit. Moments later, the shuttle lurches and sets off in a different direction. "Why the weird names?" you ask. "Oh. We have to be careful that no government bugs pick up real information. That's why we have voice filters on and use code names. We'll introduce you to the gang later, but first we've got another rescue mission. The Alphas are on our tail." These words prove prophetic, as you hear the sound of an Alpharion siren, a pulsing shriek that gets higher and louder as the Alpharions travel. "We'll be at the apartment in a few minutes. You're coming with us, but we don't have a suit to give you, so take this"-he tosses you a black mask which you pull over your head-"and be ready. Since we have a bit more time, you can go in the weapons room and grab two oxygen tanks and a holder, so you don't have to hold the canisters." He takes your oxygen canister, twists a screw, and removes it from your pipe. Sticking it back into his holder, he beckons to a rack of oxygen gear in the adjacent room. You pick out two cans and stick them in a holder, then sling it over your shoulder. Attaching the two pipes into your gas mask, you nod. "Well, that's settled. Any other questions?" Red Spider asks.
#197556334Friday, September 02, 2016 3:24 AM GMT

Hm I think I'll go ahead and mark this to critique later You show legitimate promise, newbie
#197574779Friday, September 02, 2016 12:24 PM GMT

*coughs* *mutters "well i'm not rlly a newbie but whatever I got complimented best accept it with grace"* Ehm... thanks :3
#197676733Saturday, September 03, 2016 3:32 PM GMT

"Nope." I respond.
#197699327Saturday, September 03, 2016 8:02 PM GMT

"Well, we're arriving there now. Stay behind us and stay safe," Red Spider says. There is a jolt as the shuttle stops, and then the door opens confront a wall. One of the Shinobi, with a red square on the right shoulder of his armor, opens up a special hip pack and takes out five black cubes, each with a green light blinking on the front. Peeling off the patches on the backs of the cubes, the Shinobi slaps them on, and taps a button on the front of each one three times rapidly. The green lights stop blinking and start shining normally. "Charges deployed, Red Spider," the ninja says. "Blastrider, strike in fifteen. Nightshade, back up!" Red Spider calls, and the door shuts. There is another jolt, and the shuttle starts whisking backwards. The Shinobi who you now know to be Blastrider takes out a rod rather like a joystick, and positions his thumb over a big red button at the top. "Fifteen...fourteen..." APARTMENT 62-N15, RESIDENCE OF TRENTON SHIKI. 30 FEET AWAY FROM THE SHINOBI. 10 MINUTES AFTER ANSWERING THE SHINOBI EMAIL. Enter Trenton's view. You're in trouble. The Alpharions are here, and they don't look happy. "Citizen," one says. "You've translated a Shinobi message on your computer." You think for a second, then decide to keep your mouth shut. The leader pauses for a moment and tilts his head. He must be getting a transmission."They're coming to pick you up, are they? We'll bait them. Get against the wall." An Alpharion shoves you up against the wall, and before you can object, holds a gun up to your head. Shuddering, you stay there, and he retreats to join his colleagues. The Alpharions line up next to the door, guns aimed at it, waiting for the first Shinobi to poke their head through. You should try to do something to alert the Shinobi. But if you do anything suspicious, you could get shot. What do you do? (This is your cue! WELCOME TO THE RP! Also, from now on, I will tell the story in third person.)
#197736671Sunday, September 04, 2016 3:31 AM GMT

I stay on the wall, trusting that the shinobi's skills will be enough to evade the Alpharion's trap.
#197742342Sunday, September 04, 2016 4:57 AM GMT

The Alpharions tense, cocking their guns. They must be some sort of dart prototype. Otherwise, how would they be allowed to shoot them off in a building? Trenton hopes that the Shinobi will be fine. Surely they'll sense that something's up? Some people say they use black magic to flit between shadows, melting in and out of sight like illusions. There is no sound. It's eerily peaceful, but Trenton realizes this is the calm before the storm. The atmosphere seems to be thick enough to cut with a knife. And then suddenly there is a loud BEEP! as Trenton's computer receives a message. But one of the soldiers, trigger-happy, shoots off his gun. With a PHUT! a dart soars through the air, burying itself in the computer monitor. "Are you cracked in the head?" one of his comrades demands. "Now the Shinobi know-oh wait crap-" Before anyone can make a move, there is a bang and a flash of light. Trenton stumbles around, rubbing his eyes. The Shinobi must have some neat trick, because they flip and dodge through the ranks of the blinded Alpharions, sending heads flying. It's a massacre. Rubbing his eyes, Trenton hears the dart guns shooting again, with a phut-phut-phut that no other weapon makes, but there's no sound from the Shinobi. They are an epic killing force. Suddenly, a hand falls on Trenton's shoulder. He looks up into the mask of a Shinobi, who wastes no time in gesturing to him to follow. The two snake their way through the area and emerge into Trenton's hallway. Once again, the blast doors have sealed the area. Waiting in the hallway is a mysterious man who is wearing civilian clothes, but also an air mask and oxygen tanks like the Shinobi. Then the Shinobi guiding Trenton gives him an oxygen mask, which he puts on, and an oxygen tank. "Hurry. There's no air further down the hallway," the Shinobi says. "My job is to get you both out of here as quickly as possible and back to the shuttle." Then, plunging his sword into the blast door, the Shinobi begins to cut the door open. "Hey. I'm Connor," the mystery man says. "I got recruited and the Alpharions almost got me, but the Shinobi were there to save me. We just cruised over here." "Oh hi. I'm Trenton," Trenton replies. "'Sup? Nice to see someone who isn't a Shinobi or Alpharion." "Well, we are technically Shinobi now..." "Yeah, but we haven't been trained. They have jetpacks and stuff. That guy cutting the doors is Red Spider, the leader of this raid. He's really cool." Just then, Red Spider gives out a call. "Time to move!" The other Shinobi emerge from Trenton's apartment, and gather around the last door. The recruits step forward. One Shinobi takes Connor's hand, and another takes Trenton's. "Get ready," Connor says. "When they breach this, the gravity all stops working." Trenton nods, and then struggles to stay on his feet as the door is cut open and the air buffets past him. Connor has similar trouble. The Shinobi lift off into the air and soar with their jetpacks into the bay of the shuttle. Connor loves the feeling of flight, while Trenton watches with a mix of awe and fear as the Shinobi holding him zips upwards. Once everyone is inside, the shuttle door closes and the compartment is depressurized. Nightshade's voice comes from over the intercom. "Everyone, we have some Alpharions on our tail. All warriors get to your posts. Recruits, strap in tight and get ready for a ride to remember." With that, the two newbies notice a couple of chairs to the side in the bay, with thick metal bars that can be used to strap the occupant in. They sit down, and watch as the Shinobi filter out. "What next?" Connor asks. "I have no idea," Trenton replies. And with that, the shuttle lurches forward. (If you two want to add on here, you can, but if nobody responds I will continue onwards. I hope you're all enjoying this! It's 1 AM right now so I'm gonna get some sleep. Cya!)
#197800212Sunday, September 04, 2016 8:36 PM GMT

The shuttle soars upwards, pressing our heroes into their seats. "We've got Alpharions on our tail!" Nightshade calls. "Executing evasive maneuvers!" The shuttle dives, then rockets back up. Swaying from side to side, it soars through the air. But there is a loud CLANK from outside that can't mean anything good. Suddenly, a Shinobi rushes into the room. The door to the outside swings open, and he jumps out. "What the heck?" Connor asks. "Look!" Trenton says, pointing at the edge of the platform. The Shinobi is boosting alongside the shuttle with his thrusters, reaching for something on the side of the craft. He seems to struggle for a second, and then lifts off, a black ball with a drill on its bottom in his hand. "That must have been some sort of Alpharion weapon!" Connor says. Dropping the drill-bot, the Shinobi zips back into the compartment, landing and pressing a button to shut the door and aerate the compartment. "Well, crisis averted," Trenton says, but then Nightshade's voice comes over the loudspeaker. "We're being closed in! Everyone strap in, we're going to use the nitroglycerin!" Shinobi come into the room and sit down, hurriedly pulling the metal bars into place. Suddenly, there's a WHOOSH and the entire shuttle jumps forward. The world blurs as the sound of the engines grows louder. "Dropping-smoke-bombs-" Nightshade's voice comes over the speaker. Apparently it's not easy for anyone to get used to this. Finally, the shuttle slows down to normal pace. "We've lost them!" Nightshade announces triumphantly. The Shinobi get out of their seats. "Well," Red Spider says. "Nice work Nightshade. Start heading for base. Do either of you two"-he points at the recruits-"have any questions?"
#197807603Sunday, September 04, 2016 10:00 PM GMT

"What was that drill thing on the ship?" Connor asked.
#197861413Monday, September 05, 2016 2:14 PM GMT

"That was a sabotage bot used by the Alpharions," Red Spider explains. "They love throwing those things at us. Normally, we'd have been pelted by a hail of them, but Nightshade here is one of our expert pilots. We send some of our best fighters to rescue recruits, because the Alpharions normally chase our recruits. If someone is caught, they have to be able to resist interrogation. Nightshade's got forty-seven flawless missions under her belt. In fact, everyone here is above the forty line. As a result, we escaped with barely a scratch. However, if that sabotage bot had managed to drill into our hull, it would then have released an electric shock that would stun our systems. Combined with the hull puncture, we would have been sent out of control, which is why you should thank Bluewing"-he points at the Shinobi who dove out of the hatch, who gives a quick nod-"for getting that thing off of us. Now, we're starting to pull into our area." "Sir," Trenton says nervously, "I've always wondered...where is your base? With the Alpharions looking for you, how have you kept it secret?" "Oh, you'll be surprised," Blastrider says. "We keep our assets safe by staying... on Phobos!" "Phobos? One of Mars' moons?" Connor gasps. "I thought there were mining operations there!" "All owned by the Solarion Shinobi," Red Spider announces. "That's how we make our money, you know. Also, there are factories and foundries there which make fine goods for Polinea, but nobody bats an eye if some of it goes missing to make another shuttle or a new set of gear," Red Spider responds. "In fact, now that we're away from the Alpharions and safely in orbit, we can show you. Nightshade, pull up the blinds!" "On it!" Nightshade's voice comes over the speaker. There is a mechanical hum and the wall opposite the bay door slides back to reveal a thick sheet of Plexiglass. Through the Plexiglass, the view is of outer space, and the moon Phobos, growing larger by the minute. "It looks perfectly routine. We're just another ship reporting to fetch a shipment of oxygen generators, and definitely not some group of ninjas who want to overthrow the government," Blastrider jokes. "Any more questions?" Red Spider asks.
#197865162Monday, September 05, 2016 3:12 PM GMT

#197866208Monday, September 05, 2016 3:26 PM GMT

Character name: Red Itzagotzi Age: 16 Gender: Male Backstory: Was a British Soldier before going to Mars and was the British to go to Mars Intelligence:2 Strength:2 Agility:2 Charisma:2
#197873335Monday, September 05, 2016 4:51 PM GMT

" I have one, are there certain ranks for shinobi? " " Example: Elite, Trainee ect? "
#197894010Monday, September 05, 2016 8:04 PM GMT

Firstly, let me address Noman's join request. You can join! However, I should make some lore for how Earth got ruined from climate change... :/ *thinks* Here's a timeline! 2020: Flooding begins to occur across the world. Many small islands are swamped. Australia gets smaller. Polar ice caps continue to melt. 2025: Republicans acknowledge global warming, but at this point, it is practically too late. The waters have engulfed coastal and island cities, including New York City, Venice, Miami, and any other city near a body of water. 2027: Freak storms pick up in frequency, and with the rising sea levels, hurricanes become very common. Major cities are ripped to shreds by the elements. January 2029: Japan's scientists deduce it is too late to fix the damage that has been done to the Earth. They create the Earth Egress Treaty of 2029, stating that they will do their best to found a reliable space program to take as many people to Mars as possible before time runs out. February 2029: America also signs the Earth Egress Treaty. April-December 2029: Russia, Germany, England, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, China, and India all sign the treaty as well. Work begins on creating space ships to reach Mars. 2031:The first space ship launches, carrying 32 people and enough gear to enable their survival on Mars. 2032: Five more space ships are launched. However, by this point, civilizations across the globe are beginning to collapse. It becomes a race against anarchy. Chaos spreads as a growing tide. No longer is admission free, but the richest people buy their way on. 2033: Thirteen space ships are launched. Airlines and highways are shut down in favor of boats. Japan, where the space launches are occurring, begins to be flooded. 2035: Approximately 0.1% of Earth's population has successfully been sent to Mars. By now, Japan has been flooded and no more people can escape the planet. 2037: On Mars, there is a settlement called Sartak, where the citizens live without gravity. However, this is decided as not being enough to enable survival, so work on the metropolis of Polinea is commenced. The thirty-two people who first arrived on the planet are seen as leaders, and they create a government in which they are all-powerful, capitalizing on the peoples' fear. 2047: Polinea is now a thriving mecca of life, with a population of 10.2 million. A space program to retrieve the masses left on Earth begins, but is slowed to a halt by government legislation. If enough people come, the dictators could be overthrown, so they work to ensure they have control. 2051: The Alpharion Secret Police, or ASP, is founded. The people are told that the Alpharions are protectors and that there are dangerous criminals trying to overthrow the government. 2056: From seemingly nowhere, the Solarion Shinobi come into existence. They begin to disrupt the government's control, and are ostracized as criminals and rebels. And so we reach today's point, where our heroes must strive against the implacable government of Polinea...
#197894546Monday, September 05, 2016 8:09 PM GMT

Second, choose your side, Noman! You're eligible for both the Alpharions and the Solarion Shinobi, so make your pick.
#197897418Monday, September 05, 2016 8:40 PM GMT

And now, to continue our RP... "Yes," says Red Spider. "First, we've got Prospects. These are people who we've been keeping an eye on in the system, who stand out from the rest of Polinea. However, we haven't sent them a recruitment email yet. Next, there are Potentials. You both are Potentials. We've recruited you, you're with us, but we aren't sure of your value yet. After Potentials, there are Rookies. Rookies are people who know the basic tricks to using their tools: armor, sword, thrusters, and so forth. At this point, we ###### your talents, and we assign you a field. We've got Novas. Good with bombs, blasts, things that go bang. Blastrider's a Nova. Next, we've got Shurika. Ranged warriors. These are the ones who we trust with long-range gear, like dart rifles and disc shooters. We don't bring them on recruitment missions, because they don't work with messy spots. They're more our selections for assasinations. Third, there are Shadows. They hack into government files. They find out who's good for recruitment, where an influential government figure will be, the Alpharions' movements, and so forth. They normally stay at base. Our fourth designation is Akumai, for those who are stealthy. They wield shorter swords and are adept at hand-to-hand fighting and killing with grace and speed. Bluewing's one of them. And finally, there are Dokugani, the up-front warriors. They do lots of slashing and bashing. I'm one of them. At this point, you start receiving specialized training in that area until you're a master of those skills. Then, you join the Elite rank. Extra privileges at base, and you get selected for missions more, but you have to have at least 10 successful missions under your belt. At this point, we select our pilots. Each one has to be good, because they carry the lives of the rest of the Shinobi in their group with them. They recieve extra training in swordsmanship in case we're boarded. Finally, you reach the Burakku Doragu level. You have to have 40 or more missions done successfully. Everyone here is a Burakku Doragu fighter. They are trusted with the riskiest missions and most dangerous situations. At that point, you receive extra training from the best we have in each field, but eventually you've learned all you can and are given the rank of Solario. There are very few Solario, but each one is deadly and extremely skilled. Now, we're getting to Phobos." While Red Spider was talking, the shuttle has joined a column of space traffic headed to Phobos. Nightshade steers into the fast lane, and the shuttle begins to sink through Phobos's atmosphere. The ship approaches a large steel building labeled in dusty lettering "SPARKLING STEEL IRON FOUNDRY." "This is your base?" Connor asks. "Well, we aren't on the surface," Red Spider replies. "You'll see." The shuttle enters a hangar, thrusters firing slowly to lower it down to the ground. The door seals behind the craft, and an announcement comes over the loudspeaker. "We've landed. I'm verifying our identity now...Got it!" With these words, the entire shuttle seems to shudder. Peering out the window, the two recruits see they are descending into the ground through a metal chute. The descent lasts a few minutes, before the parking space stops. The shuttle slowly glides out of the bay into a parking lot filled with shuttles of identical color. "Welcome to our HQ," Red Spider says.
#197899097Monday, September 05, 2016 8:59 PM GMT

"Neat." Connor said. "So, what do we do?"