#198214086Saturday, September 10, 2016 11:33 PM GMT

(Wow. I didn't even notice that I got censored. That's embarrassing.) +Isabella Giona+ "... why would we, simple citizens, know about some slime girl?" She probed him for a response. Seeing as slime-girl was on the loose, maybe he was looking to contain her.
#198214120Saturday, September 10, 2016 11:34 PM GMT

Darren Britzon, Mr.Memory "What did you say? I can't hear you..!" Darren shouted as he completed pressing on the X button, on his controllers attached to the Laptop. "Daa-r-r.. S-..d th- p-ly to uuuuuuuu...uu" Replied the voice in the headphones, on Darren's ears. "I need to change those headphones, they've gone too ol' now." Thought Darren. "Guys if you're listening this, I need to close for an hour or two. 'Will be back for the 2AM Event, K bye." Replied Darren, then he put off his headphones on the table in front of him, stood up and pressed on 'Hibernate' button in the Laptop. Darren went to his wardrobe, wore the black t-shirt and the brown jacket over it. Then he chose the brown jeans to wear, and finally took his wallet after checking the existence of money in it. Darren locked his house, then went across the streets until he reached the Entertainment Center.
#198215048Saturday, September 10, 2016 11:48 PM GMT

{Henry} He peered at the girl with a flat face, "Because I saw you." Henry replied to her, shifting his eyes to the other two. "I saw all of you there, don't lie to me." He said. If they knew what happened to her, it could be much worse for the fate of.. Everyone.
#198215630Saturday, September 10, 2016 11:57 PM GMT

+Isabella Giona+ "Mm. I need a better disguise." Bella said idly, more to herself than to the newcomer. "We'll help you," she decided, "but I think we're going to have to move somewhere more secure to continue talking about this topic." Her eyes darted back and forth as if she was searching for a spy overhearing their conversation at that very moment. She also needed somebody to carry everything, but she didn't mention that part. "Any of you know a private place to talk near here?"
#198216672Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:14 AM GMT

Darren Britzon, Mr.Memory Darren got his new electronic headphones from the Entertainment Center, then his stomach announced that it was hungry. Darren thought of buying a sandwich or two from any restaurant near and rest at the park. Darren searched up till he found a fast-food restaurant near the Entertainment Center, he took a menu from the accountant, stared at it for 1 and half seconds then left it again. He sat alone on a chair, revising all the food he saw during the 1.5 seconds. He finally decided to take a cheeseburger and then handled the money to the accountant. He sat again at the same chair, looking at the many faces coming in and out the building, and reminding them all in his memory. Darren got his food and went to sit in the park, he looked around so if someone recognized him but none did, so he just sat by himself and started eating. He himself, recognized 2 sitting around what looks like a party table; he recognized a slime human-shaped girl, whom he saw in the TV for a second or two, and a badass giant villain who was known to be Baron Von Barok.
#198217290Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:23 AM GMT

(slime girl and Baron are in Russia Lance, John, Bella and Henry are at the entertainment center)
#198217425Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:26 AM GMT

"My story?" John paused. "Well, let's just say it was fun hanging out last night." He said WHY AM I STILL GETTING HATE -parsotek
#198217476Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:27 AM GMT

(Void, forgot to read page 20) WHY AM I STILL GETTING HATE -parsotek
#198217540Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:28 AM GMT

(Ugh, it looks like I actually am gonna have to read everything since page 16. Someone tl:dr me.) WHY AM I STILL GETTING HATE -parsotek
#198217636Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:29 AM GMT

(Well, ignore the part of the recognition in my post.)
#198218243Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:38 AM GMT

(hail I don't remember) (basically the main ######## at this point of the RP went to Russia and were told about a break out heist Slime girl is flirting with everyone, compared to a ######## but worse But right now it's just free roam so enjoy it while it lasts)
#198219311Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:57 AM GMT

(I got my main banned because I told some fool on VGC to stop insulting people. Gg moderators.) Hel(filter)me(filter)tical "Hey, ever da(filter)ted a guy? Because with your appearance I am sure you should have." Helmetical said, trying to se(filter)duce her.... I think he's failing though. Especially since the slime girl isn't giving him enough attention.
#198220579Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:15 AM GMT

{+Saige+} She blinked her eyes slowly as she watched the news on her television, the screen flashing images and telling her unbelievable things. An attack? On the Bankenton Manor? She had just woken and apparently so much had gone on. "Who could of done such a thing, and why?" The woman said in a soft spoken Russian accent. Looking away for once second she hurt the three letters she hated most, "MC-V." She slammed her fist on the table as her cereal almost spilled. "How many were hurt because of my country?!" She yelled and got up, leaving the cereal there. "How many could I have helped? I could stop what I hated most!" She yelled again, only to get a stomp from her upstairs neighbor who probably didn't like her yelling so early. A tear made it down her face before she wiped it off. She looked back over at the TV to see a picture of the scoundrels that did this, and she couldn't believe it was so few. A big dude that looked important and a pink thing, but who knew how many more there were? "Nothing I could've done to help.." She whispered to herself before sauntering off to her roof to get dressed for the day ahead.
#198221421Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:26 AM GMT

[-/ Miss \-] Turning around in a little sh(filt)ock to the question her facial expression went from a surprise to a thinking one. "I don't believe I have, as I am the only one of my kind in existence." She said, slightly hinting to a situation of memory loss.
#198221707Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:30 AM GMT

Helmetical "Is your species capable of liking males of other species though? Say.... A human?" If the Commander had no helmet you could see that he was grinning in a rather funny way. It was one of his many attempts to se(filter)duce her. I guess.
#198222094Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:35 AM GMT

Miss started to realize the conversation was getting quite weird, and, well uncomfortable to her. "I wouldn't call myself a species seeing that there is only one of me, that I know of." Miss said, quite unsure. "I know I can make more slime people, but they eventually die out and serve no purpose." She stated.
#198222712Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:43 AM GMT

Helmetical and Baron "Oh.... Sorry if I am bothering you but you're just reall-" Helmetical was about to finish his phrase when Baron smashed his fist on top of Helmetical's head, stopping him from finishing it. "Let her rest a little, will you? She was stuck inside of a metal suit for who knows how long and we still have to remove that shock collar on her neck." The Baron said, sounding rather annoyed.
#198223191Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

{i wanna post something but I'm too tired cuz D&D}
#198223233Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:49 AM GMT

Miss kind of blushed a little, well action wise before she opened her mouth, "You're fine." She told Helmetical before turning back around and sitting down not the rest of the ride on the elevator.
#198223634Sunday, September 11, 2016 1:54 AM GMT

Helmetical "Oh.... I thought she wore it out of fashion sense. BUT FEAR NOT LADY, BEFORE I THE COMMANDER OF THIS FOOL'S ARMY!" He said pointing to the Baron himself. Baron "HEY!" Helmetical "WILL FIND THE PERSON WITH THE CONTROLLER TO THAT COLLAR OF YOURS. NOW LET US GO AND- CRAP, I FORGOT THIS ELEVATOR WAS STILL MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVIIIIIIIING!" He said as he stepped out of the moving elevator and fell out of it, landing face-first on the floor and creating a huge crater on it thanks to his super-human strength.
#198224439Sunday, September 11, 2016 2:04 AM GMT

(Someone please tl:dr me I dont wanna read it all) WHY AM I STILL GETTING HATE -parsotek
#198225612Sunday, September 11, 2016 2:18 AM GMT

Miss chuckled a little, "Humans are.. Interesting.." She said before turning to Baron. "What's up with him, dear?" She asked with a cute little smile.
#198225900Sunday, September 11, 2016 2:22 AM GMT

Baron "He's just an idiot. He's strong though, he literally lift an entire building once just because someone ate his sandwich. I guess you could say he's a bit crazy too because of that." He said, pointing to the downed Commander laying on the crater he created.
#198227275Sunday, September 11, 2016 2:38 AM GMT

"Mhmmmm" Miss replied to his comment before using her acidic touch to burn part of the metal as they descended. This was a long ride, indeed. And then something hit her, "Baron, I seem to be hungry." She told him, taking her finger away from the metal.
#198227359Sunday, September 11, 2016 2:39 AM GMT

(Isaac's leaning more towards the protagonist side, definitely)