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#197162051Saturday, August 27, 2016 9:23 PM GMT

Lore of an upcoming RP game, Devastation. [LORE] 476 AD: [March] - After King Odoacer ended Augustulus's reign, the Roman Empire was collapsed into anarchy. The Population quickly spread to other Kingdoms as their empire was destroyed around them. [May] - Supporters of the Roman Empire still lived on, spreading down stories of it through their bloodline. 1776: [June] - Supporters of the Roman Empire still lived on through the hundreds of years that passed by. Under the cover of the Revolutionary War, supporters tried to rebuild the empire but quickly failed to do so because of the the fact that prices and tax were high during the war. [August] - The Roman supporters join and supported Britain during the war, seeing that they could take weaponry and funds from the British. 1783: [September] - After the British lost against the recently formed United States, Roman Supporters went back into hiding. 2010: [Feburary] - Testing of several nuclear warheads are sabotaged and release a highly toxic gas that quickly spreads across the US, then shortly to other countries. It is soon discovered that the chemical destroys the the body and mutates the host into a human-sized spider. [April] - During this "apocalypse," after almost 2,000 years of waiting, The Roman Empire finally rises to it's former power. Supporters join together to create new technology and recruit more into the Empire. A leader is chosen and the name is changed to "The Roman Order." 2014: [June] - By the time it has been 4 years from the start of the apocalypse, the Roman Order has 4.7 million soldiers fighting for it. There is an order to fire upon anyone who is not a part of the Order. [October] - A union of civilians rise up to battle against The Roman Order, for they claim to free North America from the corrupt Order. [November] - The war rages on between the Romans and the Rebels, while the mutated spiders still lurk around. [FACTIONS] - The Roman Order: The Roman Order formed from supporters of the very old, Roman Empire. - Rebels of the Order: The Rebels of the Order are civilians who riot and fight against the Order with their purpose to "free North America from the corrupt Order."

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