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#197201662Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:28 AM GMT

I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed within (about) the last year, ROBLOX has gone from like one minute long cool downs, to thirty minute long cool downs, to straight up ONE HOUR LONG cool downs. There's those times where you're having a friendly debate and some scrub breaks in with a "OGM I JUST WAN 100000000000000000000 ROBUX HERE: [ Content Deleted ]". Or maybe you've seen those pesky people who just like to try to ruin everyone's day by leaving something mean and nasty. I, of course, speak of game and library comments. This seems like a lazy solution to a much larger problem. There are many issues with ROBLOX's comment system (whatever the cool down may be) including: > Spamming > Scamming > Bullying I advise ROBLOX to add the ability for developers to filter their own comments. Some ideas include: >Being able to SET COOL DOWN TIMES from anywhere from thirty seconds to one hour. >>> This assures anyone can comment at whatever speed the developer wants. If the developer is trying to troubleshoot with his community, he should be able to set the cool down very low so that he can get fast responses. > Having the ability to BLACKLIST USERS FROM THE COMMENTS. >>> Roblox's moderators should be auto-whitelisted of course. >>> This enables developers to STOP the vulgar people from sparking flames, stop the spammers, and possibly at least stop SOME scammers. This goes directly into my next idea: > Having the ability to DELETE COMMENTS. >>> As said before, there are spammers out there. There are scammers, as well. There are also the trolls who love to fan flames. They shouldn't be allowed to spread their darkness, and we can stop them. Being able to delete comments from games allows for better control over what's being said. This can, of course, be abused though. >>> A countermeasure (now this may be the deal breaker... ROBLOX will have to MODERATE. :O) is that anyone who feels as if they've been wrongfully deleted can appeal to ROBLOX and/or the developer. I'm just tossing around ideas here, seeing what sticks. I believe all three things could be very useful with ROBLOX places. It could also help stop some of the dirt that is flung around ROBLOX all the time. Thoughts? Comments? Post 'em below. Veni, Vidi, Reversus
#197201768Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:31 AM GMT

Support, although your outfit is the definition of ODer, It's a good suggestion. [Insert siggy here]
#197201803Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:32 AM GMT

ODer status is not defined by outfit. "im too lazy to read a wall-if-china text wall" -thegamingcinema
#197201856Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:33 AM GMT

@Sir, I didn't say she/he was an ODer, the outfit in my opinion is ODerish. Again, never acused him/her of ODing. [Insert siggy here]
#197201914Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:34 AM GMT

See this kind of back and forth wouldn't be virtually possible on a game or library page. You'd have to wait an hour. We gotta fix that. Veni, Vidi, Reversus
#197202080Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:38 AM GMT

I support. Being on ROBLOX for like 8 years has made it obvious how they've changed recently. I'd definitely agree that this needs to be changed. --{ You can't do anything trapped in a pickle. Trust me, I've tried. }--
#197202098Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:39 AM GMT

Wait, there's ONE HOUR LONG cooldowns? That's incredibly stupid. Support. "im too lazy to read a wall-if-china text wall" -thegamingcinema
#197202164Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:41 AM GMT

@Sir Yeah if you comment on a game or a model/decal/whatever and then try again, you're stuck with "You are posting comments too fast. Wait a while before your next comment." for a whole freaking hour on that page. --{ You can't do anything trapped in a pickle. Trust me, I've tried. }--
#197202349Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:46 AM GMT

Honestly I'd love to see this. The comments on games are one of the most quickly dying things in ROBLOX because of the nature of them. --{ You can't do anything trapped in a pickle. Trust me, I've tried. }--
#197202528Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:52 AM GMT

Bump --{ You can't do anything trapped in a pickle. Trust me, I've tried. }--
#197205826Sunday, August 28, 2016 8:41 AM GMT

Support, also how's her putfit oderish? She's just customizing it the way she likes, just because it looks like a human, doesn't mean its meant/looks like the putfit an ODer would wear..?
#197227212Sunday, August 28, 2016 4:20 PM GMT

#197227611Sunday, August 28, 2016 4:25 PM GMT

"Or maybe you've seen those pesky people who just like to try to ruin everyone's day by leaving something mean and nasty." It's called criticism.

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