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#197084816Friday, August 26, 2016 11:41 PM GMT

Here are the rules for Clock Fashion made by Mei, or Sun. :3 1. Manager + can :mod player 2. Offical Executive+ can :banplayer 3. Elite Executive Directors+ :bighead player 4. Only Vice+ can : b l a c k i f y p l a y e r s 5. Show host+ can : b l i n d p l a y e r s 6. Mod+ can :bring player 7. ONLY vice+ can :btools player 8. Show host+ can :clone player 9. Developer+ can :confuse player 10. Show host+ can do :H COUNTDOWN NOT :countdown, ONLY :H COUNDOWN (number) 11. Vice+ can :crash player 12. NO :creeper player 13. NO :damage player number 14. NO :disable player 15. NO :disco, unless it's a partyyyyyyyy :3 16. Offical Executive+ can :dog players 17. NO :explode player 18. Show host+ can :F3X player 19. Show host+ can :ff player or random 20. NO :flash CAN CAUSE SEIZURES I'M SERIOUS 21. Board of Directors+ can :fing player 22. NO :freaky (number) (number) (number) 23. Offical Executive+ can :freeze players 24. DO NOT :give player string 25. NO :glitch player or :glitch2 player 26. Show host+ can :god 27. NO :goldify 28. NO :grav 29. DO NOT :health player number 30. NO :infect player 31. Vice+ can :jail 32. NO :kick player string 33. DON'T :loopfling player 34. NO :loopkill player 35. NO :mstring 36. NO :minihead player 37. Vice+ can :mod player 38. NO :muteplayer unless they are bothering you 39. NO :name player STRING, you can :name player but not :name player string. 40. NO :nograv 41. DO NOT USE :nuke player 42. NO :pause 43. NO :pban 44. NO :ping 45. Executive+ can :pitch (number) 46. NO :play 47. Elite Executive Director+ can :punish player 48. Show host+ can :rank player number, for themed shows 49. NO REMOVING BODY PARTS 50. Offical Executive+ can :respawn 51. Vice+ can :rocket player 52. NO :seizure player 53. Show host+ can :serverlock and :unserverlock for elminations. 54. NO :setgrav 55. NO :shinyplayer 56. NO :shutdown (number) 57. NO :skydive player 58. NO :slim player 59. Vice+ can :superadmin 60. NO :sword player 61. NO :swagify player 62. Vice+ can :temp ____ 63. Offical Executive+ can :toolban player 64. NO :trip player 1. Respect HR's (Offical Executive+) 2. Be nice 3. You have 3 warnings 4. You must be a show host+ to help interview, Offical Executives+ can host interviews 5. You must follow these rules, and command rules. 6. If you get over 3 warnings you will recieve a suspension. 7. If you get a suspension and continue you will be kicked and or banned from the game. :/ These are all the rules ~ Created by Sunthekiller - Vice President

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